Updated April 30th - Added some things to Mafia analysis and removed verified dead Mafia.
Updated April 25th - Added updated detective lists from fusion's blog. Also, 3/5 on people I was pretty sure were mafia so far. (sorry Midnight/Ulszz)
Updated April 21st - Added possible general phrase/word connections.
...in case I die, which I'm pretty sure I will. Fusion can feel free to add it all/some of it into his own blog post, but I wanna make sure it's all somewhere before I die.
Mandalor List:
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17-randombum { Pardoner }
Total: 32 people, 8 Mafia. Ratio is an even 1/4.
Showtime! List: - 0 killed tonight.
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Total: 7 people, 1 Mafia. Ratio is 1/7.
People Not On Mandalor List:
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So no fek
Total: 37 people, 3 or 4 (depending on the Showtime! list results) mafia. Ratio is a dismal 1/12 or nearly 1/9.
Confirmed Innocents by Lists:
+ Show Spoiler +
45. smurfingchobo
49. GranDim
54. MTF
94. unsoundlogic
Assumed Innocents:
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler [Figuring Out Mafia] +
Finding Out Mafia Suspects:
First, let us tally up all the dead Mafia.
Known Mafia:
Sidewinder was Queasy
Black Mamba was BlindAlbino
Taipan Snake was d.arkive
King Black Snake was Crazie-Penguin
Enigma was L
Mr. White was ieatkids5
Mr. Red was Evilmonkey
DamageControl as Mr.Black is my current strongest choice for Mafia
Strongest Candidates for Mafia:
jtan as Eddie:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
- His profile picture is of M&M microing against lurkers, aka, fire and retreat, which Eddie has references to/is nearby one other reference to.
Eddie half-panicked and shot Yogurt in the face as he motioned everyone to retreat.
retreated to the new threat he posed. Eddie wasn't afraid to take on Lenwe,
when Eddie cut their fun short by shooting decafchicken with his own gun and they all retreated quickly.
- Some possible M&M references through needing help/back-up/having friends.
With each attack Yogurt made a crazy and elaborate counter. Eddie made a lucky kick knocking Yogurt to the ground and went back to Black Mamba to get some help.
Eddie and Taipan Snake walked around the corner. "Oh I see you have friends" said Empyrean, now realized how screwed he was. "Yeah they're pretty cool guys, always ready to help"
- A stretch that entertains me:
Eddie, Enigma, and Mr. Black were all ready to get a piece of KH1031
Maybe a reference to the Marine's famous saying, "You wanna piece of me, boy?"
L as Enigma: ~~CONFIRMED~~
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
He has been involved in very suspicious circumstances involving the death of many blues. He is also tied to several of Enigma's clues, such as being unattractive, laying false clues for the town, and being mysterious.
ieatkids5 as Mr. White: ~~CONFIRMED~~
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
His quote reads, "Procrastination - Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now." All scenes in which Mr. White is active, he shows up last in. This is more particularly noted in Day 2 and Day 7 than in Day 4. As well as being the last to show up, he has only once engaged in a fight directly. All other times he only shows up at the end to make the finishing blow. I believe this is a strong connection. There are numerous possible references to Mr. White being lazy as well.
Unforgiven_ve as Joe:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
His profile picture is of a happy looking bunny giving the thumbs up. Not only did Joe directly give a thumbs up, he has been helpful/supportive of his fellow Mafia from day one.
0cz3c as Copperhead:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
Purely based off his speech and 0cz3c's profile quote. Both allude to two choices, one being a mystery, and in Copperhead's speech the object in his right pocket bulged to the point of it seeming impossible to hold whatever was inside. This coincides with the quote.
- Defended Caller, known innocent, then turned against him (along with many other people, including a now dead medic)
- Defended Ace.
- Defended Ace against BlindAlbino.
- Suggested investigating both Bumatlarge and Randombum on what turned out to be Queasy's clues.
- Complied and voted on Ghar in day 3, had no second vote.
- Accused Ninja4Ever.
- Defended Shallow three times.
last few pages, relevant to note because of recent events
- Responded to my post about his quote by expanding the knowledge of it; has yet to respond about the new clue.
- Supports MidnightGladius being lynched and challenges suresh0t to give reasoning rather than just say things.
- Kinda defends me by questioning a possible clue against me.
Well, look at that. One of my top suspects has a more positive posting history than the majority of townies. This indicates one of two things to me: he's a good, helpful townie or he's a smart mafia. Given the clue we have seemingly connecting him strongly to Copperhead, I'm going to lean towards smart mafia. However, I will concede that I am a bit less certain than before.
People Who Accused 0cz3c*:
Crazie-Penguin as King Black Snake: ~~CONFIRMED~~
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
Definite clues: He is very short and doesn't appear to be human/appears to be deformed as he is "a strange man". I believe this is a strong allusion to the person not being human, as Chuiu can't just come right out and say such.
Crazie-Penguin: Penguins are short and would most definitely be strange looking if assumed a man. Also note this:
King Brown Snake slapped him back to the ground
Slapped is a rather specific phrase. A penguin cannot punch, but they could slap.
And this:
Caller got a leg free and kicked off the maddened King Brown Snake
Maddened is, again, a specific phrase. Madness is a term for insanity, or craziness.
- Responds to Clazziquai's calling BlindAlbino the village idiot, saying he's sure he (Blind) was just being sarcastic.
All other results are of minor assistance or just neutral (well, seeming town-sympathetic, but y'know) commentary on the day posts.
People Who Accuse crazie-penguin:
- Just me, though Plexa has since added a vote of support for my analysis of him.
BlindAlbino as Black Mamba: ~~CONFIRMED~~
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
Take a look..
Yogurt had thrown a rock that struck Black Mamba in the face with much ease.
He kicked Eddie aside as he was helping Black Mamba recover from the stone that struck his face and stumbled but still managed to make an easy round house kick to knock Black Mamba back down.
He moved toward Eddie readying himself for another fight but was tripped by Black Mambas flailing legs.
Black Mamba felt his way up and began kicking Yogurt in the back to compliment Eddies assault.
They both took their turns dealing with Yogurt but when Eddie noticed Yogurt manage to pull some sort of switch out of his pocket he yelled at Black Mamba to back off.
Mr. Orange shrugged and shot him in the leg. Meta fell to the ground and started screaming for help. Black Mamba was a bit alarmed and tried to quiet the man, permanently, but ended up just bruising his face from stomping his foot around.
The point of all of these clues is one of two things: Black Mamba is physically helpless and CANNOT SEE. This is why he feels his way up to kick Yogurt, why Eddie has to yell at him to warm him about the switch, why Black Mamba is alarmed by the gunshot and proceeds to miss his attempts to stomp the man, why Eddie went back to help him in the first place, and why he is so easily hit; he can't dodge because he can't see.
how the fuck did I miss this before?
General Suspects/Not Strong or Not Tied By Clues:
Clazziquai as California Mountain Snake:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
Firstly, Clazziquai is a Korean band. This fits in with the singing; to tie the hat/respectful manner in is Oddball. Oddball was Korean born in the Bond movies. He never talked, wore a suit, and threw a metal rimmed bowler hat that famously decapitated a statue in one of the movies.
Note: If he turns up Mafia later, look hard at Randombum.
- Talks about wanting to really help the town early on, after claiming to be a mere townie.
- Questioned Ace's surety on Mandalor.
- Claims to have been gone between March 25th-27th
- Encouraged Ace to keep participating when everyone thought he left.
- Haha, called BlindAlbino the village idiot.
Note that BlindAlbino said that he was surprised that he wasn't caught earlier; perhaps mafia distanced themselves a little from him after they saw the obviousness of his clues, though there's nothing very solidly incriminating in his post record to link him to mafia.
People Who Accuse Clazziquai*:
- Eti307
- Plexa
LostYourSkills as Eddie:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
His quote refers to luck being skill that becomes habit. On the second day, he first gets a lucky kick off on Yogurt, then shortly thereafter, begins kicking him over and over again. He was also defended by BlindAlbino, who is pretty much confirmed Mafia.
Made only one post in the whole thread after Day 1 post, never voted other than Mayoral. Claims to have been on holiday.
People Who Accuse LostYourSkills:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
Tentative connection, especially as I don't have him paired up anywhere with any mafia. However, there are a lot of army references throughout the day posts, so he is a slight suspect of mine for the moment.
