Does that work with "things" as well? Your job, your self-care, your environment?
Another week with too many hours. The managers will find out, not only when I tell them about the workload, but also when they are going to be hit by all the claimed overtime.
I don't really believe in God. It does feel good to say the word, believing in it could be helpful at times.
I've started, growingly, to believe in karma.
Probably that the actual definition of karma diverges from my own.
But it feels that for every bad decision you take, for everything bad you do, karma will come back to bite you.
I also believe that when something good happen to you, something bad will be on the way. This does not mean you are going to suffer, but more that you will have to face a challenge of any kind.
I try to be good to myself. Maybe I should start being good to others.
I'm inherently an asshole.
I try to do things properly. I'm still careless.
Things go well enough for some weeks, little mishaps here and there, but they always go south at some point.
Sometimes, lors of things go south one after the other.
This, too, shall pass.
Why do I keep seeing the hay, whilst I have such a beam?
Why am I so much on the defensive, slightly paranoid?
I've had some poor sleep's quality lately,with weird dreams as well.
I bet you had these dreams as well: you wake up in the dream, then wake up for real... Sometimes it happens a bunch of times at once, a mix of waking for real and falling back asleep with the dreams that you are waking up... Over the span of an hour max.
I've been having other weird dreams... I thought I heard someone who moved away, speaking in a language they probably don't speak at all.
And, the work related dreams... I had one last week, an excel sheet that was missing information...
Too many things at the same time... I have an edgy post in mind, but that would be pathetic, maybe another day.