It's called the 1v1 32 Man tournament by Clan OverDosed
While I check in and wait I am listening to Day[9]'s podcast about winning with an advantage. I felt taking an advantage was something I needed to work on, and his podcasts are very exhilerating. gj Day[9]!
So to continue: I played Meepy. we had some hosting issues but then he switched to another PC for hosting. We finally make a game (a PvP MU) and ro1 is on collo2. I start on bottom right and scout him first at top right. I take his gas and im like hell yeah im gonna win this (cuz i was playing me friend twice some time before and I won every time I did a gas steal). My end game was: 4 base carriers.. I felt so pro cuz I had an end game!
Now my luck turned upside down... my mouse started to act up (something I was hoping wouldnt happen). Basically it wouldnt click 80% of the time... I would click but I would get no reponse. I dont mean that I press A and click and the circle thing disappears but the unit wont move. I mean I press A and click but the circle thing stays there and command was never processed! Now I was like SHTDFASDFASDFASDF but I tried to play with this problem.
So his reponse for my gas steal was to 2 gate zeal. I scouted it and i responded with adding a 2nd gate (which btw took some time because of mouse). Then I started to pump zeals and I scouted again. I saw 3 zeals already half way to my main. My response? pull off 2 probes wiht the zeals I already had. So i tried microing the best I couldwith my retard mouse. For a split second I thought I was going to lose but then 2 more zeals (YEAH!) popped out. The enemy went up the ramp to my nat and he tried to do some ninja manouvre but I killed 2 zeals and almost killed another when he was trying to come back down. I had more zeals popping, and I said to my self i need gas now to make goons, cuz I already set the rift for my core. I knew taht he already had his gas after destroying my assim at his gas... and I knew he could pump goons soon, so I was like either I use all my zeals right now and rush or I'll try to hang on. As I furiously tried to set the command for my 5 zeals 1 probe for his neutral sunk I 2 goons.
Because I was listening to Bay[9]'s podcast, he said to scout first and I did. To my surprise he had like 6 goons waiting for me! OMG!!! I looked back at my base and one of his zeals were punching at my workers.. damit... I was like ok I better go in now or something because 1. I got core and gas EXTREMELY SUPER LATE 2. My workers were dying.
As I moved in and tried microing he had 8-10 goons waiting to kill me... He moved them to my base and I turned back my finished goons away from their rally point (to his neutral sunk). Then I just lost there..
Now I am not angry or anything because I knew that I played well despite my mouse problem. and I learned something new about playing with advantages. But still i am wondering if my mouse had been not retarded would have I won? idk.. oh well.
I am going to go in more tourneys cuz it was fun and now I have to go look up port forwarding for sc so I can host games in iCCup and bnet.. cuz I want to host.
GG Meepy gl no rest of tourney!