Lately I have been thinking about changing my main race which I play with. Currently I play Terran(D+/C- level) and the one I have been wanting to change it to in particular is Zerg. There are several reasons why I would want to and wouldn't want to change races:
- I really like the fact that Zerg units/structures regenerate HP, I don't know why. - I like basically every Zerg unit, currently I only like maybe half of Terran's units for whatever reason. - Right now I play TvZ, TvP, and I offrace as Protoss for PvT. I do this because of my extreme hate for TvT, so it would be nice to play one race regardless of of what race I am playing against. - ZvZ is my favourite MU. - Zerg seems very micro intensive, I have above average micro(IMHO) and pretty decent APM(~180-200) so I think that would suit my skills pretty nicely. - Terran seems to have more strict BO's when doing certain builds. I only seem to memorize my BO's up to like 20 supply then just get whatever whenever. Zerg seems like the fist 20 supply are very important and it is easy to adapt to what you need to do after that. - I love Jaedong, he is one of my favourite pro gamers, along with... - Flash, sKyHigh, and NaDa. 3/4 of my favourite players are Terran. - I find TvZ and TvP easier than ZvT and ZvP when I used to play Zerg a while ago.(I played it for like a week then raged at how much I sucked at ZvT and changed races =/) - I would have to learn to be more aggressive when it comes to expanding. I often find myself sitting on 2 bases still at like 10-12 minutes in, always at least 1-2 expos behind my opponent whatever that MU is.
So enlighten me Zergs, do you think I am better off switching races?
Poll: Switch? (please explain why) (Vote): No (Vote): Yes
just play a bit with zerg and see if you like it...
Play both races extensively. Practice them, play all of the match ups, and just decide which one *you* have more fun playing. Then make your decision. Vote: I didn't vote.
I will do that, I just didn't want to start doing that and after losing my first dozen games as Z go "why did I even switch the zerg when I am better with terran right now, time to switch back". I mean I know I would improve, I just wanted to make sure the time and effort would be worth it in the end, and not want to switch again after my Z level catches up to my Terr level.
um, the hp regeneration is pretty much useless. But if you want to switch, go ahead, just be prepared for some frustrating weeks. Half the zergs I play dodge ZvZ anyway so your going to be playing that the least by far. From experience, if your D+ with terran stick with terran 'cause once you switch to zerg things are gonna get stupid frustrating for a while a D. Your gonna meet people you know you would rape as T that walk over you like retards doing stupid bullshit. If I hadn't so far demonized the other races in my head I would have quit zerg 2 months ago, I just hate their stupid bs so much it motivated me to keep playing. The macro is much different and although the b/o's are simplest, I think each mistake hurts you the most as zerg. My thoughts
Stick to Terran and play only TvT for a whole week!
Switch to the zerg race. Play it for a little while. If you like it, stay. If not, then switch back. If you decide to switch back TvZ improves.
Hong Kong4685 Posts
I think you should definitely try zerg. I used to be a zerg player until one day I decided that z v p was bullshit and I switched to protoss. Eventually, I played all races extensively because I would always think a matchup is imbalanced. After playing other races, I improved as a zerg player because I understood more about the other 2 races.
I think you'll improve as a terran player after playing zerg.
Play zerg, we have all the most intimidating progamers and the most clutch micro maneuvers
i know a bunch of terran masturbators will come in here and say "no wai man terran has more clutch shit , remember that time boxer did that awesome thing 5 years ago when he was 100x better than his opponent??"
but seriously, i havent seen a boring jaedong game in quite some time, the room for creativity is just so huge its amazing
Come over to our side, man. We have cookies :D
On April 12 2009 10:51 Archaic wrote: Play both races extensively. Practice them, play all of the match ups, and just decide which one *you* have more fun playing. Then make your decision. Vote: I didn't vote. this... i voted
On April 12 2009 11:18 Sprite wrote: Stick to Terran and play only TvT for a whole week! Even if I was good I still think its the most boring MU =/
On April 12 2009 11:22 arb wrote: Fucking traitor oshit
On April 12 2009 11:08 n.DieJokes wrote: um, the hp regeneration is pretty much useless. But if you want to switch, go ahead, just be prepared for some frustrating weeks. Half the zergs I play dodge ZvZ anyway so your going to be playing that the least by far. From experience, if your D+ with terran stick with terran 'cause once you switch to zerg things are gonna get stupid frustrating for a while a D. Your gonna meet people you know you would rape as T that walk over you like retards doing stupid bullshit. If I hadn't so far demonized the other races in my head I would have quit zerg 2 months ago, I just hate their stupid bs so much it motivated me to keep playing. The macro is much different and although the b/o's are simplest, I think each mistake hurts you the most as zerg. My thoughts The HP regen isn't a reason why I think Zerg is superior or anything, I just think it's a really cool feature, very alien like. I don't think I many too many mistakes as of right now(I.E late depots, not enough macro buildings, stuff that can applied to all races) so I don't think that would be a problem.On April 12 2009 12:12 Murkyith14 wrote: Come over to our side, man. We have cookies :D omg autoswitch.
On April 12 2009 12:09 anderoo wrote: Play zerg, we have all the most intimidating progamers and the most clutch micro maneuvers
i know a bunch of terran masturbators will come in here and say "no wai man terran has more clutch shit , remember that time boxer did that awesome thing 5 years ago when he was 100x better than his opponent??"
but seriously, i havent seen a boring jaedong game in quite some time, the room for creativity is just so huge its amazing
yeah I really like that about zerg.
On April 12 2009 11:46 Not_Computer wrote: Switch to the zerg race. Play it for a little while. If you like it, stay. If not, then switch back. If you decide to switch back TvZ improves.
On April 12 2009 12:06 T.O.P. wrote: I think you should definitely try zerg. I used to be a zerg player until one day I decided that z v p was bullshit and I switched to protoss. Eventually, I played all races extensively because I would always think a matchup is imbalanced. After playing other races, I improved as a zerg player because I understood more about the other 2 races.
I think you'll improve as a terran player after playing zerg. I think I am going to try this first^. Thanks for opinions.
IMO, playing all the races at one point is a good thing, you learn how to put on pressure (terran , i think, seige contain anyone?) expanding like a man and multitask (mutalisk micro while teching and expanding) (zerg) and training your macro (protoss)..
it could make you better with your main race. different races but same concept (macro, mulitask, expanding, pressure)
are you kwanrolled on iccup?
dude how can you give up siege tanks?
I voted switch! Ultimately it's your decision, but there is something immensely satisfying zerg playstyle and rapid expansion and multiple bases and the like
On April 12 2009 13:38 StormSnarlX wrote: are you kwanrolled on iccup? Nope.On April 12 2009 13:40 FragKrag wrote: dude how can you give up siege tanks? Yeah it's going to be one of the things I am going to dearly miss.