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
He is just a very general suspect at this point in time, but has this quote: "It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious." Earlier I noted that there was a very detailed description of a very drab room. I will look into other day posts that contain the same Mafia that showed up in Day 6 to see if I can find any others that are similar.
Lysithea as Mr. Orange:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
Lysithea is a moon, and everyone knows that if you scream (or call for help) in space, nobody can hear you. Furthermore, there was a red moon reference in one of the day posts that may reference him. Lastly, Blind Albino, pretty much confirmed Mafia at this point, defended him.
Nemy as Mr. Brown:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
Mr. Brown constantly comes face to face with people, staring back at them, and doesn't seem to do anything else. Nemy has a mirror in his profile. Also note that every time someone has their back turned to him, Mr. Brown is unintelligible. This could possibly be the mirror image trying to communicate (words would be reversed).
omfghi2u2 as Mr. Brown:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
- Theme of staring/meeting gaze.
- "omfg" before hi may be the link to him being indecipherable when he calls out.
- Has introduced himself once, and in accordance with my belief now that clues may be scattered around, it is noteworthy that Enigma also introduced himself/California Mountain Snake.
JimTudor as Mr. Blonde:
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
Jim Tudor is a hockey players name. Mr. Blonde tends to come right up on his opponents and often knocks them down, and is very physical. He is also very fast, which may be linked to a hockey players speed on ice, knocking their opponents over from seemingly out of nowhere.
Other Peoples Suspects I Agree With:
suresh0t as The Wolf: (qrs)
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
On April 17 2008 11:51 qrs wrote:
I'll probably vote suresh0t because of the clues that seem to point at him. (summary: + Show Spoiler +).
To add to the possible evidence against suresh0t, there's a reference to the Wolf carrying debris out of a building (after d.arkive's suicide blast). Why would anyone do that? It sounds a bit like a construction worker (the hammer again). Granted, this particular connection is a bit weak, but does anyone have a better explanation for "carrying a pile of debris"?
I'll probably vote suresh0t because of the clues that seem to point at him. (summary: + Show Spoiler +
1)sure shot: 1-hit kill with nail thrown down hall; twice says that Caller tried to dodge but couldn't. 2) signature: apology for taking on God (authority) but someone has to do it, corresponds with the Wolf's apology to Chuiu for killing him (Chuiu was an authority figure in the Mafia). 3) Profile pic: hammer--goes with nails.
To add to the possible evidence against suresh0t, there's a reference to the Wolf carrying debris out of a building (after d.arkive's suicide blast). Why would anyone do that? It sounds a bit like a construction worker (the hammer again). Granted, this particular connection is a bit weak, but does anyone have a better explanation for "carrying a pile of debris"?
Dr.Dragoon as Mr. Brown: (Plexa)
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On April 16 2008 20:58 Plexa wrote:
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Okay i've figured out Mr Brown
Note that every time Mr Brown chases someone, theres the indecipherable yelling.
Note too that he speaks rather well, and he is quite an able fighter - not killing with guns but with his hands.
This all seems rather contradictory HOWEVER;
The yelling is indecipherable BECAUSE ITS A HORSE
In addition to that, he is a soldier which fits everything else about him. The match is SO perfect its rediculous.
DrDragoon this game you really were mafia![](/mirror/smilies/puh2.gif)
+ Show Spoiler [DrDragoon info] +
+ Show Spoiler +
As they fell to the ground Mynock struggled to get away, he bashed Mr. Blonde in the face with his elbow as he turned to the right and climbed up only to meet gaze with Mr. Brown. They traded glares and Mynock dodged to the left and headed up his stairs not clearly deciphering the yells that came from behind him or caring.
Mr. Blonde appeared in the room with the shotgun, Mr. Brown just behind him.
Mr. Pink and Mr. Brown were standing just in front of his phone and as he glanced at it Mr. Brown picked it up and said "oh you want this?" and smashed it on the table breaking it in two. "Sorry we can't have you doing that, allow me to introduce myself I'm Mr. Brown and my quiet friend here is Mr. Pink. We're here to kill you." said Mr. Brown as he pulled a gun out of his coat. Fishball was stricken with fear, he got on his knees and begged for their mercy. Mr. Pink said something to Mr. Brown and instead of shooting Fishball, they viciously beat him till he fell unconscious. Fishball died a few hours later to internal bleeding.
Mr. Brown called out to him as they ran towards his direction but BloodyC0bbler couldn't understand a word he was saying.
He almost already felt himself dying as he ran as hard as he could but Mr. Pink eventually caught up to him first and tackled him to the ground. Mr. Brown snagged a rather sharp stone from someones yard decoration and quickly caught up. Mr. Pink held BloodyC0bbler down as Mr. Brown smashed the stone several times into his skull.
Mr. Blonde appeared in the room with the shotgun, Mr. Brown just behind him.
Mr. Pink and Mr. Brown were standing just in front of his phone and as he glanced at it Mr. Brown picked it up and said "oh you want this?" and smashed it on the table breaking it in two. "Sorry we can't have you doing that, allow me to introduce myself I'm Mr. Brown and my quiet friend here is Mr. Pink. We're here to kill you." said Mr. Brown as he pulled a gun out of his coat. Fishball was stricken with fear, he got on his knees and begged for their mercy. Mr. Pink said something to Mr. Brown and instead of shooting Fishball, they viciously beat him till he fell unconscious. Fishball died a few hours later to internal bleeding.
Mr. Brown called out to him as they ran towards his direction but BloodyC0bbler couldn't understand a word he was saying.
He almost already felt himself dying as he ran as hard as he could but Mr. Pink eventually caught up to him first and tackled him to the ground. Mr. Brown snagged a rather sharp stone from someones yard decoration and quickly caught up. Mr. Pink held BloodyC0bbler down as Mr. Brown smashed the stone several times into his skull.
Okay i've figured out Mr Brown
Note that every time Mr Brown chases someone, theres the indecipherable yelling.
Note too that he speaks rather well, and he is quite an able fighter - not killing with guns but with his hands.
This all seems rather contradictory HOWEVER;
The yelling is indecipherable BECAUSE ITS A HORSE
In addition to that, he is a soldier which fits everything else about him. The match is SO perfect its rediculous.
DrDragoon this game you really were mafia
+ Show Spoiler [DrDragoon info] +
Fairly active prior to role release, only voting and random comments;
Voted for:
Randombum for mayor
Kuja900 on Day 2
Abstain on Day 3
Abstain on Day 4
No vote on Day 5
Voted for:
Randombum for mayor
Kuja900 on Day 2
Abstain on Day 3
Abstain on Day 4
No vote on Day 5
Ninja4ever. as Mr. Blonde: (Plexa's associate)
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
On April 18 2008 00:22 Plexa wrote:
Okay, my associate stumbled upon the following find for mr blonde
+ Show Spoiler +
There are soo many references to Mr Blonde being agile and appearing from no where, yet at the same time a rather strong figure... See the highlighted passages for evidential proof
Obviously, there is only one thing that is both nimble and powerful and that is a Ninja, thus i present to you Ninja4eva. as Mr Blonde
Okay, my associate stumbled upon the following find for mr blonde
+ Show Spoiler +
He jumped through the opening towards the door and was almost home free when he was cut off by Mr. Blonde, coming out of nowhere it seemed. He rammed into DapperDan knocking him to the ground.
He almost made it out until finally someone pumped DapperDan's back full of lead.
With great care he crept into the room and searched for the lamp. It was moved onto the table in the center of the room. He switched it on to reveal the man known as Mr. Blonde. Mr. Blonde had braced himself on the ceiling and swooped down from above diving strait into Mynock. As they fell to the ground Mynock struggled to get away, he bashed Mr. Blonde in the face with his elbow as he turned to the right and climbed up only to meet gaze with Mr. Brown.
He panicked as he realized his only line of defense against two men was gone and he just about surrendered as Mr. Blonde appeared in the room with the shotgun, Mr. Brown just behind him. He dived toward Mr. Blonde in effort to tackle him but Mynock's attack was cut short as he ate a mouthful of buckshot.
Mr. Blonde and Mr. White got out of their car, the rest of their hit squad parked on the other side of the building. They had arrived at an office building where they noticed a group of people always worked late. Sure enough there were some cars parked around them. "When is d.arkive supposed to do it?" asked Mr. White, as he leaned against the car and stared at the building in expectation. "I don't know, they just said to wait for their signal" responded Mr. Blonde as he walked a bit closer to the building to get a better look.
