i'm looking for a program that would read texts, like word files and pdf files. it would be something like where you load a file into the program and then it would just read out the text.
i know there ar eaudio bibles and steven hawking type programs, so i was wondering if anyone knew anything out there that would do the same thing, except one that could load text in.
i need one cause i hurt my back and got some ebooks, but i can't sit in front of my computer to read them.
i tried searching "reading program" but it doens't come up well... i was wondering if someone might know what the thing i am talking about is properly called.
aren't these "reader" programs just text displayers like adobe "reader" and such?
i'm looking for vocal pronounciation by a computer upon input of text.
Nope, they are Screen Readers (Wikipedia article) or in other words, text-to-speech programs. I think a screen reader is already pre-installed as part of the accessibility components on WindowsXP.
Although if you are looking for the correct pronunciation of all words (esp proper names etc), then you will be disappointed. But, almost all of the "common" words are correctly pronounced by these screen readers.
ahh thank you so much. so they're called screen readers.
would you know of one that supports pdf files? i can't seem to get windows narrator to do this.