I come home from the GTA/Markham meet up, I decided to do some backup, empty up some space in my laptop's hard drive.
I turn on my external hard drive, and nothing happens. Turn off, turn on again, nothing happens. Check the cables, all is connected. I put my ear close to the drive, and I hear it, the Click of Death.
It's over.
There goes 120GB of music (I only dled 30 out of those, so I can get the 90GB back np). 10GB of movies, my pictures, my softwares.
I have yet to try the freezer trick. Probably out of warranty as well. Wont bother paying to retrieve my shits.
This is merely to calm my rage right now.
Guess I'll have to rely on my MyBook.
Anybody can tell me whether that's going to happen to the MyBook as well? Or is there a lesser chance? The one that died is a 5400RPM IDE 250GB Seagate if I'm not mistaken..
Yes it's old I know lol
on the same note, me:
Hehe it reminds me of a Goomba.
I've had my mybook for a long time now and neither me or my friends have ever had a problem.
the picture is .LOL. 5/5 sorry man.
hahahah RAGGEEEE, I would freaking throw it out the window and start jumping on it.
Fuckin 4chan O.O
man who were you at the markham meetup. i dont seem to remember being introduced to a karbon
lol i didn't go to the korean restaurant, and since everyone was so into playing, i thought i might as well lurk lol
i'm the dude with the brown hoodie, standing behind precision, aerials and slained
and i didn't play any sc at all
hahahahahahaha, picture made the thread!
United States24495 Posts
I can hear the sound effect of the final panel in my head!
AHAHAHA i loved the pic!
sucks for your hd man
damn, losind my external HDs would kill me : / and I fucking love rage pics :D + Show Spoiler +
The first time a HD died I lost about 150GB of music/games/movies/programs. I was quite annoyed, but a month later I had torrented/copied everything back anyway.
The next time it happened I lost almost 300GB of stuff, mostly anime/music. But it wasn't too bad since I had a lot of it on DVDs already. Just another month of torrenting the same files again.
If my 400GB HD died right now I would probably be more than a bit annoyed though. I better start burning some DVDs.
1584 Posts
I understand you, I lost my seagate hdd with 160gb worth of music... worst part was that alot of the music was rare shit i'd collected over the years... so yeah fuck harddrives.
But you can always backup if you have things you just CAN'T lose.
On December 21 2008 14:30 Fontong wrote: Hehe it reminds me of a Goomba.
Sweden33719 Posts
Hm I have never lost a HD :o The closest was one I bought from somebody (oh funny story - bought 250 gb harddrive from someone online, plug it in and notice every last mb is used up.. odd.. oh, what's that? 250gb of movies :D:D niiiiiice) eventually started acting up, and I lost parts of it (managed to backup most of it but some files got corrupted).
It was a slow process of deterroriation tho, and it's fine now o_O (I think I'm still using it anyway, it was a while back, possibly I replaced it)