"Holy shit! I guess we're supposed to go in and find the rest of them now?" said Mr. Blonde after dodging what was left of a door that flew at him. "I don't think we have to" said Mr. White as he pointed at some people getting out of the good half of what was left of the building.
They decided on the first person they saw, xDark.Carnivalx. Mr. Blonde jetted towards him and knocked him to the ground with a punch square in the jaw. xDark.Carnivalx was dazed and still disoriented and shocked from the explosion, but he managed to stumble to his feet only to get kicked down again. The adrenaline was rushing but xDark.Carnivalx was getting frustrated, he looked around for something to use as a weapon and found a shattered pipe. He grabbed it and swung at Mr. Blonde, forcing him to back off and provide time for xDark.Carnivalx to get off the ground.
He almost made it out until finally someone pumped DapperDan's back full of lead.
With great care he crept into the room and searched for the lamp. It was moved onto the table in the center of the room. He switched it on to reveal the man known as Mr. Blonde. Mr. Blonde had braced himself on the ceiling and swooped down from above diving strait into Mynock. As they fell to the ground Mynock struggled to get away, he bashed Mr. Blonde in the face with his elbow as he turned to the right and climbed up only to meet gaze with Mr. Brown.
He panicked as he realized his only line of defense against two men was gone and he just about surrendered as Mr. Blonde appeared in the room with the shotgun, Mr. Brown just behind him. He dived toward Mr. Blonde in effort to tackle him but Mynock's attack was cut short as he ate a mouthful of buckshot.
Mr. Blonde and Mr. White got out of their car, the rest of their hit squad parked on the other side of the building. They had arrived at an office building where they noticed a group of people always worked late. Sure enough there were some cars parked around them. "When is d.arkive supposed to do it?" asked Mr. White, as he leaned against the car and stared at the building in expectation. "I don't know, they just said to wait for their signal" responded Mr. Blonde as he walked a bit closer to the building to get a better look.
"Holy shit! I guess we're supposed to go in and find the rest of them now?" said Mr. Blonde after dodging what was left of a door that flew at him. "I don't think we have to" said Mr. White as he pointed at some people getting out of the good half of what was left of the building.
They decided on the first person they saw, xDark.Carnivalx. Mr. Blonde jetted towards him and knocked him to the ground with a punch square in the jaw. xDark.Carnivalx was dazed and still disoriented and shocked from the explosion, but he managed to stumble to his feet only to get kicked down again. The adrenaline was rushing but xDark.Carnivalx was getting frustrated, he looked around for something to use as a weapon and found a shattered pipe. He grabbed it and swung at Mr. Blonde, forcing him to back off and provide time for xDark.Carnivalx to get off the ground.
There are soo many references to Mr Blonde being agile and appearing from no where, yet at the same time a rather strong figure... See the highlighted passages for evidential proof
Obviously, there is only one thing that is both nimble and powerful and that is a Ninja, thus i present to you Ninja4eva. as Mr Blonde
DamageControL as Mr. Black: (Plexa)
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning] +
On April 17 2008 22:16 Plexa wrote:
Another mafia bites the dust;
+ Show Spoiler +
In the first set of clues, Mr Black prevents harm to Copperhead and in effect controls all the damage that JeeJee is able to inflict (note the highlighted passage).
In the second set of clues Mr Black talks about "risk" and how Decaf is too much of a risk to stay alive
Now, this all coincides nicely with a certain name: DamageControl, join your buddies in mafia hell
Just read that passage again and again and keep damagecontrol in your mind and you'll see that the connection is obvious![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
Another mafia bites the dust;
+ Show Spoiler +
Copperhead and Mr. Black were the first to act as they broke into the home of JeeJee. But as they broke the glass of one of his windows JeeJee woke up and grabbed his trusty baseball bat and headed down the stairs to meet them. He crept down slowly and peered around the corner to see Copperhead standing in wait for Mr. Black as he climbed in through the window. JeeJee didn't waste anytime waiting and charged at Copperhead with the bat but Mr. Black caught it with his hand and yanked it from JeeJee. JeeJee grabbed it and tried getting it back from him only to find it was stuck to his hand now.
Mr. Black wouldn't let him pass though, standing in front of the door, so JeeJee decided to put his new weapon to good use, he thrusted down hard toward Mr. Black's face but Mr. Black defended with the baseball bat and the knife drove through it. Mr. Black disarmed JeeJee, twisting the bat to the side and bashed him over the head with it. As JeeJee lay stunned on the ground Mr. Black pulled the knife out and drove it through JeeJee's chest ending his life.
he panicked and turned around to get out as fast as he could but found three mafia in his way. Eddie, Enigma, and Mr. Black were all ready to get a piece of KH1031 but found someone else doing their dirty work for them. "We love what you've done here, but you're just as much a risk to us so you've got to go as well" said Mr. Black. Enigma had an ugly look on his face as he tackled decafchicken to the ground and Mr. Black followed up as they both started viciously beating him.
Mr. Black wouldn't let him pass though, standing in front of the door, so JeeJee decided to put his new weapon to good use, he thrusted down hard toward Mr. Black's face but Mr. Black defended with the baseball bat and the knife drove through it. Mr. Black disarmed JeeJee, twisting the bat to the side and bashed him over the head with it. As JeeJee lay stunned on the ground Mr. Black pulled the knife out and drove it through JeeJee's chest ending his life.
he panicked and turned around to get out as fast as he could but found three mafia in his way. Eddie, Enigma, and Mr. Black were all ready to get a piece of KH1031 but found someone else doing their dirty work for them. "We love what you've done here, but you're just as much a risk to us so you've got to go as well" said Mr. Black. Enigma had an ugly look on his face as he tackled decafchicken to the ground and Mr. Black followed up as they both started viciously beating him.
In the first set of clues, Mr Black prevents harm to Copperhead and in effect controls all the damage that JeeJee is able to inflict (note the highlighted passage).
In the second set of clues Mr Black talks about "risk" and how Decaf is too much of a risk to stay alive
Now, this all coincides nicely with a certain name: DamageControl, join your buddies in mafia hell
Just read that passage again and again and keep damagecontrol in your mind and you'll see that the connection is obvious
People I Believe Are Innocent:
People Confirmed Innocent By Lists:
+ Show Spoiler [List] +
People Who Are Probably Innocent:
+ Show Spoiler [List] +
+ Show Spoiler [Reasoning for the Probably Innocent] +
Just as a sort of summary for myself from that false list...
Empyrean - Dead/innocent.
Plexa - Most probably innocent.
~OpZ~ - Proven innocent.
MTF - Innocent, but can't really prove that. :p
SpiritoftheTuna - On the Mandalor list.
Pangolin - On the Mandalor list.
NatsuTerran - On the Mandalor list.
Eti307 - On the Mandalor list.
Romance_us - On the Mandalor list.
BloodyC0bbler - On the Mandalor list.
d.arkive - Mafia
I'm fairly sure there can't be more than one Mafia left altogether in that list, unless Mafia got greedy and tried to get a large early boost. What I think is more likely is that everyone remaining on the list is innocent; Mafia knew d.arkive would be revealed at some point and I don't think they'd risk throwing more Mafia in such a list as bait later. Unless we're dealing with stupid people, but based on the number of blues dead, I doubt it. Also, I don't remember the exact timing of this list, but I know I was a suspect of Plexa's for a little bit, so all the more reason for me to be on a fake list with a confirmed Mafia in it.
Mafia Clue Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler [Analysis] +
Various notes on Mafia and some conclusions from clues.
Bolded bits are clues/conclusions I feel strongly about.
Misc/seemingly unattached words that hinted:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- The red moon stared back in the face like a terrifying omen lights out
- lamp moved to center of room
- smiley in place of shotgun
- when four men intercepted them
- fight an army if one would present itself
- fortunately/unfortunately shows up multiple times
- surrounded on all sides
- "the fourth man" has been mentioned specifically twice
- They intruded into the office buildings he was at and quickly found him doing repetitive boring paperwork in his drab cubicle.
Mr. Blue:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
I'm interpreting this guy for the first time, 'since we thought it was Mandalor before; apparently this was not the case.
- Got the last word in, which means one of two things to me: a reference to finality or being of a position greater than those around him. The former seems more likely, though with the next clue...
- He mentions the right mayor being elected; this is the only thing he does through day 1-5. This seems to me to be a strong indicator that this was a very powerful clue, which I believe points at one of the people who ran for mayor.
