What would you do if:
1) you caught one of your friends cheating on his girlfriend 2) his girlfriend is close friends with your girlfriend 3) you know that the other girl will find out eventually
1) the girl he was cheating with is the girlfriend of one of your friends (he's a subordinate to me, but not as close as the guilty friend) 2) both of them have left substantial physical evidence towards the affair (e.g. they were cuddling in front of other people; people took pictures of them cuddling; they went into the guy's room; they came out an hour later with love bites all over) 3) there are 4 other witnesses
shit why does this stuff happen
It's not your business but if you think what he's doing is wrong just tell him he's a fucking douche and leave it at that.
Only reason to rat him out would be after you talked to him and he says he doesnt care and the person he is cheating on is a good friend of yours, otherwise stay out.
40% of all people cheat
What the person did is wrong, but it is none of your business. It did not involve you. Leave it alone and let the narual course of events unfold.
If your gf weren't involved, I'd say sit back because it's not your fault, don't worry your ass about it. .... but since there's nothing you can do to save this situation, just stay clean and hope it all blows over.
Damn this is bad shit all around.
Calgary25955 Posts
You don't say a fucking word.
Edit: This is to your friend's girlfriend. You can call him a moron and tell him to stop being a douchebag, but you don't go behind his back.
Stop being friends with scum bag pieces of shit. Or, if I didn't care, absolutely nothing.
Not a hard decision, brother. Learn to live your own life.
On November 04 2008 06:14 t_co wrote: What would you do if:
1) you caught one of your friends cheating on his girlfriend 2) his girlfriend is close friends with your girlfriend 3) you know that the other girl will find out eventually
1) the girl he was cheating with is the girlfriend of one of your friends (he's a subordinate to me, but not as close as the guilty friend) 2) both of them have left substantial physical evidence towards the affair (e.g. they were cuddling in front of other people; people took pictures of them cuddling; they went into the guy's room; they came out an hour later with love bites all over) 3) there are 4 other witnesses
shit why does this stuff happen
It happens because every guy and girl in high school expects to find the love of there life, in 1 day.
Sit back and enjoy the show.
One thing to consider though: He's cheating with the girlfriend of a friend of yours, is that person also a friend of his? See this IS important because he might do the same with your girlfriend, in which case you should just tell him to fuck off because people who mess with their friends' girls aren't really friends at all.
On November 04 2008 06:26 Frits wrote: One thing to consider though: He's cheating with the girlfriend of a friend of yours, is that person also a friend of his? See this IS important because he might do the same with your girlfriend, in which case you should just tell him to fuck off because people who mess with their friends' girls aren't really friends at all.
No that person isn't a friend of his. And my girlfriend is currently more than 10 time zones away so I doubt any cheating could happen.
United States3573 Posts
Deny knowing it if asked later, and enjoy the beauty of drama.
Katowice25012 Posts
On November 04 2008 06:26 Nytefish wrote: Sit back and enjoy the show.
Make popcorn.
United States22883 Posts
On November 04 2008 06:24 Chill wrote: You don't say a fucking word.
Edit: This is to your friend's girlfriend. You can call him a moron and tell him to stop being a douchebag, but you don't go behind his back. ^
United States17042 Posts
On November 04 2008 06:50 heyoka wrote:Make popcorn.
and bring candy. If you know that the friend's girlfriend is going to find out anyway, there's no reason to do anything. In fact, i'm not sure what there is that you could do that would either make the situation either better or worse.
On November 04 2008 06:24 Chill wrote: You don't say a fucking word.
Edit: This is to your friend's girlfriend. You can call him a moron and tell him to stop being a douchebag, but you don't go behind his back. Yup don't give yourself the super awkward moment T_T
Say my GF's BF is cheating. The BF is my friend, the GF is MY GF's close friend. And I know the other girl (the one who the BF cheated with, or his GF?). Also the cheater girl is the GF of one of my friends. Also everybody has pictures of them cuddling, they were in a room together for hours, "love bites" (lol), and there's 4 other witnesses.
OMG let's make a table so we can more easily talk about this gossipy drama.
Person A: Me. Person A-F: My GF Person B-Ch: The cheating BF (friends with A) Person B-F: The cheating BF's actual GF (Close Friends with A-F) Person C-Ch-F: The cheating Girl Person C: The cheating girl's BF (slight friends with A) Persons D, E, F, G: Other witnesses Persons H-Z, Plus a million: People with those photos and hearing rumors
B-Ch/C-Ch-F did not seem to want to hide it. Were they drunk or high? If not, it seems like they made it very public what they were doing. Not only that, it's very public that you ("A") are a witness. So what are you going to say when A-F finds out you knew about her close friend A-F getting cheated on? What's going to be your defense? You need to play defense for this scenario IMO.
Second, what do you believe about relationships? For instance, you do believe that B/B-F and/or C/C-F actually have good relationships and that this cheating was just an unfortunate incident, and that by not letting the incident slide into the shadows, you are ruining 1 or more true love or whatever type things? You say it will be found out anyways, and if this is the case, the only question is how--and you should play defense, see the paragraph above. But if there's any way this will slide you have to think about what you believe you will be doing to the relationship B and C. But look out for A first. It will depend on how you estimate the witnesses.
Don't talk to girls about crap, don't get involved in cheating drama, it just makes everyone mad or cry or whatever, and all you need to do is be the man of the situation and kick someone's trash if they step on your toes.
Wow, that guy is a douche. I mean, you can't really do anything, because 1) you would be making something that isn't technically your business your business (as others have already stated) and 2) anything you do is likely to make the whole thing worse for you in the end. I would strongly suggest not being friends with a douche of that caliber though, they tend to destroy everything they touch.
I would tell him what I think.
Am I the only one that is confused by these points? For all you know, it will all work out eventually.