I'm Semi-New to TL, but I've really only been a lurker, so this will be my first real post ^__^
So! I'll introduce myself, I'm a high school student (grade 11) in Canada, Calgary and I created this blog to show case one of my more favorite hobbies of mixing drinks to the TL community. Pretty proud of my colorful collection so far... should I be? bah.
I guess I should probably explain a pretty important factor in case people start to think I'm an underage alcoholic. To put bluntly, I like making pretty drinks (or at least what I consider pretty), but I don't like drinking them XD My mom and dad have always been pretty loose about me being around alcohol since they know I don't like it, if anything they tease me and ask if I want a sip of wine or something. Kinda funky, but yeah, my tastes aren't exactly what you would call "mature". Hot Chocolate over coffee, and juice over alcohol. You know when you talk to a teenage girl and you ask them what they're most looking forward to when they turn 18, and a lot of the answers are like clubbing! drinking! driving?! Well, I'm like the black sheep when it comes to that lot and I look forward to the day when I can go into a liqueur store, look at some blue curacao, buy it and go home and make a blue lady, and during this process not have the store manager constantly staring at me or asking me whether or not I'm lost.... >.> (the fact that my face hasn't really physically changed since elementary to now doesn't exactly help me in those situations). But it's awesome that my parents when they come back from let's say Costco, I go help and unload the car, and my dad's like "hey hey... guess what I got you.... APRICOT BRANDY!" and then of course I'd be really happy because by having that, it lets me make at least like 10 more different kinds of drinks. Our liquor cabinet is slowly growing, so my current dream at the moment is to have all the necessary stuff to mix all the Starcraft drinks that are so popularly posted.
I try to mix a new drink whenever I have some free time, then give it to my parents or older brother to drink (which I don't think they mind too much). It's more so the satisfaction of making something so cool and colorful, you get that "wheeeeeee so preeetyyyy" type feeling afterwards, kind of like that feeling when you solve a math question right, that little sliver of self satisfaction. High balls are usually what I make, and the occasional cocktail. I've yet to obtain a shot glass, but when I do, definitely going to make a stim pack shot ;]
Either case, being a lurker, I've read a bunch of posts and can see how my introduction really isn't as comparably interesting so I'll save whoever read it this far. So, these are the drinks that I've made up to date. I hope to regularly update, but seeing as it closing exam season for me I probably won't be able to make another update till after I'm done.
I hope you enjoy! Cheers XD
And if anybody has some cool "recipes" please share or some tips ^_____^
Update (July 11, 2011): Added: Apricot Cooler, Mint Cooler
Hehe, so taking advantage of the summer at the moment with my finally acquired free time.
Another 2 added highballs, perfect for hot summer days I'd say XD.
They're both something you can gulp down, but still has a nice taste to it.
I guess I'm going to be updating relatively regularly now.... Hope this doesn't bother anyone. If it starts to get annoying please message me and I'll stop posting XD
Le New Stuff
Apricot Cooler
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/ApricotCooler.jpg)
Perfect for a sweet cool off
• 1 1/2 oz. Apricot Brandy
• 1/2 oz. Grenadine
• 1/2 oz. Lemon juice
• Sparkling/carbonated water
1. Fill a shaker with ice and pour in everything but the sparkling water
2. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice
3. Top it up with the sparkling water
4. Me Gusta~
Mint Cooler
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/MintCooler.jpg)
A nice minty and fizzy cooler
• 1 1/2 oz. Green Creme de menthe
• 3/4 oz. Gin
• Ginger Ale
1. Fill a shaker with ice and pour in everything but the Ginger ale
2. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice
3. Top it up with the Ginger ale
4. om nom nom~
Le Old Stuff
High Balls
Multiple Screaming Orgasm
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/ScreamingMultipleOrgasm.jpg)
For those who like creamy stuff. Pretty weak high ball
- 1/2 oz. Vodka
-1/2 oz. Kalua
- 1/2 oz. Baily's
-Chocolate Sauce
-Chocolate Milk
-6 oz milk and coffee cream mix (I put 3 oz. coffee cream, then 3oz. 2% milk)
- Whipped Cream
1) get a fairly large glass, I used your basic 12 oz. beer mug, and put chocolate sauce around the sides of the glass, then fill it with ice
2) fill a martini shaker with ice, and then pour in the vodka, baily's kalua, milk and cream mix, and chocolate milk
3) Shake it up nice and good
4) Pour the mixture into the glass, and top it off with some whipped cream, and then squirt some more chocolate sauce onto the whipped cream for some extra awesomeness
Dream of Love
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/DreamofLovefixed.jpg)
For those who like a more Citrusy and Sour taste. Pretty weak ish
- 2 3/4 oz. pineapple juice
- 1 oz. peach flavored liqueur
- 3/4 malibu or other coconut-flavored liqueur
- 2 tsp. blue curacao
- 2 tsp. lemon juice
1) fill a shakes with ice and shake all the listed ingredients together
2) strain into a highball glass over ice
3) om nom nom
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/IMGP3670.jpg)
Very weak high ball. This is my personal favorite because when you layer it, it's realllly pretty ;]
- Orange Juice
- 1 oz.blue curacao
optional (for those who like a little more alcohol in it)
- 1/2 oz. vodka
- 1/2 oz. cointreau
1) fill a highball glass with ice
2) Pour the blue curacao (and vodka and cointreau if you so choose) into the glass
3) fill the rest of the glass with orange juice (around 10 oz. for my cup, you don't want to dilute it too much)
*at this point you should see the picture with all the layers, but don't drink it like that cause all the alcohol will be at the bottom, and all the juice will be at the top soooooo:
4) stir the drink in your cup, or what i do... use a straw, place it at the bottom, and blow bubbles ;]
5) drink should be mixed (so the colors mixed, so it looks green now), and enjoy : D
White Russian
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/WhiteRussian.jpg)
Creamy and pretty weak (at least how i make it...)
