Poll: What should I shave into my head? (Vote): Black Cat (Vote): Ghost (Vote): Jack-O-Lantern (Vote): Bat (Vote): Other (Please Post)
I normally have a very short or bald haircut and every holiday I shave something into the back of my head. Last year I did a Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween, and I don't really want to recycle it. My thoughts for this year are either a ghost or a black cat. (I suppose it'd be brown given my hair color.) I need your help TL!
If you have any other ideas please post.
The letters 마재윤. Might as well get a tattoo while you're at it.
Hmm try for something w/ less details, because detailed stuff like black cat might be missing a leg or w/e.
I go for Ghost :D
Or penis
United States24435 Posts
You can shave in a #2 and dress like...
More seriously, the ghost will probably come out the best, but the cat would be kyoot...
...Not sure if people would get that it's a Halloween inspired black cat though.
how would you make the cat black, unless you actually are black?
dude. this is easy. a pumpkin, a kitty, or the power to have targetted nuclear strikes emanating from the back of your head.
No Contest.
Bat man!
Now's the time to do it.
Ghost, any of the other ones seem too easy to mess up and not look like what you want them to look like. Although a simple jack o'lantern should be easy I guess.
Bat, so if anyone asks why you have a bat shape shaved on your head you can yell "I'm Batman!" and deck them in the face.