- A possible music reference exists in "tugged on the chord" as chord is a musical reference whereas cord would be the correct spelling. Possibly just a spelling error.
- "broke the chain of the saw" and "shredded down the side" might be important.
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Pointed the gun on day one, but doesn't specify he shot it; he's only used the gun during panic.
- Seems to frequently help his fellow Mafia, i.e. helping Black Mamba and holding down
Empyrean for D.arkive.
- Doesn't seem to be afraid of violence.
- Got the lucky kick in on day 2 and then proceeded to kick Yogurt repeatedly in the gut. This fits LostYourSkills quote in that he started off lucky and then became skilled/habitual with his kicks.
- He has a theme of shooting and then retreating.
He hit the switch and an explosion sent shock waves from across town. Eddie half-panicked and shot Yogurt in the face as he motioned everyone to retreat.
Eddie cut their fun short by shooting decafchicken with his own gun and they all retreated quickly.
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Strongly supports leader/helps his friends.
A few paces and he thought he was home free but Joe called out "Stop him! You heard Eddie, either you're with us or you're permanently not, make your choice now!".
said Joe as he pulled Sidewinder into the back of the car with the help of LucasWoJ. "Well thanks for the help,
Joe gave Mr. Blue a thumbs up for effort as he grabbed and held onto aZnvaLiaNce from behind.
- Seems to be polite/well spoken.
- Acts when people try to leave.
and with that turned to the nearest exit. A few paces and he thought he was home free but Joe called out "Stop him! You heard Eddie, either you're with us or you're permanently not, make your choice now!".
and cleaned himself up to get ready to leave but stopped as he noticed someone driving down the road obviously looking for someone.
said Joe as he turned to face LucasWoj. He was confused in his response and didn't really want anything to do with the two anymore so he decided to be short and walk back toward his van. But Joe pulled out a gun and shot LucasWoJ dead
- Possibly connected to confusion. The following quotes only appear around Joe.
He was confused in his response
He was quite confused as he saw
Evidence to Support Unforgiven Possibly Being Joe:
- All links are being drawn from Unforgiven's profile picture.
- Joe is generally supportive and gives a thumbs up.
- Joe is smiling in the last Day post
- Joe may be short. See:
he ran over and jumped onto the top of the car causing a huge indentation. Naib got out of his car as fast as he could to see Joe standing up. Joe then kicked Naib in the face, being in the perfect spot to do so
Also note that Joe needed help getting Queasy into his car and that Chuiu did not specify where aznvaliance was grabbed when Joe grabbed him from behind.
Mr. Blonde:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Is prone to attacking through bodily means.
- Is very fast; I thought he was invisible, but looking at the "jetted" comment on Day 5, I think he
is just very fast.
My prime suspect for Mr. Blonde is Jimtudor. Jim Tudor is the name of a hockey player. Hockey players tend to be quite physical and reach great speeds on the ice.
May have been Evilmonkey.
The Wolf:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Seems to be patient/apologetic.
- Accurate. He "made his mark" on Chuiu on Day 1 and threw a nail down the hallway square into
the back of New104's head.
- Doesn't ever seem to be directly involved in trying to kill to start with; he always interrupts or
stumbles along the action, with the exception of Chuiu.
Mr. Pink:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Calm and careful. Calculated.
- Is a good fighter,
- Is quiet/soft spoken.
- Suggested the beating of Fishball rather than shoot.
- Seems to be connected to things being parted into two.
- Is perhaps a wild animal or some other creature/a profession that specializes in hunting.
Mr. Pink were hunting their own prey that night. They were stalking down the street
I think everyone who was pointing at Nightmare may have been correct. See:
Zeks put up a bit of a fight as he took on Mr. Pink, but Mr. Pink was determined to make him feel some pain. He finally got him into a corner and pulled out a can and a lighter. Mr. Pink emptied the contents of the can onto Zeks and lit him on fire. Zeks tried to put the fire out by rolling on the ground but it kept burning. He was about to get up and pull off his clothes but Mr. Pink decided he had suffered enough and knocked Zeks unconscious and let him burn to death.
Pain makes one suffer.
Suffering makes one think.
Thinking makes one wise.
And Wisdom makes life bearable.
Summation: Pink wants to cause pain and does so. Zeks feels pain and tries to put out the fire, but fails and thus suffers. He then comes to the conclusion after such suffering (thinking -> wisdom) to take off his clothing to stop the burning, which might be construed as making life bearable. Pink judges he's had enough suffering and knocks him unconscious.
His posting record seems fairly pro-town with some analysis here and there, but then again, that's exactly how I'd describe L's posts.
Mr. Brown:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Repeatedly mentions staring at victims.
- Mr. Brown is situationally unintelligable:
he turned to the right and climbed up only to meet gaze with Mr. Brown. They traded glares and Mynock dodged to the left and headed up his stairs not clearly deciphering the yells that came from behind him or caring.
Mr. Brown called out to him as they ran towards his direction but BloodyC0bbler couldn't understand a word he was saying.
Mr. Pink and Mr. Brown were standing just in front of his phone and as he glanced at it Mr. Brown picked it up and said "oh you want this?" and smashed it on the table breaking it in two. "Sorry we can't have you doing that, allow me to introduce myself I'm Mr. Brown and my quiet friend here is Mr. Pink. We're here to kill you." said Mr. Brown
He talks quite clearly here, so perhaps it's just his yelling that is indecipherable. Also, note the underlined portions in the quotes; both times he is not understood, direction is mentioned.
- Yard decorations are clearly mentioned, as is a sharp stone.
- This is the second time Brown has helped Pink beat someone to death.
- Also note that he has never shown up alone (twice with Mr. Pink and once with Mr. Blonde) and is often close by them.
- Mr.Brown is still hanging out with Mr. Pink - has yet to show up on his own, ever.
- May be connected to music.
humming a little tune to get his mind off the violence.
People With Musical Ties:
+ Show Spoiler +
Shallow[Bay] - Breaking Benjamin song.
CDRdude - CDR is an acronym for conductor.
Bugzltoonl - Has a Jimi Hendrix quote.
AmorVincitOmnia - Has lyrics to a song and three women from a musical group for a profile picture. (So far as I can tell)
RowdierBob - Life is Pain is a song by Leftover Crack.
suresh0t - Lyrics in profile are from the song Rise Up!!
Scorch - Lyrics in profile are from the song Know Your Enemy.
jtan - Quote is the title of a song.
Ziel - Quote is the title of a song.
nemY - Lyrics in profile are from the song Stone.
Clazziquai - Korean band.
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Numbers. Credits to qrs for finding that the number of weapons Cottonmouth has used so far has consistently been 15.
- Possible theme of meeting people.
when two knives met his hand as he reached for the handle.
one by one four more knived embraced his good arm.
I might let it slide if it were just met, but to be followed soon after by the abnormally applied embraced leads me to believe Cottonmouth, or another Mafia, may have this theme.
Mr. White:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- He has never been in a prolonged fight - He always just comes in and makes the finishing blow.
- Probably relating to the clue above, he is habitually late and/or lazy.
- Speaking of the finishing blow, both have been crushing of heads.
California Mountain Snake:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Respectful, has a hat.
- Perhaps someone with a musical tie as well, as per the "singing".
- Seems to have a theme of dismembering/taking things apart, as he removed Dinmsab's head and went much further in removing all of aZnvaLiaNce's limbs.
- A possible theme of helplessness.
Dinmsab had no time to react as his head was sliced clean off by the object
and they left him there to bleed out and die knowing he couldn't do a thing to save himself in the condition he was in.
Mr. Orange:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Doesn't like/interrupts sound.
- Has never spoken.
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Seems to enjoy giving choices.
There is someone with a quote saying "A boat is a boat. A mystery box can be anything -- even a boat!" Copperhead gave a choice between left or right, and whatever was in his right pocket bulged too large for his pocket.
This is 0cz3c's quote..
Mr. Black:
+ Show Spoiler [Clues] +
- Strong, obviously.
- Seems to create a sticky substance.
- Note that as Mr. Black was still climbing through the window JeeJee attacked Copperhead
who was already in the room without waiting, yet Mr. Black is the one who grabbed the bat.
Perhaps this signifies an extra-long reach or something similar.
- Possible connection to love and/or risk?
