Very nice.
Anything to strengthen the foreign communities with Starcraft. <3
I heard tu eres tonto when I clicked on a random part of the video, why'd you say that lol.
But you're doing a good job
Haha. I'll explain why. =p
This is what I said but I'll write it in English.
"If I say anything wrong, please send me an email saying 'Psyonic! You are an idiot!" Hence, you came in right at the "You are an idiot" part. =)
My spanish is pretty rusty and I'm going into 3rd year as a freshmen so I'll watch just to brush up.
is awesome32268 Posts
When naming positions
corner = esquina part = parte
bottom = inferior upper = superior
Bottom-left corner = esquina superior izquierda
upper right part of the map = La parte superior derecha del mapa
I know spanish so PM me if you have questions about phrasing or things you face a lot in your commentaries.
btw you can use some words from english in spanish E-Mail is "Correo electronico" but if you say email everyone will understand, same as "versus" you don't need to say "contra".
Thanks Wow. I will definitely been keeping in touch with you. Maybe we could do a dual and you can show everybody how newb I am. =)
man, first chance to get some recognition around here, and Wow ruins it for me.
--fin de la transmisión--
this is really cool. I'm starting up Spanish 4 in a week and its nice to refresh my mind a little
haha thats pretty nice, if you need help with some words and WoW is not available, PM me.
Buena suerte!
Nice, good way for me to brush up on my Spanish.
edit: lol at "manos como [whoosh]"
gj psyonic_reaver, i did enjoy ur commentary i hope u can make some zerg games in a future gl
props to you man, gotta love your accent!!!
btw dont try to literally translate words for example overcome - sobrevenir , because in spanish many, many words may have double meaning. You should rather try to translate the idea
btw, you can pm me for your doubts as well
Thanks everybody for the kind words and support. I'll keep trying my best.
accent doesn't matter.
you're Spanish is good, i understood what you tried to say the whole time. good job, senor.
I know fuck all Spanish but this is really impressive. You obviously have a lot of confidence in practicing your spoken Spanish which means you are half way there to mastery already. Good Luck!
Awesome, it need a lot of skill + confidence to do commentary in a foreign language.
And guess what i like . Mostly because i can understand.
People say I sound French when I speak Spanish. Oo Not quite sure how that works but ok.
Overall, i think that there are no spanish subs for games due to lack of interest, not lack of people willing to do (and maybe also bit of lack of organization). I'm not trying to discourage you from making them, just an advice that you'll get better results from this for practicing your spanish than trying to get spanish only speakers into watching vods.
Several players actually have the game in english (even if when they bought it was in spanish) due to hotkeys and the horrible translation SC had (it got better for D2 and almost flawless for War3).