I'm drunk which is why i decided to list all the people from TL i love, this is the first time i even make a new "thread" on TL so this is kind of a big deal for me. Oh well, here goes!
Manifesto7 - He's listed because to be honest, i made this blog entry just so i could show my love for the man.
MyLostTemple aka Tasteless - You all know why, don't question my motives. Supposedly he's a pretty gosu ice_bucket_dodger aswell.
ToT)MidiaN( - Because he's the best foreign zerg ever (he still is), he also got socks as a gift this christmas, JUST LIKE ME! also, cupcakes!
liquid`Nony - He made those cool FPVODS for us way back and they were cool as hell, he was drunk and stuff during some of them and still schooled the shit out of his opponents = i love him!
Rekrul - He's the one that gives us all the inside information on what is going down in Korea, getting drunk with Korean pro's and playing PvT's versus Boxer and god knows what else, that's pretty fucking cool if you ask me.
Chill - For keeping the strategy forum clean and in pristine condition and also for being the 7th best commentator in the entire galaxy. Also, he totally SHAT upon GG.net when it came to the trashtalking durin the TL vs GG showmatch
88)InControL - To be honest i don't even know if that nick is spelled correctly, but he's cool as fuuuuuuCK, he yells at stupid people and calls them out when they deserve it, he's also MAD sexy, especially in that gamer reality TV-show where you can see him shed a tear after consuming the souls of his victims.
Glider - Is that his name? The charcoal painter guy?
anyway, his art is cool AS HELLL! which probably makes him just as cool in real life <3
MYM.Testie - I love this guy because he playED (notice the "ED"-part) random and still spanked most of the players out there, his hair was/is HOT, also, whenever he posts here it's usually some really wise shit posted in these short ~4rows semi-haiku format, god i love that!
Probably the only Ex-SC-Current-Dota-player guy i have a mancrush on.
vGl-CoW - his posts always makes me laugh, and a good sense of humour is pretty much all i ever look for in a girl, which means that if vGl-CoW was a girl i would probably hit on him/her, i wouldn't introduce him/her to my parents though.
Ret - I love his SIIIIIIIICK Macro style and he does FPVODS for everyone at TL to enjoy, also he plays <3 Zerg <3
Artosis - This guys is cool, he's always giving protoss players a hard time and is dissing probes because they are imbalanced (they are, fucking regenerating shidelds) + he's doing more for the SC-community than ANYONE on this shitty planet we live on (fuck the earth).
Hot_Bid - I absolutely love the way he gives people shit, it's always in this super elaborate fancy manner which makes the victims feel like a 3 year old retard when ever they get their sentence served, i love that. He's a savior-fan too if i'm not mistakne.
Lilsusie - SHe's cool for hooking us up with interviews, showmatches with Sea (i think) and stuff like that AND sticking around in a male dominated community like this, i would have bailed AGES AGO!
mnm - Is coool for the same reason as LILSUSIE and also for the fact that she created the TL Gallery, there are some REALLY hot people on this site (i'm looking at you DAy[9])
Oystein - He makes those disturbingly awesome FPVODS, plus he's norwegian i think, and they made those awesome graffit-movies, Grovt Skadeverk 1-2 And that is cool as hell!
DAy[9] - He's STILL doing tutorials, breaking down certain buildorders and shit like that for a community that is +10 yealrs old, how fucking cool is THAT?! Also the pictures of him on Facebook are hilarious, especially that one where he's by the dinner table with a friend or something and he's looking at the camera with this apathetic depressed look, good i love that one, and him.
TreK - He's swedish and his picture on GG.net features himself topless while drinking a bottle of coke, while on his TL gallery pic his lips are shiny as fuck, and that is simply awesome.
FakeSteve[TPR] - The best Terran in the world + he has his own fanclub, i'm not in it but there is a guy in it called Robert- even though it's not me, that's pretty fucked up but whatever, FakeSteve[TPR] is cool as hell! Also he has a fucking HAT on his head in his TL gallery pic, i dare you too find a guy/girl with a cooler pic than that.
yakii - you ALL know why i love this guy, just look at the Small Vod Thread, that thread is pretty much ALL his work, at least up until he had to leave for the army, god i can't wait for him to come back!
Emlary - Just look at her TL Gallery pic and you'll understand, And also she has done some pretty sweet stuff for TL back in the days.
Liquid`Drone - One time in a "blalba post something embarrassing you have done"-thread he mentioned that he kind of violently grabbed this guy on the bus and said "YO THAT'S MY SEAT" thinking it was his friend (or something like that, might not even have been Drone, but anyways...) that is fucking hilarious, plus he randoms and uses Queens a lot when he plays Zerg that = insta-love.
Those are all i could think of right now, well actually it's not, i have lots of people left to mention but i really have to pee and then get some sleep, it's 5:30am here right now...
Eventually i'll be postin a "People from TL i love!! #2" for those that give i dayum!
+ Show Spoiler +
god i'm gonna regret this post tomorrow!