"We love what you've done here, but you're just as much a risk to us so you've got to go as well" said Mr. Black
- Mr. Black again attacks with a knife and has the specific word "drove" attached to him for the second time.
- Mr. Black seems to be stopping/cutting things off.
Mr. Black wouldn't let him pass though, standing in front of the door
GrayArea had no escape at this point
Recurring Phrases/Possible Clues:
+ Show Spoiler [Recurrences] +
Please note that these were not all on one day, in any of their cases. Also, I am well aware that none of these directly proves anything and that some could be unintentional red herrings through storytelling. However, I still do believe there are little clues lying around in Day post words.
+ Show Spoiler [Directions and Placements] +
(I don't think I got all these; kinda rushed because of sleepiness.)
turn of events
took their turns dealing
moved onto the table in the center of the room
turned to the right
dodged to the left
standing right
turn of events
took their turns dealing
moved onto the table in the center of the room
turned to the right
dodged to the left
standing right
+ Show Spoiler [Square] +
punch square in the jaw
landed square in the back of New104's head
landed a punch square in Showtime!'s right eye
+ Show Spoiler [Hopelessness/Impending Doom] +
near suicidal
no strength left to live.
knowing he couldn't do a thing to save himself
almost already felt himself dying as he ran
vain attempt to save
+ Show Spoiler [Sounds] +
alerted by this blast
when they heard the sound resonate
up stairs to investigate the sound
tried to figure out what the ruckus was all about
+ Show Spoiler [Panic] +
Eddie half-panicked
He panicked as he
he panicked and
+ Show Spoiler [Neighbors] +
a neighbors phone
house next to them.
resonate from the house next door.
Next door
on his neighbors lawn
+ Show Spoiler [Impatience/Anger] +
Irritated he decided
getting really impatient
was getting frustrated
+ Show Spoiler [Chance] +
he took his chances with
Unfortunately Mynocks
fortunately they
Unfortunately Dinmsab had
Coincidentally Fishball
+ Show Spoiler [Slow] +
seemed to drag on forever
slowly taking their toll on him.
didn't die from pain or shock, rather he bled out slowly.
He crept down slowly
he walked slowly
walked up slowly
a slow pace
+ Show Spoiler [Military] +
declares martial law.
just about surrendered
grouped up in the room
when four men intercepted them.
were ready to fight an army
charged at Empyrean
they were still surrounded
Mr. Red retreated
opposite direction to the armory.
jetted towards him (possibly)
+ Show Spoiler [Inspection] +
head out to investigate
went up the stairs to investigate
up to investigate
over to them to investigate
inspecting his window
Possible Word/Phrase Connections:
L to Enigma to Investigation:
+ Show Spoiler +
head out to investigate
went up the stairs to investigate
up to investigate
over to them to investigate
inspecting his window
Investigation appears quite frequently, and if L turns up red (as it is seeming he will upon further personal investigation into the medic matter), I'd say that this pointed to him.
ieatkids5 to Mr.White to Laziness:
+ Show Spoiler +
Noticing a mafia walking down from the break room
This is the only thing I could find. The mafia is never named specifically, but I feel strongly that ieatkids5 is mafia, and is Mr. White.
Str to Cottonmouth to Words:
+ Show Spoiler +
Alright, I'll admit that I searched this because I can't find anyone with links to 44 other than str; if someone can find a stronger candidate, go for it. This is my summary for str relatedness:
Day 1:
Words beginning with str: 0
Words str is a known abbrievation for: 0
Day 2:
Words beginning with str: 8
mafia would strike,
diving straight into
ground Mynock struggled
He struck him down
struck Black Mamba
OneBlueAugust struggled to
no strength left
stone that struck his
Words str is a known abbreivation for: 2
Day 3:
Words beginning with str: 1
stricken with fear,
Words str is a known abbreivation for: 0
Day 4:
Words beginning with str: 6
strange device fired
strange man on his way
surge in strength to knock
the street Showtime!
stabbed Showtime! straight
across the street
Words str is a known abbreivation for: 2
Day 5:
Words beginning with str: 2
a street fight
straight at him
Words str is a known abbreivation for: 1
Day 6:
Words beginning with str: 3
strong message and
street where shadowdrgn
streets as he riddled
Words str is a known abbreivation for: 0
Days 2 and 4 are when Cottonmouth shows up and when the greatest concentration of str related words come into play. If the next day post contains 44 and many str words, please lynch str (after L/ulszz) for me if I am dead. Pleaseeeeeeeee.
General Information:
Definitions of Non-English Names:
+ Show Spoiler [Definitions] +
1. ZBiR
Croatian word. Translations in English include addition, aggregate (a collection of smaller units into a larger mass), and total.
2. Puosu
Finnish word. Translation in English is a boatswain. This is an officer in charge of general deck work on a sailing ship or an officer on a merchant ship who oversees the work of others.
3. Clazziquai
Korean fusion band.
4. Ziel
German or Dutch. German translation includes aim, designation, destination, end, object and target. Dutch translation is soul.
I'm gonna work at some of the more ambiguous names and signatures/quotes later.
Further Name/Profile Definitions of Ambigiously Named People:
+ Show Spoiler [Further Definitions] +
To be clear, likely candidates in the case of acronyms are simply those definitions that have been pointed at before or, in most cases, the easiest to work with in the case of creating clues.
I will omit those that have already been described, such as Naib.
1. Eti307
Many acronyms for Eti here. Likely candidates include elapsed time indicator, estimated time of intercept, and extraterrestrial intelligence.
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new" is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein.
2. HotZhot
Could be pronounced similarly to hotshot.
I Only Smile in the Dark is the name of a book about a young man immersed in gothic/industrial culture. It is penned by Aaron Reardon.
3. CDRdude
Many acronyms for CDR here. Likely candidates include commander and conductor.
4. So no Fek
Two acronyms for fek: File encryption key and frequency exchange keying.
5. Fen
As I don't think Chuiu would use the same definition to build clues off of in the case of Fen getting Mafia again, some more likely definitions are: an acronym for Far East Network, which was a network of radio and televisions stations in Japan, Korea, and other parts of East Asia. A unit of money in mainland China.
6. nemY
Enid Nemy was a reporter for the New York Times.
As mentioned by nemY already, "You're in my soul, you're in my mind, but I don't know where you are now" is a part of a song by Stereophonics called Stone.
+ Show Spoiler [Lyrics] +
I don’t know why I let you go
You said you’d wait I said I’d hope you would
We talked ‘til late until we walked away
What’s meant to be will be the same
And I feel like stone
Yes I feel ice cold
I pick myself up from the ground
Sick to death of lying down
And now I have to find you once again
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
Driving round and round until its dawn
To look for you in rooms we used to go
I held you back, I had to set you free
But now I know what’s meant to be
And I feel like stone
Yes I feel ice cold
I pick myself up from the ground
Sick to death of lying down
And now I have to find you once again
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You said you’d wait I said I’d hope you would
We talked ‘til late until we walked away
What’s meant to be will be the same
And I feel like stone
Yes I feel ice cold
I pick myself up from the ground
Sick to death of lying down
And now I have to find you once again
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
Driving round and round until its dawn
To look for you in rooms we used to go
I held you back, I had to set you free
But now I know what’s meant to be
And I feel like stone
Yes I feel ice cold
I pick myself up from the ground
Sick to death of lying down
And now I have to find you once again
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
You’re in my soul
You’re in my mind
But I don’t know where you are now
7. LTT
Many acronyms for LTT here. Not many candidates as far as easy access.
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality. Before we know the words for it, out we come, bloodied and squalling with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only one direction, and time is its only measure." is a quote from the character Rosencrantz from Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead.
8. str
Many acronyms for str here. Likely candidates are Santa Rosa, smile/talk/raise both arms, square to round, strength, straight, and strip.
9. qrs
Many acronyms for qrs here. A likely candidate is quick reaction strike.
10. Infundibulum
An infundibulum is a funnel-shaped cavity or organ.
11. MTF
Many acronyms for MTF here. Likely candidates include move to front, move to follow, and male-to-female transsexual.
"The self-righteously ignorant are the only ones who ever truly believe they've got everything figured out." is a quote from a self-righteous narcissist.
12. Heros)Pink
Tendresse means tender feeling.
13. 0cz3c
"Num negas audes? Quid taces? Convincam, si negas; video enim esse hic quosdam qui tecum una fuerunt. O di immortales!" is a quote from Cicero's First Oration Against Catiline.
