Thanks for the comments everyone, they were definitely very interesting to read. I appreciate all the stories, especially Starparty's :-). Addressing everyone individually would be a little redundant, but I figure I can answer a few of the recurring ideas here:
First, as far as I'm aware, I'm not depressed. Just confused. Maybe it doesn't come across as I'd like in my post, I was never good with that writing stuff.
R3condite, since you wrote that, it seems you're working on your PhD. Are you considering obtaining a pilot license or whatever in your spare time/as a hobby? Or is it one of those dreams that's like "yeah i wish"? If it's the latter.. I would encourage you to go for it anyway. Nothing too special about a pilot license if you think about it. It's how I viewed traveling at first, one of those "yeah I wish" type of deals, and yet..
At least, it's comforting to know that some other people are at least confused as well!
p.s. L, I think your real slip was "sunnier".
Get a girlfriend, srsly. Or a boyfriend.. whatever floats your boat.
Shit sucks right now. I lost my old job and can't get a new one. There is literally NOTHING around here that is entry-level. It's either store manager or a high-class store that requires a lot of experience. I can't even find a fucking dishwasher job. I would gladly take a dishwasher job for exactly minimum wage. I just need money right now, it fucking sucks being 19 and having no job and no money. I planned to get another job on top of my old one and save money until I go to University, hopefully to buy a car or something for transportation, but that definitely isn't happening now.
Even my friend who has a fuck load of experience can't find a job. I thought BC was largely unaffected by the recession but it's definitely hit us and beginning to take its toll. I just hope the winter Olympics pick it up a bit. I just can't believe there has to be a fucking recession when I'm in the prime of my life, 19 years old, unbelievable.
That was a bit off the topic of the original post, but I am having troubles figuring out what to study in University. I think I'm going to go undeclared for a semester and try out computer science, and if I don't like it, then study philosophy and economics. Still very lost in my life right now.