So there I was sitting at work a lull in patients pretty much gave me a time to let my mind wonder.
noun 1. a person who conforms, esp. unquestioningly, to the usual practices or standards of a group, society, etc. 2. (often initial capital letter) a person who conforms to the usages of an established church, esp. the Church of England. –adjective 3. of or characterized by conforming, esp. in action or appearance.
So the whole Goth/Emo/Skater "genre" is aimed at not being labeled as a conformist or even a genre, correct? Yet they all dress the same, same interests, fashion, and pretty much have the same dumb ass view. Their view being that others are somehow mindless "conformist" sheep for the same interests, views, fashion etc. Is that not the same fucking thing that they are doing?
Humanity, go figure.
It is ironic that nonconformist has become mainstream.
That isn't to say that it is impossible not to conform. It just means tattooes, piercings, and black make up make you a part of the mainstream, rather than a non conformist. If you went to school in a saffron robe and chanted Hare Krishna during the lunch period, you would be doing a pretty good job at nonconforming.
EDIT: I really can't stand that Emo/Goth/whatever fad we're seeing these days. Such a desperate ploy for attention they claim not to want. I respect good old fasioned attention whores: Cheerleaders, class clowns, teacher's pets etc. This infantile conformism to a shitty ideal isn't working.
Goth/Emo/Skater look is not really a socially acceptable way to look, dress, or act. That's why they are not "conforming" to society. They are and choose to be a part of a minority group that most people will choose not to talk to. That's why for the most part people with 10 piercings on there face get stared at when walking down the street because that's not considered an acceptable way to act or look.
My 2 cents and a nickle.
Did you just watch South Park or something? Who cares?
Oh and emo/scene chicks are insanely fucking hot, just never sure on how to approach them.
people just try way too hard. i saw that david cook guy on kimmel trying to look all rugged with his tousled hair and unshaven beard and yet i think it takes him like an hour every day to look like he doesn't care about the way he looks. i hate that shit.
United States20661 Posts
People do try way too fucking hard.
Just be yourself goddamn. I hate sheep of all sorts - those who try to obey every societal more possible, and those who try to break every more possible 'because they can'.
Fucking sheep, the lot of them.
How about some true individuality for a change?
Basically and unfortunately, the odds are against everybody. With 6+ billion people on the planet, chances of you being so "different" suck. Chances of somebody on TL.net alone being completely different from everybody else suck. No use trying too hard in one direction or the other imo.
Korea (South)11568 Posts
i love how the look from a scene from PRISON has become mainstream. Why the fuck would you want to resemble something like that?
Edit: Talking about the chains etc...
People have, are, and will always be finding solace in numbers, and imitating others.
People are people, most are hypocrites, and almost all have problems.
That's life, isn't it?
(In short, don't be too harsh. It's hard to be different from the different people, and what you're doing changes as different people watch- brave to one person is stupid to another, and so on).
"youre unique, just like everyone else"
although the use of "unquestioningly" in the definition of conformist implies one follows a certain way without thinking for himself. yes, people who share similar views are more likely to hang out with each other. but their level of involvement or even their presence doesnt necessarily earn him or her the label of a conformist
On July 10 2008 14:53 GeneralStan wrote: It is ironic that nonconformist has become mainstream.
That isn't to say that it is impossible not to conform. It just means tattooes, piercings, and black make up make you a part of the mainstream, rather than a non conformist. If you went to school in a saffron robe and chanted Hare Krishna during the lunch period, you would be doing a pretty good job at nonconforming.
EDIT: I really can't stand that Emo/Goth/whatever fad we're seeing these days. Such a desperate ploy for attention they claim not to want. I respect good old fasioned attention whores: Cheerleaders, class clowns, teacher's pets etc. This infantile conformism to a shitty ideal isn't working.
hmm.... idea.
they are, as i like to say, conforming to anticonformity
People who advertise themselves as nonconformist are conformists to a particular way of living that differs from the norm.
However, there are nonconformists in a more true sense of the word. Nonconformism is not their goal; thye just don't care about that kind of thing. Example: Paul Erdos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Erdős
United States20661 Posts
OK Erdos is pretty badass.
Fuck yeah.
You wouldn't be expecting him and then BAM! He'd show up at your front door with a suitcase to do proofs. And then one day he'd leave...
Goths and emos are confromists. It's always really funny when they try to explain otherwise.
He also took amphetamines. Which is awesome as hell.
My honest opinion about this matter is that whether you are a conformist or not doesnt really matter. You can target every audience, there is a market for everybody.
Having a sister myself thats riding the emo / goth / japan punk (brighter colors) wave i made fun of her quite a lot. But i have nothing against the look whatsoever. As long as you maintain a neat and clean appearance i'm down with everything. And supprisingly i met lots of people from the older generation who think the same. She's a good looking girl and she won't answer people who try to mock her for her look. It's all about a combination of styles and accessories for her. Wich is totaly fine with me as long as she feels comfortable.
Sometimes people like to blow up things out of proportion and push everyone in the same corner so they have the illusion that everything is in order and they are normal. Just recently i heard a story of two fat lesbian emos who got beaten up by some g-unit guys just because of how they look. That's ignorant bullshit. Whether they have a real urge and reason to be different or not, who the fuck cares!
Go to places like amsterdam and you'll see a massiv styleclash and noone gives a shit. I say dress the way you want, act the way you are and just enjoy life.
So-called non-conformists are just conformists with different clothes. Apart from the clothing they'll conform to a lot of stuff, just like everyone else. Real non-conformists are most likely in jail (i.e. all sorts of criminals who *really* don't conform to laws and society).