It was a slow day at my summer job and someone left a copy of The Godfather around -- and knowing the movie was famous, I reluctantly began reading the book.
Now I didn't even know The Godfather movie was based on the book first, and I was expecting some amateur film-to-book translation -- but now that I am just 10-20 pages away from completition (read over 400 pgs in the past week while at work, and yes my job is that easy), I think it's the best book I've ever read (granted, I haven't read for fun in like 5 years).
I loved it so much I immediately watched the movie when I got home -- only to be severely underwhelmed. I don't see why the movie gets so much praise aside from the good acting -- it's completely shallow compared to the novel IMO.
Anyways, I recommend everyone read this book, it has stuff in it for everyone and people who see you reading it will give you compliments ^_^
Yes the Godfather is definitely my favorite book so far. But I disagree that the movie was shallow, imo, I think the moive is one of the very few movies out there that matches the quality of the book.
Glad you liked it. You should watch II and III if you haven't seen them yet
Books allow for more content, people don't want to sit in a movie theater for 6+ hours. Just how things work :/
On July 19 2009 16:50 mrgerry wrote: Books allow for more content, people don't want to sit in a movie theater for 6+ hours. Just how things work :/
Yeah I realize they had to cut corners -- it's a solid movie if you've never read the book.
The movie was actually good considering how bad most movie made after a book are.
One of my favorite books, glad you liked it.
Osaka27115 Posts
Mario Puzo man. Of course it is good! Read the rest of his, they are all good.
"You know what I liked about the movie? No reading." - Jim Gaffigan
I love reading, It just sucks that I have such little free time these days, although I have never had a great experience reading a book that I have already seen the movie to, in contrast I love nothing more than watching movies of books I have read, just for the shear dissapointment!
Haven't had a chance to read it, but for someone who wants to and isn't against reading books on a computer screen...
Mario Puzo's The Godfather
Valhalla18444 Posts
hey dont watch the third movie it sucks
On July 19 2009 20:48 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: hey dont watch the third movie it sucks qft.
Watched the first movie and loved it immediately. Decided to read the book and loved it immediately. Easily my favorite book ever. I sometimes randomly open up to a random page and read a page or two for the sake of it.
Reading is the best thing ever. I haven´t been able to watch TV or movies for many years. It all just feels so badly made and makes me feel stupid. When I was younger, around 9-14, I read the most, best years about 70-90 books (fantasy so 400-650 pages approx.)which isn´t that much when you read atleast one book during one day. Then came guitars and stuff and school lasted longer and all that shit. Now I´m reading more again and really like "tough" reading too, stuff with more filosophical content that makes you think.
Back to topic for a while.... yeah I´m with you OP. Reading is the best. I heard from my brother that No Country For Old Men was a great movie and then my sister happened to find the book. It was a nice book but not that spectacular so maybe this Book > Movie thing can go other way around too as in movie being better than the original book. But I don´t know and I prolly wouldn´t like the movie anyway.