Let's Start with an in-game feature that would be extremely helpful to add.
Add Check BoX That Auto Blocks Communications With Peopple In 1v1s.
Let's be honest: How many times have we all gotten angry at someone for telling stupid things like "get out, loser, piece of PuPu, f.u., haha, noob, etc"? Because of the nature of starcraft, lossing is overall more painful than in other games. In those tochy moments if someone tells you something that puts you over the Edge, we Start to do embarrasing things like punching the wall, breaking keyboards, mouses, yelling at relatives, punching the bed, ourselfves even... This doesn't Happen all the TIME of course, but in order to AvOiD those times that do, this feature would have saved us so many embarrasing moments, pieces of equipment and an awfaul day after all that impulsive episode of anger. You can already block communication right now by at the Start of the game press F11 and Check the BoX, but is tedious to be doing that every single game. And there's also a limited number of blocks you can have, so once you reach it, you gotta go to options, Social tab and Start making space for New ones. This would be a convenience feature very much.
And you know what? This feature would give us Another upside: this will force us to use the channels for socializing, clans, etc.....Making 1v1 feel Less lonely and more like The Beginning of broodwar online Social enviroment with clan and practices.
It can also heLp promote the desire to WanT to play on your local-ish tourneys not called wcs (copa america, gpl in china, etc), and the Rize of newer ones alike.
A Personal note on this Point: I used to have anger issues when I got triggered by someone typing offensive things to me, but since I started blocking everyone at the begginng, I have thoughroly enjoyed playing sc2 a millions TIME more than before. Because that was my FeaR and anxiety before: "I hope I don't explote today!"
The only down side I see is that when someone pauses you can't communicate. But a quick fix is to have emotes like Hearthstone that says things like: "wait a minute, door, ok, Sorry, no problem, gogo, rdy, yes, etc".
Add 3,2,1 Timer After An In Game Pause. just like the one when resuming replay. just paste that one in. Would be better than trying to TIME it yourself.
Insentives To Play The Game. Like HS for ex. , they have daily quests. SC2 could have sth like that.
Combined with previous Point, make in-game money only available to be gained by playing. What for?
Some ideas: To buy special hats for workers !!! Like 9 colors, each cost 100 gold or w/e, clowN noses for all units (Imagine clowN collosy! vs Party banes!) I really like the game, play mostly 1v1 but sometimes i feel no ReasoN or motivation to keep playing, cause i just gain skill and...that's it. And for what? I wont win gsl or sth! but to play and get gold for the BluE hats i WanT for my workers...Then ill play! Daily quest forces us to play different modes of sc2: u dont play coop, but WanT gold for that cowboy hat? U gotta! U dont like 1v1 ranked or unranked? Those Mickey mouse like gloves for your marauders wont be for free!
Why Blizzard Would WanT Us To Keep Playing The Game? I Think Of 2 Reasons:
Monetization: buy more skins, war chests, anouncers, etc.
To give more watch TIME to sc2 tourneys, if: (see next points)
Promote with more TIME wcs events. Telling us things like "Dont neglect Gsl events, specially on fridays for NA". They should always have it on the home page, and force the ad so everybody before entering the game Has to see the: "hey gsl is at 10, dont forget to watch it Boys and girls!" "And if you watch, you get gold!!! just Link your blizzard account like with the 20 year special".
In game yt and twitch embeded with a corresponding in game chat channel for them.So bye Twitch chat toxicity! (maybe? hehe...)
Enhance F12 heLp. You could add compositions. Like marine tank medivac is good vs ling bane Hydra.
.....Something to consider...Don't show the overall supply on streams. For me, it kills the hype sometimes where there is actually a ChAnCe of a comeback. If i glance to the soup lie, im like "ohh ok, its over"...When maybe is not!!! Where's the hope for the comeback?!
Now for more unit oriented things:
Reducction Of Sudden Game Ending Momments. We know that this is one of the goals of the developers, since it helps the gameplay and viewer experience at the same TIME. Here are some ideas:
Oracle: it's used to pin down opponents so toss makes 3rd or just to be safe overall. But when someone doesnt scout or gambles that there wont be oracles, game basically is over, and the spectacul is ruined. This happens more often than we'd like... Is fun to watch Has make 100 oracles and kill everyting, but is fun as a novelty, since objectively is just units coming to beam down everythin then it's over. Very sudden end, and dissapointing show. Fun for proleague format, not for other formats. Statis' wards: can be game ending also, and can give big swings of advantages (cite examples of uThermal vs ShoWTimE tankivacs Mass freeze, and others).
