As previously mentioned, my average APM in May was 71. For June it's ...(drumroll)... 79. Hurray for improvement! My goal has been to break 100 average APM basically since I reinstalled BW, and it's been something of a struggle, but a little over halfway through June I had some kinda breakthrough and have been having games in the high 80's and low 90's with a few games over 100, so the goal is looking closer to realization than it ever has before. Maybe July will be the month I manage to average over 100 APM. That'd be nice.
If I can figure out how to make my hotkey usage more regular instead of spastic, it should help with just about everything in my game. At the moment I'm still having difficulty pressing 4sd5sd6sd in between micro actions, especially when I'm not sure what to do strategically, but part of my breakthrough this month was accomplishing that a little bit, so my hope is I'll get more comfortable with it with more practice.
Here's my replay pack for June if anyone has interest in watching noob games and rapes. The .rar is 5.75MB and has 83 games in it. My record was 41-42. My opponents' avg apm is 141, but the speed spread is pretty diverse. From 392(o.o!!) apm to 14(o.o??) apm.
If anyone bothers to download and watch the replays, don't be afraid to post some feedback. It's why I'm sharing. My akas are Worst[sR], Tadzio, and uglynoob. I think those're all the akas I used this month. If one of those names aren't in the replay you're watching, I'm the zerg.