She calls me, every day without fail. And I tell her nothing. I tell her nothing and I answer "nothing".
She tells me nothing, but she tells me everything. Laundry, gentle wash gentle rinse, k, right. My frustration builds, or is released, never diminishes?
When I go to the bathroom, I leave the water run. Once it relaxed me, made me feel like I was in my own world, doing my business. Now, it drills into my mind, pushing me, overclocking cliik clock.
When I wash my hands, the face that I see is void of confidance. I don't give two fucks about it. It stopped winking to me, fuck it.
I thought I was so good. I made sure everyone know I was better then them. But that was wrong of me and themm,
Fuck the websites I visit. Fuck all 5 of them. And thank them, too. Hours wasted, like the water when I crap, for no reason, other then to appease my insane mind.
And fuck the music I listen to. And thank it too. I treat it like shit, sometimes neglecting it, just because it's unappealing to my mind. Sometimes cheating on it with shit, just for a change.
And thank you, to my bright light, which said Sorry and then burnt out. I don't say fuck you to it, because I can't bring myself. (edit: its taken care of, the fuck you has been sent)
And thank you gramma, for calling every day. And not fuck you, but, just, screw you? What's less extreme, but in no way offensive, but in every way truthful? Damn you? Stop, please?
But fuck you to my friends. And thank you to them. But don't fuck with them, you'll thank me for that. And I'll thank you to remain quiet about it. But most of all, they are cool.
And fuck you to my hair. You are so long, but once again it's all relative. What is long to me is short to you, and you are so difficult to keep. Wash, comb, dry, it never ends. May you live forever.
Fuck you pink floyd, with your wish you were here, running over the same old ground, what have you found? For the millionth time, the same old fears.
Thankyou goodbye.
(edit2: oh, i see....)