Why do people feel the need to feel “sorry” for people. When most of the time they actually don’t even care. They just pretend to care cause it’s the right thing to do. Why is that? Or else people who try pulling the “I understand” line, that just infuriates me even more. They don’t understand at all, unless they’re me. Yet people don’t seem to get that. Everyone takes things differently. Anyone who says “I understand” should be kicked in the teeth. Anyways back to not sympathizing, there’s certain things that I do sympathize over but that’s not what I feel like getting into. I feel like getting into the shit that I find pointless to sympathize over. In fact I feel sorry for the people who feel sorry for some one over any of these following issues, I’ve always had a soft spot for retards. For those of you who didn’t get that line, stop reading this now and go get hit by a car.
Lets take elderly people for example. Now I have nothing against elderly people, but I refuse to feel sorry for them. Even though sometimes I do over certain things, but for the most part I would have to say no I don’t. There’s really only two reasons why I don’t sympathize when it comes to old people. For one, people fail to realize that they were once young like you. They weren’t born old, they were once a asshole like you. Who did not give a shit about anything. They’ve lived a full life, and its there choice to keep going even though there old and pretty much useless. Reason two, well this one isn’t based towards all old people only some. I’ve noticed a lot of them are jerks, like really they will try to walk all over you. Hey, just cause I’m 50 years younger then you doesn’t make me a dumbass who doesn’t know anything. I’ve had to put up with so many old assholes in my life already. I’m just tired of there shit. Go die in your sleep already. Now I do sympathize with old people when it comes to technology, cause things were way different back in there day, so I can see how the toaster confuses them.
Also I refuse to feel sorry for people who bring something on themselves, such as people who smoke there entire life then all of a sudden they get cancer from it. Its like “Oh no you got cancer, guess you couldn’t read all those warning labels you stupid ass.” Now I know that they weren’t always on those packages. A long time ago smoking wasn’t even labelled as being lethal. In any case those who have seen the labels, were just asking for it. That would be like me cooking all my food from lead pots and pans. Hmm there’s a chance I could get some nice lead poisoning, but fuck it. I’ll just keep using them. Does anyone not see the problem with this? Even people die from smokers second hand smoke. Why the fuck should I contract lung cancer just because some asshole decided he wants to smoke and ruin himself. Now unfortunately almost everyone I know smokes. So in the odd chance I get some sort of cancer caused by smoking, they will all die before I do.
Another thing I don’t feel anything sympathy over, is stupid kids doing stupid things. Hell even adults do some of this shit, which makes it all the worse. Well I guess kids aren’t that bad since they don’t know any better. Then there’s the adults who do shit like sky dive, bungee jump, and what ever other EXTREME sports there is. Regardless I don’t feel sorry for one of them if they end up getting plastered in the ground, over there EXTREME sport. I remember one time watching the news and some dumbass went sky diving and his chute didn’t open. Well of course he hit the ground and found a 1 way ticket to hell. Anyways my mom was like “That’s horrible!”, I just laughed and told her anyone who’s stupid enough to jump out of a plane 10 000 feet above ground and plans on getting saved by a parachute, obviously had it coming. Once again I refuse to sympathize for anyone who takes part in getting adrenalin rushes by doing stupid shit. Bungee jump with the cord around your neck, retard. This paragraph also includes people who try breaking stupid world records. No one gives a shit if you can eat 40 forks you stupid fuck.
People who commit suicide, this is kind of a touchy subject for most people. Since many people do know some one who killed themselves. I knew some one, but once again I didn’t really care. I wasn’t going to pretend to care either. I didn’t like him, why would I like him when he was dead? I noticed that a ton of people were all of a sudden talking about how much they loved this guy. I just wanted to slap them across the face and tell them to shut up and stop being phoney. Like really, you didn’t like the guy when he was alive. For all you know, you’re the very reason why he decided it was time to take his own life. Am I the only one who realizes this? People are so stupid. Now I can sympathize with some one who kills them self if there life really was horrible, yet for the most part I see its all over relationships. A couple breaks up, one of them goes and commits suicide in what ever fashion they feels suits them. What a waste of life, they kill themselves cause they don’t want to be alone and even maybe to get some sort of final “Fuck you” revenge back at there ex. That’s just a joke, they don’t really care. They’ll cry at your funeral and that’s about it, cause everyone feels the need to cry at a funeral. Well regardless, have fun burning in hell you dip shit. I’m sure Satan will keep you from feeling “alone”.
Now I really have to be careful how I word this one. I don’t feel sorry for people who are really really fat. I’m not talking just a small gut or something, or else if they have something wrong with there body that causes them to gain weight. I’m talking about the 300+ pound people. I noticed people also feel sorry for them, they wheel one of these people onto a talk show and some random person starts crying and feeling sorry for them. Why would you cry? The man/woman obviously knew they were going to become giant fat asses. Its not like they did bad drugs one time and woke up and were 200 pounds heavier. It doesn’t work that way. You eat, and you eat TONS of food. They were skinny once and they blew it. Unless they were one of those kids who were raised by stupid parents, and over fed your infant ass. In which case you reached 90 pounds by the age of 2. Now that is when I think a parent should be shot. It should really be considered bad parenting. Back to the point, these people sat around and got super fat, you know why? Because there hoping that “Magic pill” will finally come out and you know why that is don’t you? Its because there lazy, which is why there super fat asses in the fist place. Enough said, go run around the block a few thousand times; or smoke a lot of crack…
New York City13113 Posts
I like how you tried to be more sensitive to the feelings of fat people instead of those that commit suicide.
