According to the supervisors there were eighty thousand packages that needed to be sorted, loaded etc. Not twenty seconds went by before the belts died, nothing was moving. Nobody knew what was wrong. Then the scanners stopped working. Thirty minutes passed, during that time I saw supervisors on cell phones, basically trying to figure what the hell was going on. All types of people were at the hub, even suits who were on cell phones.
Finally it was decided that pretty much everything was going to have to be shipped off to the Oakhaven hub. Some supervisors were letting their people go I was leaving when I got called back in. We started unloading the brown trucks and separating first day air and UPS ground which were loaded on to trucks which then literally rolled out of the garage as soon as the doors were closed. Then we were assembled by the smalls area where I usually work and I was sent to the loading area and loaded trailers in the dark. We then unloaded the trailers that were half full in which we then loaded them back on to another trailer that was backed up behind it. We then would get out and shifters would pull the trailers away. It was like the freaking airport.
All in all it was a pretty interesting day, I can only guess how much was lost for UPS at that particular hub. It was being said that the power went out to a fuse being blown. Then when it came back on another blew again which caused the belt to stop. Even the mechanics were called in. There is a lot of building going on around the area where the hub is so maybe that had something to with it. But it was very rare for something like to happen, even the supervisors were confused and had no idea what was going on.