I was in high school, and I never liked playing RTS games because you spent so much time on them. Well, that's how I felt back then, until a friend of mine introduced me to starcraft. At first wasn't really fond of it, but I managed to still play it. When we were at school a lot of my friends asked me to play against them but since I was a total noob, I declined. A close friend finally challenged me and I was nervous that all that time I spent was meaningless. When it came down to picking races I wanted to pick Protoss but I always hated them because everyone I knew PICKED them, and I wasn't digging the whole Alien like race (zerg). So I picked Terran and thought to myself self, I’ll WIN! The map was hunters, so I immediately block my entrance with supply depots because I was afraid of a zealot rush. Then I made tons of nukes and drop ships while he created your typical instant win strategy (Carriers). By the time I tried nuking he was in my base with 12 carriers destroying everything. During that whole time got one nuke on him but I sadly lost to him.
I always hated how the protoss made carriers and you instantly knew it was a pointless battle. Well, I tried to rush the protoss before that happened with tanks to destroy their typical photon cannons and carrier strategies. Sometimes I would succeed and other times will fail trying.