Here you see the opponent attempt to confuse you. Do not fall for these simple mind games.
Build a pylon below the ramp to the natural of your base. This is the most unsafe area you can build, and will trick your opponent into thinking you are a noob.
Send a scouting hero probe to the enemy base. Be especially sure to look for how many drones he has and if he has built one or more spawning pools. You may have noticed that, in this instance, zero or less spawning pools were built. Our opponent has decided to go hatch first. This is the perfect time to employ the pylon rush strategy.
Retrieve your hero probe and move him to your opponent's natural expansion. Begin throwing up as many pylons as you can to block him from reaching his new base to defend it. Forge not required. You will notice I never built it in this game.
With any common sense, your opponent will forfeit this lost match, and you will gain many ladder points (and ladies).
GG my friends. Try not to wreck too many people on the ladder with this new strat.