![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/TmmmK.jpg)
Last night we wanted to play a drinking game but we were sick of all the standard games and I also realized that most of them (even horse races) are pretty slow paced. So I decided to just deal out cards and make high card drink. As we played we started adding more definitive rules. I present to you (Drunk) Jackie. Which we named it because my gf Jackie kept getting fucking owned by the deck, she was at least 2-3 beers ahead of everyone because of this game. It was quite fun. So without further Ado:
- The game can be played with 2-8 players (maybe more just depends on how much you don't mind shuffling, how many decks you have, etc. It's probably best played with some cheap shit american beer because it goes fast.
- Designate a dealer. Deal out everyone a card face down (it doesn't matter what order the cards are dealt, I like to switch who gets first card every deal just for fun). Now in a 'Silent-Library'-esque style flip all the cards over at the same time. High card takes a drink. If the dealer is high card, he passes the deck left.
- Cards low to high rank are 2-A.
- In the event of a tie for high card, all tied players will 'WAR!' which is just like the game of the same name. Each tied player will get 3 cards faced down (unless it's a Jack, in which case 6 down) and flip them over (in any order they want) one at a time, drinking on the high card. After all 3 or 6 cards the one who got most high cards during war drinks one last time for losing the entire battle. (all ties drink).
So you have a maximum of 5 drinks or 8 drinks in a row per war or a minimum of 1 drink (starting from your tied card that started the war of course).
- If you tie a war card, you deal out that many more war cards (3 or 6) and keep counting who has the most high cards at the end.
- Face up cards just get shoved into a dead pile. It expedites things if someone who is not dealing is just constantly shuffling when the dealer gets low and hands him the pile when he runs out, or right before he runs out.
- There is no end to this game. It's basically play until everyone quits, or last man standing/sitting lol.
That's basically it. Very simple and easy to explain rules even for the blondest of drunken whores. You will drink a lot and fast.
OPTIONAL RULES: Very Recommended though (:
- J-A-C-K-I-E. If you high card and drink 6 times in a row (even counting during war) you man up and finish the rest of your beer.
- Jackie! Anytime you get a jack , high card or not, you take a drink. Twice if it's high card obviously.
- Flush. If everyone gets the same suits, everyone drinks. And high card still drinks, wars are still played etc.
- Straight. If everyone forms a straight (3 or more player, consecutive rank of cards like 9-T-J, etc.) everyone drinks, as well as high card drink of course.
- Jokers. make up your own house rules: If you get one you finish your beer, OR everyone has to drink 5 chugs, OR automatically cause a war with the high card person(s), etc.
- Rape Card. If the lowest rank cards pair, they each issue drinks to the high card on top of all other rules. gang raped
- *Alternate Rape Card. Any lower pair that is made that is not part of a high card/war gets to pass a drink to whomever they choose. If this rule is used, the 6 drinks in a row rule is reset every time a new person has to drink. High card, jack, community drinks start each round. passing is secondary starting from the left of the dealer.
- Odd Man Out. In games of 6 or more players, if 5 of the players make a flush or a straight. The left over players take a drink on top of any other rules.
- Straight/Royal Flush. If 5 consecutive cards of the same suit are played, everyone finishes their beer.
This is the type of simple game base where I can see tons of additional rules being thrown in so if you have any good ones, I will append this and add them.
So go play some Jackie and have fun getting drunk!
Hmm, may try this out some time soon! 
idk if it can compete with Pyramid still though :p
Sounds hella fun, and adding in the extra rules at the player's whim reminds me a lot of playing Egyptian Ratscrew with my friends (going to stuff like 8-Queen-7 is slapable, completely random but someone did it once and it stuck). Gald you're having a chill time CM! (ya where's Twin Blood Bath already)
Lol like sociables but more focused on getting drunk fast. Will have to play this sometime soon.
This is pretty good, lol. I'll definitely try this out.