"...and he drove Catiline from the city by four vehement speeches, the Catiline Orations, in which he described Catiline and his followers' debaucheries, and denounced his followers as a company of dissolute senators and assorted rogues who, deeply in debt, latched onto Catiline as a last hope. Cicero vehemently urged Catiline and his followers to leave the city."
14. Ziel
"The cake is a lie!" is the title of the ending song to the videogame Portal.
+ Show Spoiler [Lyrics] +
This Was A Triumph
I'm Making A Note Here:
It's hard to overstate
my satisfaction.
Aperture Science
We do what we must
because we can.
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are dead.
But there's no sense crying
over every mistake.
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake.
And the Science gets done.
And you make a neat gun.
For the people who are
Still Alive
I'm not even angry.
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me.
And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
As they burned it hurt because
I was so happy for you!
Now these points of data
make a beautiful line.
And we're out of beta.
We're releasing on time.
So I'm GLAD. I got burned.
Think of all the things we learned
for the people who are
still alive.
Go ahead and leave me.
I think I prefer to stay inside.
Maybe you'll find someone else
to help you.
Maybe Black Mesa. . .
Anyway. this cake is great.
It's so delicious and moist.
Look at me still talking
When Theres Science to do.
When I look out there,
it makes me GLAD I'm not you.
I've experiments to run.
There is research to be done.
On the people who are
still alive.
And believe me I am still alive.
I'm doing Science and I'm still alive.
T feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive.
While you're dying I'll be still.
And when you're dead I will be still alive.
I'm Making A Note Here:
It's hard to overstate
my satisfaction.
Aperture Science
We do what we must
because we can.
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are dead.
But there's no sense crying
over every mistake.
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake.
And the Science gets done.
And you make a neat gun.
For the people who are
Still Alive
I'm not even angry.
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me.
And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
As they burned it hurt because
I was so happy for you!
Now these points of data
make a beautiful line.
And we're out of beta.
We're releasing on time.
So I'm GLAD. I got burned.
Think of all the things we learned
for the people who are
still alive.
Go ahead and leave me.
I think I prefer to stay inside.
Maybe you'll find someone else
to help you.
Maybe Black Mesa. . .
Anyway. this cake is great.
It's so delicious and moist.
Look at me still talking
When Theres Science to do.
When I look out there,
it makes me GLAD I'm not you.
I've experiments to run.
There is research to be done.
On the people who are
still alive.
And believe me I am still alive.
I'm doing Science and I'm still alive.
T feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive.
While you're dying I'll be still.
And when you're dead I will be still alive.
15. Hollander
Picture is of Manny from Grim Fandango.
16. jtan
"Enter a Uh" is the title of a very confusing song by John Frusciant.
+ Show Spoiler [Lyrics] +
You see me now
While ago
You could shred this size only
You are a blender uh
We are always be with you with be me hey
I am masculine to all the lie
I am a boy and i know about him only
Line life ago i made her
Give me heeee i know
Made her sky my (??)
To high can't be we are
Higher can be we are
Higher couple we are
I could be we uh ah
La la la la la la la ahhh oi oi oi ya o o
Enter a uh
While (??)
We we are all
I am only reveal a gold demon
I am yeller
Kiss me there where
I bother told about her film and make her sensorial
I see i mean
Without me
Like it's ocean
Well i've been on there
Withavidavida screwer
Withavidavida screwer
Aii aiii aii oiii oiii
-(very high pitch) heeeelp-
You seen the same order ohh you missed
You headless eyes lonely babe lord i was ready yaaay
I was gonna dream that if we were yaaay. ohh.
I wonder if we were (??)
Leave me alone me said
I'm afraid
But which from one more buy
Bad brown wears is bad
Round round lonely babe into drain
Diss it very good look me for the colder
Bad feel.
Bad sky while (??) lion lame life lame life lies on land
Skies fuck you
I wanna kiss meet you
Devote you to help
I (??) stains for father reaches his back
Well into a bowl
It isn't so task true key
Insandrium heart leave back
Daughter danger life
Cuz they all know
While ago
You could shred this size only
You are a blender uh
We are always be with you with be me hey
I am masculine to all the lie
I am a boy and i know about him only
Line life ago i made her
Give me heeee i know
Made her sky my (??)
To high can't be we are
Higher can be we are
Higher couple we are
I could be we uh ah
La la la la la la la ahhh oi oi oi ya o o
Enter a uh
While (??)
We we are all
I am only reveal a gold demon
I am yeller
Kiss me there where
I bother told about her film and make her sensorial
I see i mean
Without me
Like it's ocean
Well i've been on there
Withavidavida screwer
Withavidavida screwer
Aii aiii aii oiii oiii
-(very high pitch) heeeelp-
You seen the same order ohh you missed
You headless eyes lonely babe lord i was ready yaaay
I was gonna dream that if we were yaaay. ohh.
I wonder if we were (??)
Leave me alone me said
I'm afraid
But which from one more buy
Bad brown wears is bad
Round round lonely babe into drain
Diss it very good look me for the colder
Bad feel.
Bad sky while (??) lion lame life lame life lies on land
Skies fuck you
I wanna kiss meet you
Devote you to help
I (??) stains for father reaches his back
Well into a bowl
It isn't so task true key
Insandrium heart leave back
Daughter danger life
Cuz they all know
17. BWdero
Many possible links to dero here. No likely candidates stand out.
18. AcrossFiveJulys
"You must be crazier than a fish with tities" is part of R. Kelly's ongoing Trapped in the Closet.
19. Ninja4ever.
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live for ever." is a quote from famed pacifist Gandhi.
20. Pangolin
The Pangolin is a scaly anteater.
21. butidigress
"between the click of the light and the start of the dream" is part of a song called No Cars Go by Arcade Fire.
+ Show Spoiler [Lyrics] +
We know a place where no planes go
We know a place where no ships go
(Hey!) No cars go
(Hey!) No cars go
Where we know
We know a place no spaceships go
We know a place where no subs go
(Hey!) No cars go
(Hey!) No cars go
Where we know
(Hey! Again!)
(No go!)
(Hey!) Us kids know
(Hey!) No cars go
Where we know
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
"I don't want any pushing, and I don't want any shoving.
We're gonna do this in an orderly manner. Women and children! Women and children! Women and children, let's go! Old folks, let's go! Babies needing cribs, let's go!"
We know a place where no planes go
We know a place where no ships go
(Hey!) No cars go
(Hey!) No cars go
Where we know
We know a place no spaceships go
We know a place where no subs go
(Hey!) No cars go
(Hey!) No cars go
Where we know
(Hey! Again!)
(No go!)
(Hey!) Us kids know
(Hey!) No cars go
Where we know
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
Between the click of the light and the start of the dream
"I don't want any pushing, and I don't want any shoving.
We're gonna do this in an orderly manner. Women and children! Women and children! Women and children, let's go! Old folks, let's go! Babies needing cribs, let's go!"
22. Scorch
"What? The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy." is from a song called Know Your Enemy by Rage Against the Machine.
+ Show Spoiler [Lyrics] +
Yeah, were comin back then with another bombtrack
Think ya know what its all about
Hey yo, so check this out
Know your enemy!
Come on!
Born with insight and a raised fist
A witness to the slit wrist, thats with
As we move into 92
Still in a room without a view
Ya got to know
Ya got to know
That when I say go, go, go
Amp up and amplify
Im a brother with a furious mind
Action must be taken
We dont need the key
Well break in
Something must be done
About vengeance, a badge and a gun
cause Ill rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system
I was born to rage against em
Fist in ya face, in the place
And Ill drop the style clearly
Know your enemy...know your enemy!
Hey yo, and dick with this...uggh!
Word is born
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Now I got no patience
So sick of complacence
With the d the e the f the I the a the n the c the e
Mind of a revolutionary
So clear the lane
The finger to the land of the chains
What? the land of the free?
Whoever told you that is your enemy?
Now something must be done
About vengeance, a badge and a gun
cause Ill rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system
I was born to rage against em
Now action must be taken
We dont need the key
Well break in
Ive got no patience now
So sick of complacence now
Ive got no patience now
So sick of complacence now
Sick of sick of sick of sick of you
Time has come to pay...
Know your enemy!
Come on!
Yes I know my enemies
Theyre the teachers who taught me to fight me
Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission
Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite
All of which are american dreams (8 times)
Yeah, were comin back then with another bombtrack
Think ya know what its all about
Hey yo, so check this out
Know your enemy!