Propose: redisgn Oracle's abilities. Statis could last Less (like 4s), cost Less, be a little smaller radious(maybe), while still fullfilling it purpose: to slow down units/pushes, buy TIME for more units). Elimination of Oracle beam: So we can AvOiD forever and Ever those dumb games where the opponent just didnt make any defense. The upside of this: Less sad game ending moments! Burrowed banes: can be Super exciting (like Bomber vs Scarlet), but at the cost of being game ending, and hard for the little Jimmies trying to play ladder.
Before getting into it, i wanna talk a little about detection.
Protoss Has the observer, Which is invisible, cheap, and you can even chrono in emergencies. The down side is that it eats robo building TIME, but then again chrono helps a lot with that. You can even upgrade their Speed. PROS: cheap, can be chronoed, can be faster with upgrade. CONS: eats up robo build TIME. Mostly this is the downside cause is also quick build TIME. I guess eats chrono for emergencies but that's the Point of chrono.
Zerg can make a ton of overseers, they can be done closer to where they're needed, and are kinda strong and quick. PROS: Awesome all around, Easy to get, allows to skip ovy Speed if you WanT. CONS: kills your flyng depots/pylons if they die.
With Terran there's a weird interaction with it. Sure you have the Best detection with the scan, but you have a limited amount of them, unless is in very late game. You also have the Raven, the more expensive of the races (considering that the overlord cost shouldnt count since you have them around anyways). Is hard to make ravens after the beggining of the game since you need a tech lab attached to the starport. Not until late game you can make more starports to get them comfortablitly. PROS:can scan anywhere any TIME, Which is good on emergencies. CONS: if no scan or Raven u ded SoN! Cause you wont see the banes (Remember, this is about burrowed banes). Is too much of an advantage for zerg.
And of course every race Has static detection...
But what am I getting at? Point is, too unfair for T mostly. Kills terran while they cant have detection that easily in comparition to the other races. Is also the race most devastated against burrowed banes, compared to the other races.
2 fixes:
1-Cant burrow banes. just hide in bushes or behind terrain. PROS: Good for little leaguers (us), and game ending moments or big swings in game (for pros) are reduced dramaticatly. CONS: no more of those"wow" moments, but again, if that wow comes with "ohh... game's over..." i prefer not to have em.
2-Change a little How you get ravens. Allow ravens to be built with tech lab and reactor, but only 1 out of reactor. If this happens, everybody can always have a Raven. And since ravens aren't cheap (200/200) you wont really WanT to amass them. You'll just WanT one or two. If the armor missile spam gets too Bad, just up the energy cost of it, or reduce the armor debuff to -2. I prefer energy increase, since zonning all the TIME with them would be boring, and stops the Action for too long. It can even have a 9 range ground and air of 5dmg, just so it doesnt get killed that easily, like it helped with the HTs. PROS: every race will have a easier TIME to see them, passing the blame only on them if they step on em. CONS: maybe we wont see burrowed banes "wow" moments that much.
This change is more for us little Timmyes not wanting to Cry after this non-sense. Is more for us Blizz T.T, and for game ending moments in PrO games.
Revive Old School Exciting Styles
Hots TvZ. One of the better spectacles of sc2 Ever, maybe even the Best one. Only problem was, Mass MuTa wasnt fun to play against or watch. just didn´t add to much. For the Rest, it was just amazing! The good old 4M (marine,marauder, medivac, mines) vs MuTa/ling/ bane. One problem to achieve this is the widow mines nerf. The problem was that widow mines where extremely good against worker lines, so now after they shot, they are revailed until recharge. They're cheaper, but die very easily.... But there can be a work around this widow mine situation: Adding a New tag for workes called "hovers". This allows them to detect mines. Although, they can only detect if they're in range of a main structure (CC, NEXUS, Hatch). The range of vision could be the same to the range for quick pylons warp ins for nexy. This is to AvOiD taking some drones to detect in the Middle of the map instead of making overseers. The MuTa: to AvOiD Mass MuTa, cost increases 200/200, doble the damage, doble the bonces(maybe this is too much), same suply, same TIME, same health and same regeneration of health. GOAL: to actually do real harrash, while not being easily massable. We could make them 10 supply, but I bet we'll still see Mass MuTa. With 3 mutas you deal the damage of 6, kill some workers, go out. Altough the heatlh should be adjusted so it doesnt die from one 1 widow mine shot. At least that it barely survives. Queen: i've heard that larvae was a problem with this style in lotv, so maybe queen Has a New ability that sacrifices herself to give 2 more larvae instantly. "Emergency birth" could be called or sth. No more than 2 larvae thoug, cause it can easily snowball too hard. Maps can balance this too: in some maps, they would be designed so you have plenty of spot to harras workers, making MuTa ling bane the better option, while on others maps, little to no harrash places, so you're forced to play ling bane Hydra. If this can be done, it even would be better than hots, since we'd have the variaty of ling bane Hydra too.
