Hello wonderful Teamliquid, good to be here today with all you fine folk .
This will be my first official post for my Grandmaster Journey blog. You may have seen the intro here http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?id=418060
Before I get started I just want to say that I have been reminiscing about the old genesis days and my youthful nerd years of playing Sonic The Hedgehog. Therefore, I shall be using Sonic to help show you whats up with my laddering.
I began my previous entry by noting my enthusiasm and excitement to progress towards Grandmaster. I still have such drive and determination to get there, however I always fear the idea of losing sight of the fun in the game. Therefore, let me start by saying that my 5 Placement Matches were hilarious.
All Kill! - Was the result. An absolute one-sided hulk smashery that ended in the final guy leaving right when the match started, turning my 4-0 into a 5-0
Thankfully, I was shot straight into Gold.
I definitely feel as though this is where my current skill level resides. I'm not a Platinum or higher player, because my lack of strategies is notable and my multitasking is poor. In fact, when I try to Chronoboost, make units, remember pylons, watch the minimap, and micro my army at the same time. I look a bit like this
+ Show Spoiler +
However, with my decently fast hands and ability to think reasonably as well as Macro pretty well. I don't feel I belong in Silver or Bronze.
Chaos Emeralds
Before I talk about the hilarity that was my Placement Matches I want to present this.
Taking my current desire to play Sonic The Hedgehog into account, I'm going to give myself a virtual placement marker. In Starcraft 2 there are 7 different leagues. Similarly, in Sonic there are 7 Chaos Emeralds.
See where I'm going with this?
Gold League = 3 Emeralds Acquired!
Placement Matches
I could probably sum up my Placement Matches as: #Donthatethe4gate
Generally when I do placements, I do some form of cheese for all of them. I do this for two reasons. Firstly, because placements are over a wide variety of leagues and I'd rather have a constant skill level of players when trying to improve my Macro/Standard play. Secondly, I have a bit of ladder anxiety and doing the most rage-inducing thing to my opponents helps me overcome that fear. The randomness of player leagues adds to my anxiety and therefore helps me overcome it.
The first three games were nothing noteworthy. I was placed against a Bronze player and two players in their Placement Matches. Therefore, upon making any units at all constantly, I won all of them.
The 4th match was against a Diamond Terran and I'm completely convinced that I should have lost. However, upon my initial 4-gate being defeated by three bunkers, I threw down a Robo and continued to make units + a warp prism. Somehow, attacking with my force and warped in units from behind I rolled over his Nat and stormed into his main as he was trying to take his 3rd.
Feeling confident and still laughing from my 4th game I qued up for my final placement match. It was against a Protoss. Finally a PvP, the best matchup for a 4-gate. Upon loading into the map my opponent immediately left.
It goes without saying that I went out to the rest of my day with a huuuge smile on my face. It feels so good to be playing SC2 again. I have no idea how I stayed away from this game for so long and I'm stupidly excited for this entire journey to Grandmaster. Even the frustrating days will be fun :D.
Addressing Comments
Firstly, thank you so much for all of the comments that I received at the intro. Let me address that my benchmark map is simply used every once in awhile to assess where I am, not to improve. I will be using the ladder to improve primarily.
Also, I'm grateful for all of the wonderful things you said to me, inspiring me to keep going with this blog.
Next Time
I didn't include any replays or VOD's or screenshots in the first entry because it was my placement matches and all cheeses :D. However, in future entries I will definitely be including all of those things, as well as a humorous breakdown of my favorites. Also, I will be detailing my progress more deeply and talking about specific weaknesses in my play I want to address.
I am positive I will also be continuing with the Sonic theme, just because it's so darn fun.
Thank you handsome nerds of TL for reading this blog and your continued support!
Disclaimer I do not claim ownership of any of these Sprites or Sonic, they belong to Sega. I give full credit to http://www.themysticalforestzone.com/ for all my Sprites and thank them for them.
Next Entry - http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=419138
Previous Entry - http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=418060
Love Day[9]? Reminisce with me in my Thank You Day[9] writeup - http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=417565
*Edit* Song of the day