Come on!
Born with insight and a raised fist
A witness to the slit wrist, thats with
As we move into 92
Still in a room without a view
Ya got to know
Ya got to know
That when I say go, go, go
Amp up and amplify
Im a brother with a furious mind
Action must be taken
We dont need the key
Well break in
Something must be done
About vengeance, a badge and a gun
cause Ill rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system
I was born to rage against em
Fist in ya face, in the place
And Ill drop the style clearly
Know your enemy...know your enemy!
Hey yo, and dick with this...uggh!
Word is born
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Now I got no patience
So sick of complacence
With the d the e the f the I the a the n the c the e
Mind of a revolutionary
So clear the lane
The finger to the land of the chains
What? the land of the free?
Whoever told you that is your enemy?
Now something must be done
About vengeance, a badge and a gun
cause Ill rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system
I was born to rage against em
Now action must be taken
We dont need the key
Well break in
Ive got no patience now
So sick of complacence now
Ive got no patience now
So sick of complacence now
Sick of sick of sick of sick of you
Time has come to pay...
Know your enemy!
Come on!
Yes I know my enemies
Theyre the teachers who taught me to fight me
Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission
Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite
All of which are american dreams (8 times)
23. suresh0t
"Please forgive me for questioning divinity, it's an ugly job but I think I'm up for it" is a part of a song called Rise Up!! Rise Up!! by Cursive.
+ Show Spoiler [Lyrics] +
dear preacher, thanks for making time for me today
hope you don't mind if i hide behind the curtain
it's been fifteen years since my last confession
by your good book's standards, i've sinned like a champion
but that book seems a tad bit out-dated
please forgive me, for questioning divinity
it's an ugly job, but i think i'm up for it
i'm not saying who's right
i'm just saying there's more than one way
to skin a religion
there's more than one way
to explain our existence
reverend, sir, i don't want to seem malevolent
my teenage angst is far behind me
but father, certainly it's troubling to see
all these people kneeling, instead of dealing
with the fact that we are all we have
so, rise up! rise up!
there's no one to worship!
but plenty of life to lose!
i'm not saying "let's burn down the church"
but do you want to hear my confession?
it's my greatest sin..
okay, here it is:
i wasted half my life on the thought that i'd live forever!
i wasn't raised, to seize the day, but to work and worship
'cause "he that liveth and believeth" supposedly never dies
rise up! rise up!
and live a full life!
'cause when it's over, it's done
so rise up! rise up!
dance and scream and love!
[barely audible outro]
you're not the chosen one
and i'm not the chosen one
hope you don't mind if i hide behind the curtain
it's been fifteen years since my last confession
by your good book's standards, i've sinned like a champion
but that book seems a tad bit out-dated
please forgive me, for questioning divinity
it's an ugly job, but i think i'm up for it
i'm not saying who's right
i'm just saying there's more than one way
to skin a religion
there's more than one way
to explain our existence
reverend, sir, i don't want to seem malevolent
my teenage angst is far behind me
but father, certainly it's troubling to see
all these people kneeling, instead of dealing
with the fact that we are all we have
so, rise up! rise up!
there's no one to worship!
but plenty of life to lose!
i'm not saying "let's burn down the church"
but do you want to hear my confession?
it's my greatest sin..
okay, here it is:
i wasted half my life on the thought that i'd live forever!
i wasn't raised, to seize the day, but to work and worship
'cause "he that liveth and believeth" supposedly never dies
rise up! rise up!
and live a full life!
'cause when it's over, it's done
so rise up! rise up!
dance and scream and love!
[barely audible outro]
you're not the chosen one
and i'm not the chosen one
24. DamageControl
Many connections to DamageControl here.
25. SpiritoftheTuna
"La Pomme Damour" translates into "the love-apple".
26. AmorVincitOmnia
AmorVincitOmnia translates into Love Conquers All.
"brown skin woman you a queen" is part of a song called Brown Skin Woman by Krs-one.
+ Show Spoiler [lyrics] +
{kid capri}
Aiyyo kris, yo yo yo!
That was fresh, come with that next shit
Uhh! fat fat fat fat beats! ..
How refreshing is it really?
How refreshing is it really? !
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! whoo! ..
Big shout out to philly in the house
G. simone, you know youre not alone
Krs-one on the micraphone
Now we gonna come down ruffneck like this now seen?
Mad lion hold tight
Brown skin woman, you a queen, not a hoe
Any man that drop the lyric what we give them the bo
Brown skin woman you a queen and not a hoe
Any man that drop the lyric what we give them the bo
Verse one:
We dont come with disrespect, we come with intellect
If you come with disrespect you get a rope around your neck
Some people dont expect me, to be so violent
But me nah violent, just myself I protect
Too many time I see, young gwal pickadee
Pay five ten twenty thirty dollar to see
Some rapper some singer some .. celebrity
Talk bout they wan fi sex up and fill up you body
But them nah talk about peelin off some money
For the pumpin onna bed, when you haf the baby
Whattaya think can happen next? after youre done havin sex?
Too much of ignorance, not enough intellence
Mahn me not against sex, but too many dj
Talk sex but them not talk about the next day
Cause the next day them gone, and you sit alone
Got em soup up your mic, pon de micraphone
Chorus (w/ minor variations)
Verse two:
Brown skin gwal them cant diss yo
Cause you run the show-ow-ow!
Them call you all type of bimbo
But you know youre not a hoe-oe-oe!
Bwoy pickade, check out your history
Brown man is a God in any ci-ty
White, man knew dat, and dat was a shock
So dem whip up your bod, and dem whippin not stop
But dem nah cant stop us wit de whip and de chain
So dem take away your history, erase your name
Still, with no name, with no fight, with no fuss
We just, take on the name, that massa give us
That name is ni-gga, the correct is ne-gro
Its spa-nish for black, white mahn call us dat
There is also ne-groid, also ne-gro
Now, all nigga pon the corner playin cee-lo
Man youre not a ne-gro, cause youre skin is not black
Take a look at yourself, youre brown and thats a fact
You not jump from no tree, you not live in no cave
Thats some garbage dem print, dem want you to behave!
You a african man, some say asian
You must respect your love, all brown skin oman!
If you diss your oman, you not come wit no plan
So shut up your mowf, til you must understand!
Chorus (w/ minor variations)
I know you want me to call you a nigga.. no!
I know you want me to call you a hoe.. no!
I know you want me to call you a bitch.. no!
This is how it go!
{kid capri}
Yes kris, youre large!
Another fat production by the kiiiiid capri
Big shouts to the engineer naughty
Big shouts to luca, and we outttttttta here!
Aiyyo kris, yo yo yo!
That was fresh, come with that next shit
Uhh! fat fat fat fat beats! ..
How refreshing is it really?
How refreshing is it really? !
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! whoo! ..
Big shout out to philly in the house
G. simone, you know youre not alone
Krs-one on the micraphone
Now we gonna come down ruffneck like this now seen?
Mad lion hold tight
Brown skin woman, you a queen, not a hoe
Any man that drop the lyric what we give them the bo
Brown skin woman you a queen and not a hoe
Any man that drop the lyric what we give them the bo
Verse one:
We dont come with disrespect, we come with intellect
If you come with disrespect you get a rope around your neck
Some people dont expect me, to be so violent
But me nah violent, just myself I protect
Too many time I see, young gwal pickadee
Pay five ten twenty thirty dollar to see
Some rapper some singer some .. celebrity
Talk bout they wan fi sex up and fill up you body
But them nah talk about peelin off some money
For the pumpin onna bed, when you haf the baby
Whattaya think can happen next? after youre done havin sex?
Too much of ignorance, not enough intellence
Mahn me not against sex, but too many dj
Talk sex but them not talk about the next day
Cause the next day them gone, and you sit alone
Got em soup up your mic, pon de micraphone
Chorus (w/ minor variations)
Verse two:
Brown skin gwal them cant diss yo
Cause you run the show-ow-ow!
Them call you all type of bimbo
But you know youre not a hoe-oe-oe!