Hots TvT. Problem now is that Cyclone (not only in tvt but all matchups) feels like a unintersting unit to play with and against it. (just wait and shoot, basic retreate micro). In lotv is necessary to get them for early game if not u ded (am I wrong?). If u get past that, tvt is fun. Sometimes to many cy v cy resembles roach v roach (even worst sometimes).Cyclone can snowball a lot, Which is not fun to see one 1 unit vs 1 unit amassed. Cyclone was introdusted to heLp with mech in tvp specifically (if not, then to heLp overall with mech). Haven't been able to fullfill that Roll of gluing the mech together and making it work in PrO play, a harsh but probably very benefitial change would be to eliminate the Cyclone completely.
This will allow TvT hots back! Only problems back then was: 1 doom drops n 2 Mass air. 1 For doom drops we could give splash damage only vs mech to turret so dooms are Less effective. And/or reduce cost/or TIME of turret range. 2 Mass air could be worst than hots since the add of liberator. But a possible simple fix to this would be to add +dmg vs mech on the Thor air splash mode. The idea been that u make 1 or 2 thors, and cant really go Mass vikig/liberator, leaving the only viable options to go ground units (Classic marine tank, and like 2 thors).
Two worries for this: A- Mass Thor could be too good, replacing tanks positional play (cause thors are ok killing tanks in big numbers) B- too many stalemates could Happen if turret buff is too strong, meaning very very long turtly games.
The hope for these changes is to nerf game ending doom drops, and Mass air. And to path TvT into Bio tank v Bio tank possitional play, Bio vs mech, and mech v mech.
This been said, there would be a New unit spot. What could it be? Idk. I might share an idea I have, but im iffy about it. But I might share cause it sounds COol in TheoRy at least.
Changes That Can Be Done Right Now! (relatively Quickly)
-Ghost priority. Marine First, Ghost second, marauder 3rd. Raven always First. This helps tvz: easier stim (if u dont play T u dont get it), tvp better for same ReasoN, but helps a little vs lategame Golden armada . TvT is fine.
-Ghost snipe line could be bright YellOw? or some fluorecent color, just for better visual. Fluorecent bright saturated Pink it might be the Best color. Red would make Sense but then the Nuke laser is red. So, I thought that either a plasma BluE/teal like color or an eletric Pikachu like color could be more fitting than the current one. I like the BluE though.
-If Ultra is too Weak vs maruader change, add +1 to chritinous plating. T will have easier stimming (with change of Ghost priority), Raven armor missile, Ghost snipyrino, and freedomers. So T shold be fine.
-Medivac boost TIME upgrade: is a good one, but too hard to get. Move it straight to the fusion Core. Or need armory and Ghost academy to get inside armory.
The Dream:
-Add-ons to both sides for next big patch (many of these changes i expect to hopefully go for the next after blizzcon patch).
-New Ghost ability: Space shooty beam/ laser from the Ghost academy: same set up of Nuke, hits in 7 secs, only damages normal, not as strong as Nuke of course, doesnt damage hovers. The idea behind this is to make that zonning tactic of nuking more viable, without needing to wait that long, and without been too strong. It will cost energy on the Ghost academy. Lets say costs 50, and Max energy of academy is 100, and when built Has 75. So u can kinda spamm it, but since is not that strong, (the idea is more like an AOE of "give me a second, i gotta wipe First", of buying TIME). Should make half the the damage of sTorM, just enoguh so you say "I rather wait a minute". 75% diameter of the Ghost Nuke. AOE Effect should last like 15 secs? Has to be kinda quick.
I intentionaly didn't talk about mech that much because I think we need these kind of changes for stability in other Start even think of mech everywhere.
I wanna talk about other things but I might do that on a next post. I dont promise but i WanT to. Sorry for grammar. Gotta get it done quickly.
Thanks for your TIME! What do you think? (Be Nice you silly geese!)