Could anyone please transliterate this into Cyrillic?
Nash Seo Ji Hoon, letit molva, Kto put’ probil k semifinalu, Proydet. Trenirovalsya malo, No ochen’ zanyat byl. Nol’-dva.
Maestro, kto v boyu goryachem Byl Zergov pervoyu zvezdoy, Ne podgotovlen pered matchem: On chereschur igral s soboy.
A Kim Taek Young, kovo vliyanye Nadezhdu ‘Tossam prineslo, Devchonkam plachet vsem proshanya; Tak mnogo samo-obnimanya Gubit zvezdnoye remeslo.
Turnir zagazhen v eto vremya. Ostalsya Mind, geroy Zemli. Oni proshli v turnir kak semya No tol’ko semya prolili.
I'm guessing it's about sAviOr
It's a translation of "The problem behind the current MSL," posted earlier in this blog. You're not missing out on anything :p
Kyrgyz Republic1462 Posts
Наш Сео Джи Хун, летит молва, Кто путь пробил к полуфиналу, Пройдет. Тренировался мало, Но очень занят был. Ноль-два.
Маэстро, кто в бою горячем Был Зергов первою звездой, Не подготовлен перед матчем: Он чересчур играл с собой.
А Ким Тэк Йон, кого влиянье, Надежду тоссам принесло, Девчонкам плачет всем прощанья, Так много само-обниманья Губит звездное ремесло.
Турнир загажен в это время, Остался Майнд, герой Земли, Они прошли в турнир как семя, Но только семя пролили.
Kyrgyz Republic1462 Posts
It's either a very weird poem or the translation is not perfect )
Apparently it is about how Xellos, Savior and Bisu are losing because they "play with themselves" too much instead of practicing.
Thanks so much! It's both weird and imperfectly translated :p
The original:
Some had expected: Seo Ji Hoon, Who carved a pathway to the semis Should now succeed - a faulty premise. Oh-two - he's gone to fap too soon.
Maestro, who in battle heated Was once the Swarm's beloved star, From MSL so soon unseated, Joins Seo Ji Hoon in DDR.
And Kim Taek Young, last year's sensation, Whose wins brought hope to every Toss, Will gain no fangirls' adulation. Is he resigned to masturbation? Perhaps it is what caused his loss.
Of four top players, three conceded - No easy Liquibet, indeed. They showed much hope, for they were seeded, But they were busy spilling seed.
Kyrgyz Republic1462 Posts
Did you do the translation yourself? It's quite nice actually! There are just some (rather subtle) discrepancies with word usage, if you are interested, I could point them out
I did both the original and translation, so yes, I'm aware of discrepancies in the meaning. Do you mean improper usage in Russian?
Kyrgyz Republic1462 Posts
Seo Ji Hoon... Kto put probil k semifinalu...
While it does literally mean "Seo Ji Hoon who fought his way to semifinals", the word "который" should be used instead of "кто". Or better yet, use a participle "пробивший". In such a construct, "кто" would be fine following a pronoun ("he who fought his way" - "тот, кто пробил путь"), but looks out of place following a person's name.
Also, the word for semifinal is "полуфинал".
Tak mnogo samo-obnimanya Gubit zvezdnoye remeslo
Here the correct stresses in the second line are GUbit ZVEZdnoe remeSLO, but to follow the rhyming the stress in "zvezdnoe" has to be broken, and put like "zvezDNOe".
Oni proshli v turnir kak semya No tol’ko semya prolili.
The word "семя" cannot be used to literally translate "seed" as in "seeded player". The proper term for "seeded player" is "посеяный игрок" or "сеяный игрок"; you can omit "игрок" and just use "сеяный", but unfortunately the original wordplay involving "seed" cannot be directly translated into Russian.
Thanks once more
oh dear god this made me fall out of my chair XD
On your recommendations,
S1L2 Probivshiy put' k polufinalu,
S3L5 Zvezdnoye gubit remeslo.
Zvezdnoye is still improperly stressed, but I just like the line too much.
S4 Odin idet gde shli chetyre. Ostalsya Mind, geroy zemli. Oni poseyany v turnire, No tolko semya prolili.
Наш Сео Джи Хун, летит молва, Пробивший путь к полуфиналу, Пройдет. Тренировался мало, Но очень занят был. Ноль-два.
Маэстро, кто в бою горячем Был Зергов первою звездой, Не подготовлен перед матчем: Он чересчур играл с собой.
А Ким Тэк Йон, кого влиянье Надежду тоссам принесло, Девчонкам плачет всем прощанья, Так много само-обниманья Звездное губит ремесло.
Один идет где шли четыре. Остался Майнд, герой Земли. Они посеяны в турнире, Но только семя пролили.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
LOLOL WTFFF nice poem lol its like theres a sudden influx of russian and russian related topics after brat's appearance