When I was about 14 years old (four years past) I went to a baseball camp where i fractured my radius on my right arm by my wrist. At the time the doctors mentioned that i may have hurt the growth plates, but that was about all that was mentioned.
Once the cast was removed my entire right arm was atrophied a fair amount and was insanely hairy(dark and moist in those casts i guess). I also found that I could now make cool new cracking sounds with these newly healed wrist bones.
But it was not all fun and games. I slowly came to the realization that my right hand was now smaller than my left hand. I never gave it too much thought, and my I was only taken back to the doctors for about one or two checkups after removing the cast, but nothing much was said to me during those visits, just x-rays and back out.
Fast forward four years and ive started to notice other strange things. While doing pushups i noticed my right forearm is also a tad shorter than my left. This results in pushups that feel veery awkward. Not only that but as I continued to work out with heavier weights, the muscles on my left arm are much stronger and more defined than my right, and the same goes for my chest and shoulder muscles. I've also begun to suffer from poor circulation in the right side of my right hand.
I always attributed all of this just to the fact that it was broken and maybe a growth plate was fractured as well, but the other day i realized that I have been carrying my arm a little strangely, almost favoring it. At this point I checked out my arm more closely and it seems to me that my radius was set incorrectly, which kinda freaked me out. As a result of this, muscles all over the right side of my body are not being used when I perform my usual work outs because muscles on my forearm never developed due to the (possibly) poorly set bone.
Obviously I would need a doctor to check this out to tell me what happened to my arm, and I realize that this arm will most likely always be shorter than my left, but what really kind of freaks me out is how i can tell that the bones in my arm are not in the proper alignment. (hence the popping noises?)
I basically posted this to straighten out all of my thoughts, and to see if anyone here possibly had some past experiences or advise regarding poorly set bones or broken growth plates.
yay for happy blogs
Good luck with health care bills, I watched sicko. You should make the journey to a free health care nation.
Weird, when I was 12? I did something insanely stupid with a bicycle, crashed, etc.. Very long story.
I went to the doctor and apparently I had fractured my wrist and elbow, a very rare/akward injury or something, and the doctor said it was close(I don't really remember, but it was mentioned) my growth plate....
I only had my wrist in a cast and they left my elbow in a sling.... I don't know why the fuck but whatever.
I got cocky and didn't wear the sling one day and my dad scares the shit out of me saying you will fuck up your growth plate, look like a circus freak, basically throwing my perspective into a "Holy fuck, I'm going to look like a monster, get laughed at, talked shit about, pushed down stairs, for the rest of my fucking life".
6-8 weeks later the cast gets removed, sling taken off, and everything healed correctly. Of course every once and awhile I measure my arms to see if they are the same length, you know, to silence the paranoia my dad filled me with.
Hope everything turns out okay for you, man. I've heard realining(sp?) bones hurts like a bitch.
When I was 3 years old I loved to run, like fucking loved to run. One of the times I was running, my mom wasn't watching me and I ran straight into a field full of little rocks.
Next thing I know is, I fell down, A rock got stuck inside my forehead, and to this day, the rock is still there. :D
On July 26 2008 11:41 funkie wrote: When I was 3 years old I loved to run, like fucking loved to run. One of the times I was running, my mom wasn't watching me and I ran straight into a field full of little rocks.
Next thing I know is, I fell down, A rock got stuck inside my forehead, and to this day, the rock is still there. :D
I was riding my bike down a hill once..i didnt turn and flew off the side into a huge garden of enormous rocks. My lip was a swollen to where you could hardly see my face. Thankfully it got better. Having to peel scabs off was kind of disgusting though
Don't worry too much, keep pumping weights, working out as you have been. Eventually your body will adapt and find ways to compensate for the injury.
I heard about this one guy who didn't have a right pectoral but he still worked out like normal. The result: other muscles like the right deltoid and whatnot grew larger and moved in toward his chest to compensate for the missing pec. You'll be fine.
are you right or left handed naturally? is there a significant difference in power between your arms? (like, how much more can your left arm lift in a contraction compared to your right?)
how was your diet / exercise habits like after your accident and up till now?
On July 26 2008 13:25 JohnColtrane wrote: are you right or left handed naturally? is there a significant difference in power between your arms? (like, how much more can your left arm lift in a contraction compared to your right?)
how was your diet / exercise habits like after your accident and up till now?
Ive been eating alot of protein (whey protein shakes for about a year now), and i have always really liked milk so i think i've been getting enough calcium. over the past two years or so ive begun to abstain from fast foods, sodas, etc..i feel as though i eat much healthier than most of my counterparts of the same age as me
for the most part i believe that my right is still stronger all over except for my chest and forearm...but my left side seems to be rapidly catching up/surpassing it almost at a frightening pace now.
I played baseball up until about a year after i broke my wrist (i sucked at baseball after breaking it) then i started running cross country/track and field. About a year ago I started lifting heavy weights/swimming, and i've kept it up consistently. Hopefully a visit to the bone doctor can tell me what exactly went wrong when it healed.
and that dude with the one pectoral sounds badass.