So I decided to start a blog. I've been reading on for about 3 years. I never really wanted an account until a few months ago... but anyways onto the blog.
My first day was great I joined the new ladder a bit late though so I was a bit behind in gear but I was ready to work for it. My first goal was to decide which character to make... there were quite a few options that appealed to me:
Hammer paladin - I had one of these a while ago when I played diablo 2 but I never really liked them.. On the other hand I've heard they're overpowered so it was a viable choice
Blizzard Sorceress - These had always been a favorite of mine and not needing an enigma was a HUGE upside as far as mfing.
Whirlwind Barbarian - Funny animation.
But in the end I had to come up with a choice. I opted for a Blizzard sorceress; first objective: get to level 25 to do baal runs. This was not very hard. I simply had to do a LOT of tristram and 2 tomb runs. now I was all set to go baal. I stayed at normal baal until level 45 then decided it was time to move on.
Killing Baal!
Baal was relatively simple (considering I had a level 90 paladin in my group ^_^) fun fight and
dropped for me so I was happy.
The paladin who killed baal was very nice and rushed me through nightmare so I could do nightmare baals. I stayed there until level 70 then headed off to hell. Where... you guessed it the Same paladin rushed me. However this time amazingly enough he was level 94 O.O
Onto hell baal
Hell baal was fun.. some good drops and LOTS of exp. I got
from the loot off of baal. I was a happy camper.
So now I must find items you say?
I downloaded a maphack (SORRY I KNOW I'M EVIL): I then proceeded to run 1300 runs of hell mephisto and andariel.
(Starcraft hardened my nerves for this)
Where I got some VERY good items and finished off my Tal rasha set. I now had 2 accounts of mules full of items. so I decided it was time to sell some items on
My first few trades went ok but then it was time for a big one 30 resistance
I was offered 500forum gold and was all set to make the trade. I accepted the trade giving the person the item and then they just left! didn't even give me the forum gold

I then wanted to make a new sorceress fireball/blizzard so that I would be unphased by cold immunes. I was xfering my items and when I tried to join the game I get this message
WEAK so now here I am. a sorceress with no gear. However I do have a hammer paladin who I equipped with what items I had left from mfing. anyways I will make new posts every week to keep you in touch.
For anybody who wishes to contact me in game my account name is GENECIDE
Have a good night.