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The day started at waking up at this ungodly hour. I was a sad panda bear but I do what's necessary for the love of the game of course.
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I packed my things and started to get ready for the tournament.
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It was still dark out, and I had a ways to go to get to CT, living in Central New Jersey.
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After leaving my house, I arrived at Never's house at this time. the drive was beautiful and the sunrise was exquisite. Probably the best drive I've had in a long time.
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Parked my car and just waited till I could wake up Never since I got there early. Meanwhile I took a walk around and found this:
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The most awesome tree right near him. This tree was pretty breathtaking. Obviously a lot cooler to see there, but definitely an amazing form of nature.
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Our next stop was to pick up my former school mate. We went to the train station to go pick him up and traded hellos and caught up with things.
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So then we were off to CT! The long road ahead waited us and we were running a little late. Regardless we eventually made it on time.
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We finally got there, knowing people were already there. We went next door to see the group eating. As I walked into the door, I was blindsided by the strong stature piercing my soul of the one and only Adrenaline, the good graces of Idra's quiet benevolence, the smashing good looks of artosis and his terran aura, the cute cherry blossom face of last shadow, the massive biceps, deltoids, and left ear of a 15 year old guitar hero, courtney, and the graveling of all the other Artosis fans ( :-D just kidding!)
I was stricken with excitement just knowing that all of these people shared the same passion for starcraft as me and couldn't wait to get going. After waiting 3 hours for them to eat their pizzas(all of them ordered a pizza each for themselves wtf?), we finally were off to gaming.
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And so it begins.
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I had my first match against josh, aka No.BM. A very talented protoss player, he played mind games like a fox. First game he went a fast expansion and boldly went a 2nd expansion to take a macro lead. By complete chance of not being able to control units, a vulture led astray and found his nexus. like that, I won by luck yet again. ZIZI
The second game was on HBR and he FE'd me which i got a supply block on him and killed his nexus. Knowing he was behind he then massed unitss and faked a dt build which was clever since i was deficient in units since i was going anti dt. after i switched to mass units he again switched to dts and i ended up killing around 10 scvs by tanks trying to kill 1 dt! I lucked out again by sending a blind attack and was able to catch him 2 port carrier! I ended up winning the game by luck YET AGAIN.
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Luck 2-0 No.BM SUP
More Sex Pictures. The guys in this group were so handsome, people thought the PC Bang was a sex show because we all looked like SEX, all training on this courtney
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Hard at playing, and analyzing. Love it.
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Got a sex picture with THE Idra and LS.
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Courtney hard at work, doing what artosis does,ezpz.
Afterwards, I went to play Artosis which I jedi mind tricked him into madness. Defeating him 2-1, I not only put him into a fetal position, I made him rage with anger, that the wrath of khan felt fear.
Hence the bracket:
![[image loading]](http://i34.tinypic.com/20sb03p.jpg)
His terran rage put him on a war path where when we met up again he put me on my knees and cockslapped my throat. Abysmal indeed.
I of course did play Idra before that and he won of course. I cheesed him twice because after seeing his mechanics in mid game and knowing i couldn't win end game due to sheer experience and practice time, I went all in and he deflected everything. A complete gentleman unlike Artosis[BMedia]
I cheesed Idra by mining long ways on neo medusa. Gosu?
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As the tournament came to a close, we took a group photo. This group of people were amazing and I loved hanging out with them even though there were minors.
We tried to get something to eat afterwards, but in my insatiable lust for food, I broke out in a fit of rage and beat up courtney. Artosis egged me on saying she said terran was for sillynannies and all the race does is attack like ejaculating penii. Who wouldn't beat up anything after hearing a comment like that.
So after we left after eating some calzones and talking about everything and anything, we finally reached Never's home at this time.
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These two stud muffins are Never and Owampa, the two guys I had the pleasure of riding with. They were amazing!
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I on the other hand still had to get back home. I finally reached home and it was lateeee
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Concluding the day, I got one last picture of the time.
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If you're wondering what time it was, it's 4 something. I can't tell you because that's how i saw it in my eyes as well, after waking up 23 hours previous.
So thoughts! Obviously, I was extremely excited to meet Idra and Artosis, the two most accomplished foreign people in the e-sports scene. They turned out to be exactly how I thought they would be, and it was a delightful experience. I'm sure I'll be seeing them again sometime.
It was also nice to see Never again since I haven't seen him in a very long time. Owampa of course was great to see since I haven't seen him since i was in school.
Of course it was great to finally meet sYz)-Adrenaline. We've been friends online for some time, and he is a douchebag smartass but i still love him :-D
Somehow, -OrB dodged every picture I took, and when I was writing this up, I completely forgot about him! :O I love him long time.
The quality games were great, and everything went amazing. I hope everyone else gets the chance to have a LAN experience like i did!