- 1 1/2 oz. kalua
- 1/2 oz. vodka
- milk
1) pour the kalua and vodka into a highball glass with ice
2) pour the milk in till the top of the glass (same as chameleon)
3) nom nom nom
Bernies Brain Buster
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/BertiesBrainBusterrevised.jpg)
has that citrus taste, and it's a little sweet cause of the orange juice
- 1 oz. vodka
- 1 oz. blue curacao
- 1 1/2 oz. apricot brandy
- orange juice
1) mix the vodka, blue curacao, and apricot brandy together with ice in a shaker
2) Strain into a highball glass
3) top off with orange juice
4) nomity nom nom
Psychedelic Sunset
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/PsychodelicSunset.jpg)
kinda sour highball
- 1 oz. vodka
- 1 oz. blue curacao
- 1/2 oz. triple sec
- Lemonade for topping up
- 4-5 drops (around 1 tsp.) grenadine
1) mix the vodka, blue curacao, and triple sec together in a highball glass with ice
2) top it off with lemonade
3) then add the grenadine on top
* if you stir it, it MIGHT turn black depending on how much grenadine you put in, it'll still taste the same, but just look ugly DX
4) noooom nom nom
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/IMGP5113_1.jpg)
Sweet High Ball
- 3/4 oz. white rum
- 3/4 oz. grenadine
- 3/4 oz. peach schnapps
- 3/4 oz. blue curacao
- sprite/ 7up
(For the green butt, I mixed water and green cream de cacao and froze it into icecubes)
- fill a highball glass with your made green ice cubes
- Pour in the white rum, grenadine, peach schnapps, and blue curacao. Mix it so that it turns nice and purple
- Using a spoon, slip it upside down (so convex part is facing up), push it against the glass, and slowly pour the sprite/7up onto the spoon so that it slides down the side of the glass and just top it off
*layers should not mix*
- BANELING RUSH! om nom nom~~
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/Mothership.jpg)
Lots of liquors, but diluted with sprite so it's not super strong
• 1/3 oz. Vodka
• 1/3 oz. Light rum
• 1/3 oz. Gin
• 1/3 oz. Tequila
• 1/3 oz. Cointreau
• 1/3 oz. Bols Blue
• 2/3 oz. Lime juice
• 1/3 oz. Sugar syrup
• Sprite
1. Fill a shaker with ice and pour in all the above ingredients except for the sprite
2. Fill up a highball glass with ice cubes, and strain in the shook up goodness
3. Top up with sprite
4. Now drink while owning some zerg and terran : 3
Apple Mojito
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/AppleMojito.jpg)
Minty and Fizzy : D
• 25 ml. Vodka
• 25 ml. Green Apple Vodka
• 10 ml. Lime juice
• 1/2 teaspoon sugar syrup
• Sparkling/carbonated water
• Peppermint leaves
1. Fill a shaker with ice and some peppermint leaves, pour in all the above ingredients except for the carbonated water
2. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice and peppermint leaves
3. Top up with sparkling water
* Soda can also be used
4. Om nom nom~
Martini's, Cocktails, and Other sorts
Pousse Cafe IV
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/Pousse-CafeVI.jpg)
Also Creamy. Slightly strong ish regarding alcohol.