Incidentally, except for the suicide victims and old people, no one actually feels sorry for the people that you mentioned. I think it sucks whenever anyone dies, but I certainly don't mourn the passing of a stranger who died in a bungee cord accident. I move on with my life. It's not something to feel sorry for.
Your arguments against old people are funny though. I don't feel bad for people that got their limbs chopped off in an industrial accident on the job. Why? One, they once had four limbs, just like you, too! Two, I met this guy without legs once, and he was a dick to me. Therefore I never feel bad towards amputees. They're all jerks.
People feel bad for suicide victims since it's tragic that someone was so unhappy with their life. It should have nothing to do with anything else. I feel about as sorry for someone that committed suicide as someone who is suicidal - though minus a bit, since suicide is a pretty vicious thing to do. Moreover, if you think suicides are all about relationships, you are pretty naive. Sure, it accounts for a lot of - by no means all - suicides among teenagers, but what about those that aren't teenagers? Are the extraordinarily high rates of suicide among the elderly because, I dunno, Granny started whoring herself out and Gramps got depressed that he wasn't getting any?
First of all I'd like to open up this quoting of your garbage, with a nice "Assuming things usually makes you out to look like an ass."
On June 02 2007 20:21 GrandInquisitor wrote: I like how you tried to be more sensitive to the feelings of fat people instead of those that commit suicide.
Incidentally, except for the suicide victims and old people, no one actually feels sorry for the people that you mentioned. I think it sucks whenever anyone dies, but I certainly don't mourn the passing of a stranger who died in a bungee cord accident. I move on with my life. It's not something to feel sorry for.
Actually you're wrong. Their are people out there who feel the need to feel sorry for those kind of people. Hell it makes it on the news in most cases. So obviously some one cares. So please go rape yourself with a broomstick. You're wrong, stop fucking assuming things. Just because you think like that, doesn't mean the world does you're arrogant. (Yes this sounds hypocritical of myself, but whatever. I'm still calling you a pretentious ass.)
Your arguments against old people are funny though. I don't feel bad for people that got their limbs chopped off in an industrial accident on the job. Why? One, they once had four limbs, just like you, too! Two, I met this guy without legs once, and he was a dick to me. Therefore I never feel bad towards amputees. They're all jerks.
Looks like some one wins the award for the worst analogy ever made. Would you like me to just hand you your award, or just shove it directly up your ass?
Once again you've hopped on the assumption train headed for retard camp. Where do I start... Well lets start with this. Firstly, you don't know how many old assholes I've dealt with. I used to work in a Art Gallery and an Art Theater. So you can just imagine all the old assholes I've had to deal with in my time. Maybe you can't. Either way I've done it. Secondly, stop assuming things by thinking, that I think that all old people are dicks. Some are nice, but for the majority that I've personally had to deal with, they been assholes. Thirdly, where in the hell do you get off with your analogy? Thats not even fucking close to what I've said. Maybe you were going for the "It's not their fault" angle. Either way it fails. Industrial accidents are no laughing matter.
People feel bad for suicide victims since it's tragic that someone was so unhappy with their life. It should have nothing to do with anything else. I feel about as sorry for someone that committed suicide as someone who is suicidal - though minus a bit, since suicide is a pretty vicious thing to do. Moreover, if you think suicides are all about relationships, you are pretty naive. Sure, it accounts for a lot of - by no means all - suicides among teenagers, but what about those that aren't teenagers? Are the extraordinarily high rates of suicide among the elderly because, I dunno, Granny started whoring herself out and Gramps got depressed that he wasn't getting any?
Oh look another assumption! You're on a role buddy. I'm young, and I was younger at one point. So of course any suicide I've heard of or dealt with was over relationships. Not to mention all the melodramatic bullshit I've come across which includes my own mother, and the one girl I ever first had a crush on. Do you not realize that suicide is a selfish act? Obviously you don't. You also assume that I don't feel bad for the people who were directly affected by a persons death. You're wrong, I do. But from what I've seen, a majority of the people don't actually care. Like from my example, no one liked the kid. Fuck everyone made fun of him, then one day he up and hangs himself. Next day the school became a quiet a depressing place. Why? Because everyone was crying and shit over the kid. It was to fake for me. Like I said, no one liked him in the first place.
As for old people offing themselves, they're old. What need do they have to live? Shit they can't have sex anymore. They were most likely neglected and tossed off by their families. I fucking would off myself too.
Anyways, you've taken my own personal opinion (Bashed the shit out of it) and took it way to seriously. I doubt you'll actually read this, but either way. Stop being a jackass.
I enjoy constructive criticism, but yours was hardly constructive.
lol, the way you bold ass throughout that post makes you look like a huge douche;o