![[image loading]](http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/9586/musicof2009.jpg)
Hello everyone!
Yeah, I know 2009 is not over yet, but I doubt I'll encounter anything that can beat albums below. All are simply amazing, although not all have been made this year. I don't care about the release date anyway.
Ah, enough of this introductions, here comes the list:
10. Maserati - Inventions For The New Season
![[image loading]](http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/968/maseratiinventionsforth.jpg)
Genre: post-rock, prog rock
Released: 2007
Another great instrumental band from Athens, GA, Maserati definetely should not be confused with Italian cars' brand. All their albums should be something great for fans of Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd or King Crimson, as it is blend of mastered guitar work and upbeat drumming.
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9. Jaga Jazzist - What We Must
![[image loading]](http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/9131/jagajazzistwhatwemust.jpg)
Genre: nu jazz, electronic
Released: 2005
Norwegians I never heard about before, but they kick ass like noone. Consisting of nine members, they have trumpets, trombones, saxophones, electronic loops and all the rock equipment, just to blow your mind with energetic songs. Just delightful stuff.
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8. Bohren & der Club of Gore - Black Earth
![[image loading]](http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/7351/bohrenderclubofgoreblac.jpg)
Genre: dark jazz, ambient
Released: 2007
One of the most prominent jazz ensembles, Germany's Bohren used to be hardcore/metal band before turning into much more sophisticated direction. 'Black Earth' is an album for listening at midnight, with lights turned off and good headphones on ears. Jazz never been so heavy before.
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7. Thief - Sunchild
![[image loading]](http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/462/thiefsunchild.jpg)
Genre: folk rock, nu jazz
Released: 2007
Another good stuff from Germany, Thief are three guys from Berlin. Two of them are mambers of Jazzanova collective, while third one, Sascha Gottschalk, has very relaxing, cool voice to either chill you out or make you dance (as he does in video below).
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6. Atlantis - Carpe Omnium
![[image loading]](http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/2016/atlantiscarpeomnium.jpg)
Genre: post-rock, industrial
Released: 2007
Atlantis is one-man project by Gilson C. Heitinga, inspired Dutchman who wrote songs for this album to put them into some movie's soundtrack. That movie was never made, but Gilson released his work on his own. 'Carpe Omnium' is a heavy, instrumental trip recommended for all who like Jesu or Nine Inch Nails.
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5. Grails - Burning Off Impurities
![[image loading]](http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/8633/grailsburningoffimpurit.jpg)
Genre: post-rock, indie
Released: 2007
With sound clearly influenced by oriental music, Grails comes up with wonderful yet disturbing release. The album starts off slow and generally demands listeners' attention, but it's a marvellous piece of art, which bursts with doomsday crescendos out of the blue.
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4. Zu - Carboniferus
![[image loading]](http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/4779/zucarboniferus.jpg)
Genre: experimental jazz, metal
Released: 2009
Italian band Zu dares to mix avant-garde jazz with metal in their new longplay, that is possibly 'the most exhausting record to listen in 2009'. Some indeed fucked-up sound here: beware, it may hurt your ears severly before you'll start to like it.
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3. Tomahawk - Anonymous
![[image loading]](http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/8776/tomahawkanonymous.jpg)
Genre: progressive rock, tribal rock
Released: 2008
Mike Patton is a genius, who came up with fantastic idea of refreshing old songs of Native Americans. Those Indian rain dances were turned into catchy, rhythm-intense songs led by Patton's hypnotyzing screams. Sounds impossible to constitute a good album, but it really is super-awesome.
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2. The Seven Mile Journey - The Metamorphosis Project
![[image loading]](http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/6379/thesevenmilejourneythem.jpg)
Genre: post-rock, instrumental rock
Released: 2008
Definetely the most mysterious discovery of the year. The Seven Mile Journey hails from Denmark, but provides almost no additional info about who they are. But don't be fooled by minimalist CD cover: this album is a creepy beast that just needs to be listened carefully track after track. Something really fitting for rainy weather.
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1. Jakob - Solace
![[image loading]](http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/1219/jakobsolace.jpg)
Genre: post-rock, ambient
Released: 2006
I listened to this album like 40 times, and I'm still not tired of it. Jakob are three guys from Napier, New Zealand, and with this record, they achieved something magnificent: an album filled with perfect songs. From the pulsation of 'Malachite' to beautiful ambience of 'Saint', 'Solace' is a pure win that should be worldwide appreciated rather than remain obscure (it is obscure now, though). Now I only regret I live on the other side of the world.
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