Bwoy pickade, check out your history
Brown man is a God in any ci-ty
White, man knew dat, and dat was a shock
So dem whip up your bod, and dem whippin not stop
But dem nah cant stop us wit de whip and de chain
So dem take away your history, erase your name
Still, with no name, with no fight, with no fuss
We just, take on the name, that massa give us
That name is ni-gga, the correct is ne-gro
Its spa-nish for black, white mahn call us dat
There is also ne-groid, also ne-gro
Now, all nigga pon the corner playin cee-lo
Man youre not a ne-gro, cause youre skin is not black
Take a look at yourself, youre brown and thats a fact
You not jump from no tree, you not live in no cave
Thats some garbage dem print, dem want you to behave!
You a african man, some say asian
You must respect your love, all brown skin oman!
If you diss your oman, you not come wit no plan
So shut up your mowf, til you must understand!
Chorus (w/ minor variations)
I know you want me to call you a nigga.. no!
I know you want me to call you a hoe.. no!
I know you want me to call you a bitch.. no!
This is how it go!
{kid capri}
Yes kris, youre large!
Another fat production by the kiiiiid capri
Big shouts to the engineer naughty
Big shouts to luca, and we outttttttta here!
27. zeks
A zek is a Russian slang term for an inmate.
28. Klive5ive
5ive was a British band.
Known Mafia Voting Patterns:
+ Show Spoiler [List] +
ieatkids5/Mr. White:
Mayoral vote: No vote.
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Ghar, no second vote.
Day 4: Abstain.
Day 5: Evilmonkey and Siefu.
Day 6: Crazie-Penguin
Mayoral vote: Randombum
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Wurm, no second vote.
Day 4: TranceStorm
Day 5: Evilmonkey and Siefu
Day 6: Nemy (for giggles)
Crazie-Penguin/King Mountain Snake:
Mayoral Vote: Randombum
Day 2: Abstain
Day 3: Abstain
Day 4: Abstain
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: L, died during this vote.
BlindAlbino/Black Mamba:
Mayoral vote: Randombum *switched to near the end*
Day 2: str
Day 3: str
Day 4: araav
Day 5: Evilmonkey and Siefu
Mandalor/Sword Charmer:
Mayoral vote: Ace
Day 2: Abstain, died during this vote.
Mayoral vote: Randombum *switched to near the end*
Day 2: No vote.
Day 3: No vote.
Day 4: No vote, died this cycle.
d.arkive/Taipan Snake:
Mayoral vote: Last Romantic
Day 2: No vote.
Day 3: Bumatlarge, no second vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: Died this cycle.
Evilmonkey/Mr. Red:
Mayoral vote: No vote.
Day 2: Ghar
Day 3: Ace, and abstain.
Day 4: Abstain
Day 5: Died this cycle.
Known Mafia Total:
+ Show Spoiler [List] +
Mayoral vote:
Randombum - 4
Ace - 1
Last Romantic - 1
No vote - 1
Day 2:
Abstain or no vote - 4
Mandalor - 2 (8 others for sure)
Ghar - 1
str - 1
Day 3:
Abstain or no vote - 2
Ghar - 1
Wurm - 1
Ace - 1
Bumatlarge - 1
str - 1
Day 4:
Abstain or no vote - 5
araav - 1
TranceStorm - 1
Day 5:
No vote - 2
Evilmonkey/Siefu - 3
Day 6:
L - 1
Nemy - 1
Crazie-Penguin - 1
Major Suspect Voting Patterns:
+ Show Spoiler [List] +
Mayoral vote: Randombum
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Wurm, no second vote.
Day 4: Abstain.
Day 5: Evilmonkey and Siefu.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: L and Ulszz
Day 8: No vote.
Mayoral vote: Randombum
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Wurm, no second vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: Abstain.
Mayoral vote: Randombum
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Ghar, no second vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: No vote.
Mayoral vote: Randombum
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Wurm, no second vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: L
Day 7: L, no second vote.
Day 8: LostYourSkills and ieatkids5
Mayoral vote: Empyrean
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Showtime!
Day 4: No vote, seemed to miss the count.
Day 5: Bugzitooni, no second vote.
Day 6: L
Day 7: L and Ulszz
Day 8: LostYourSkills and ieatkids5
Mayoral vote: Ghar
Day 2: No vote.
Day 3: Abstain.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: No vote.
Mayoral vote: Ace
Day 2: No vote.
Day 3: No vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: No vote.
Mayoral vote: No vote.
Day 2: No vote.
Day 3: No vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: No vote.
Mayoral vote: No vote.
Day 2: No vote.
Day 3: No vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: No vote.
Mayoral vote: Randombum *first vote*
Day 2: Kuja900 *who voted for him*
Day 3: Abstain.
Day 4: Abstain.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: L
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: LostYourSkills and Clazziquai
Mayoral vote: Randombum
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Wurm, no second vote.
Day 4: Abstain.
Day 5: Evilmonkey, Siefu
Day 6: Dr.Dragoon *first vote*
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: LostYourSkills, no second vote.
Mayoral vote: No vote.
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: No vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: No vote.
Mayoral vote: Fusion
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Wurm, BlindAlbino
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: LostYourSkills and ieatkids5
Mayoral vote: No vote.
Day 2: No vote.
Day 3: No vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: No vote.
Day 6: No vote.
Day 7: No vote.
Day 8: No vote.
Mayoral vote: Ace
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Wurm, no second vote.
Day 4: No vote.
Day 5: Evilmonkey, Siefu
Day 6: Crazie-Penguin
Day 7: L and Ulszz
Day 8: LostYourSkills and ieatkids5
Mayoral vote: Empyrean
Day 2: Mandalor
Day 3: Ghar, Showtime!
Day 4: Abstain.
Day 5: Evilmonkey, Siefu
Day 6: Crazie-Penguin
Day 7: L and Ulszz
Day 8: LostYourSkills and ieatkids5
Major Suspect Summary:
+ Show Spoiler [List] +
People who never voted, ever: 3
Mayoral vote:
Randombum - 6
Ace - 2
Fusion - 1
Empyrean - 2
Ghar - 1
(no votes/abstains from this point won't include Spoinka who never voted after Mayoral election)
Day 2:
Mandalor - 10 (Only 8 can possibly be Mafia, and that's if we're wrong about DamageControl)
Kuja900 - 1
Day 3:
Wurm - 6
Showtime! - 2 (Only 1 can possibly be Mafia)
Ghar - 2
BlindAlbino - 1
No vote - 1
Day 4:
No vote/abstain - 12
Day 5:
No vote/abstain - 7
Evilmonkey/Siefu - 4
Siefu - 1
Bugzitooni - 1
Day 6:
No vote/abstain - 6
Crazie-Penguin - 2
L - 3
Dr.Dragoon - 1
Nemy - 1
Day 7:
No vote/abstain - 5
L - 5
Ulszz - 4
Day 8:
No vote/abstain - 5
LostYourSkills - 7
ieatkids5 - 5
Suspect Numbers (Combined Mafia/suspects):
+ Show Spoiler +
No votes/no votes after mayoral election: 5 (1 mafia, 4 suspects)
Mayoral vote: Randombum - 10 (4 Mafia, 6 suspects)
Day 2: Mandalor - 12 (2 Mafia (of 10), 12 suspects)
Day 3: Scattered votes.
Day 4: No vote/abstain - 17 (4 Mafia, 13 suspects)
Day 5 and onwards: Mafia are not avoiding lynching other mafia if the town seems swayed overall to do so anyway.
Personal Conclusion of Known Mafia Voting Patterns:
+ Show Spoiler +
Mayoral vote: Seems favored towards Randombum.
Day 2: Half voted Mandalor for sure, the others we've found have been scattered.
Day 3: Everyone seems scattered, probably intentionally as a result of the Mandalor list getting DT'ed.
Day 4: Most seemed to have taken the safe route and abstained along with the majority of town.
Day 5: With DT's gone, 3 of the 5 mafia still living took down Evilmonkey despite knowing he was mafia. I noted that without lists to worry about, mafia will probably vote alongside town in general with a few outliers to prevent themselves from being pegged too easily.
Day 6: No real pattern here, except that it should be noted that both L and Crazie-Penguin were voted for by fellow mafia members. (Namely, each other. :p)
That's all from me. Good luck, Town.
+ Show Spoiler [Inspiration] +
Come, the day is calling,
Burn as if blown by the bellows.
Another set of clues has fallen,
Amid the deaths of our fellows.
Despite our enemies strength,
Most are quite hard to find.
So let us search at length;
Let us to their clues bind.
Instead of a red tomorrow,
Let us bring about our peace.
To win fully, not borrow,
All red activity to cease.
This I beg of you,
O town of Liquidia.
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