Ive never heard of those games you guys mentioned. I'll have to check those out. And I will have limited internet access for a while so It's hard to stay updated with things etc. Anyways, enjoy!
ps- can someone post this on reddit or wikipedia or something? I wanna spread the fun around
On July 02 2011 04:49 SpoR wrote: Ive never heard of those games you guys mentioned. I'll have to check those out. And I will have limited internet access for a while so It's hard to stay updated with things etc. Anyways, enjoy!
ps- can someone post this on reddit or wikipedia or something? I wanna spread the fun around
For Pyramid: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=10071286
Pyramid is the best way to get one person drunk super fast, such as on their birthday. Just tell everyone to give all their cards to one person and have the dealer load the deck when they are riding the bus :p
There is another one where you deal out one card at a time, and players take turns guessing either the suit, higher or lower than the previous card, or red/black. If you get it wrong, you drink, if you guess correctly, the person dealing drinks. After the dealer beats 3 ppl in a row, they choose someone else to be dealer. There are some fun rules we've come up with for certain card combinations, like when you get a "sandwich" (1 card in between two cards that match either number or color) you drink 3, and a double sandwich you finish your drink.
Seems the best drinking games are ones made up in the spur of the moment.
If everyone forms a straight (3 or more player, consecutive rank of cards like 9-T-J, etc.) everyone drinks, as well as high card drinks of course.
New rule!
I have joker cards. What do you think those can be? Maybe something else...
Friends and I used to do a stupid game as well. Basically its done with beer and you have an honor code. Cards only go up to 5 and there's one nine in the deck. You deal 2 cards to everyone and they have to multiply the 2 cards and the number you get is the number of gulps you have to take which can go up to 81 (if you're really unlucky). You get drunk or puke whatever comes first :D
On July 02 2011 15:49 Trozz wrote: I have joker cards. What do you think those can be? Maybe something else...
I have a joker collection of at least 100 which I will post one day. So save them and give them to me at blizzcon or something :D
but seriously, you can make them wilds where it's always a low card or you can make them death cards where you have to finish your beer, or everyone has to drink 5 times or something.
PS- I usually always have jokers in my wallet too and when people ask for ID it's always a good laugh.
Here is a big war that happened. These are not that uncommon in this game actually.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/uH3Gh.jpg)
Since we were playing with the 6 drinks in a row rule I had to chug a 75% beer. First person to get 6 in a row (:
Hah, I bet it was just as awesome making up all the rules as it was playing it. It's just like Calvin and Hobbes.
sometimes i go on TL after FB and i'm sad I can't like and dislike posts
who's trying to get Keystoned to this???
so I was playing with a friend who said he doesn't drink beer anymore. He tried to play with sipping on vodka. Lol, he had to grab a beer and was super hammered after a deck playthrough. The good point is that he made up a new rule. The Rape Card. if people tie cards that are the lowest ranks, they make the high card drink twice on top of all other rules (so they may have to drink up to 4 times if jack)
If everyone gets the same suits, everyone drinks. And high card still drinks, wars are still played etc.
Only when you are drunk can you have all card of the same suit AND two of the same kind. 
Edit: Oh, multiple decks. nvm me.
I was hoping Jackie Chan got smashed and stopped a bank robbery... but I learned a new card game so I guess everything is good.
Some new rules to fuck around with:
- Rape Card. If the lowest rank cards pair, they each issue drinks to the high card on top of all other rules. gang raped
- *Alternate Rape Card. any lower pair that is made that is not part of a high card/war gets to pass a drink to whomever they choose. If this rule is used, the 6 drinks in a row rule is reset every time a new person has to drink. High card, jack, community drinks start each round. passing is secondary starting from the left of the dealer.
- Odd Man Out. in games of 6 or more players, if 5 of the players make a flush or a straight. The left over players take a drink on top of any other rules.
- Straight/Royal Flush. If 5 consecutive cards of the same suit are played, everyone finishes their beer.