- Grand Marnier
-Whipped Cream
1) pour Grand Marnier into a wine glass first
2) Using a spoon (like a table spoon), turn it upside down, and push it against the edge of the glass so it's touching it
3) Slowly pour the kahlua onto the inverted spoon so that it flows down the side of the glass and into the cup
*The Layers Should not Mix*
*Optional Step)
i) Add a layer of milk on top following the same procedure as step 3). This dilutes the alcohol a bit for those who don't like it so strong and also makes it a bit creamier. It also looks prettier cause then you get three layers ;]
4) Garnish with chipped cream and chocolate sauce (or coco powder), your choice
Kiss me Quick
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/KissMeQuickrevised.jpg)
Sweet and fruity cocktail. Pretty weak at least for a cocktail
- 2 strawberries
- 1 1/2 oz. malibu rum
- 1 oz. Grenadine
- 1 oz. Vodka
- 1 oz. white rum
- 1/4 lime juice (or lemon)
1) fill a shaker with ice, and chop the two strawberries and chuck it in the shaker
2) squeeze a quarter lime juice into the shaker, and muddle the strawberries to a puree (just shake it until the strawberries are like really squishy. So... shake hard)
3) pour in grenadine, white rum, vodka, and malibu into the shaker
5) strain into a martini glass and if ya want, garnish with a fresh strawberry
6) ommmmm nom nom
Blue Lady
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/BlueLady.jpg)
medium to strong for most people (REALLLYY strong for me... yeah... i took a sip since it was so pretty... curiosity does indeed kill the cat in this case)
- 3/4 oz. gin
- 3/4 oz. blue curacao
- 3/4 freshly squeezed lemon juice
* champagne (you're supposed to add it on top, a lot of the time i don't since I don't have it, it still tastes pretty good according to my parents so yeah, your choice. If you have it, then go ahead, if not, it's also fine without it)
1) sugar the rim of the glass by wiping the rim against a lemon, then dip it in a bowl of sugar
2) fill a shaker with ice
3) shake up all the ingredients except for the champagne
4)strain into the sugar rimmed glass
*top off with the champagne (if ya have it)
5) cheerio!
Apricot Twister
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/ApricotTwistrevised.jpg)
Moderately strong martini, it's a tad bitter
- 1 oz. gin
- 1 oz. vermouth
- 1 1/2 oz. apricot brandy
- 1 oz. Grenadine
- 1/2 oz. lemon juice
* orange juice (for those who want it a bit weaker)
1) mix the gin, vermouth, lemon juice, grenadine, and apricot brandy together with ice in a shaker
2) strain into a martini glass
* top off with a bit of orange juice
4) enjoy
Angel's Delight
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/AngelsDelight.jpg)
Fruity, Sweet, and Creamy :3
• 25 ml. Gin
• 25 ml. Triple sec
• 25 ml. Milk
• 25 ml. Grenadine
• Whipped Cream
*Strawberry for garnish
1. Fill a shaker with ice and pour in all the above ingredients. Pour in a bit of whipped cream to add that extra foamy texture.
2. Strain heavenly goodness into a small glass
3. Fill the top with whipped cream and garnish with a strawberry
4. Now say cheers and make the devils jelly~
Red vs. Blue
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/RedvsBlue.jpg)
Fruity Shot
• 1 part grenadine
• 1 part peach schnapps
• 1 part blue curacao
1. Pour the grenadine into a shot glass
2. Using a small spoon, flip it upside down (so the convex part is up) and push it aganst the shot glass.
3. Carefully pour the peach schnapps onto the spoon so that it goes from the spoon, and slides down the side of the glass
4. Repeat step 3 to add the blue curacao
5. pew pew and shoot it downn~
Duck Fart
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/DuckFart.jpg)
(Yes... the name is all the reason I needed to make this one ;])
Creamy Shot
- Grand Marnier
- Kaluha
- Whiskey
1. Pour the Grand Marnier in first into a shot glass (Mine's a 1 oz. shot glass)
2. Using a spoon, flip it so that the convex sides faces up, push it against the glass, and slowly pour the kaluha onto the spoon so that it slides down the glass in order to layer
3. Repeat step 2. except with whiskey
4. and bam... the duck fart ;]
The Equator
![[image loading]](http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/Chibi24/Drinks/TheEquator.jpg)
- 1/2 oz. White rum
- 1/2 oz. peach schnapps
- 1/2. oz. Grenadine
1. Pour the Peach Schnapps in first into a shot glass (Mine's a 1 oz. shot glass)
2. Using a spoon, flip it so that the convex sides faces up, push it against the glass, and slowly pour the white rum onto the spoon so that it slides down the glass in order to layer
3. Repeat step 2. except with grenadine
4. You are now separated by... the equator
Mmm yup!