On June 03 2018 03:55 ninazerg wrote: Still more coherent than Jordan Peterson. Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there batman! Jordan Peterson is a brilliant genius! He's like the Kanye West of psychology! Without him, I never would have realized there were any parallels between human and lobster behaviours, or between rejecting extremist ideologies and standing up straight.
Just as I am adding basically one final point to my blizzard thread
I am adding also that final point to this blog as talked about
*New Post 2018*
Decided to bring this thread back up again with another point
Zerglings in Sc2 are the prerequisite to the baneling
So one would think that the zergling would have some kind of familiarity of function to the baneling, but that does not exist
I once suggested the zergling "Leap/Sacrifice" ability from the inspiration of Hegel's 3 unique entities achieved by "Thesis + Anti-thesis = Synthesis". Basically the synthesis of the zealot charge and marine stim-pack concepts.
But imagine if in sc2, queens were unlocked by evolution chambers and zerglings were unlocked by spawning pool as should be, but then there was this sort of "Paradigm-Shift" ability that switched the zergling and the queen's position in the tech tree. Of course this wouldn't seem to mean anything once both spawning pool and evolution chamber were completed, but at that point it would be established which mode you are in, Spawning or Evolution mode, as an overall status.
In spawning mode, everything is normal the way it currently is
But in evolution mode all zerglings produced stay in their eggs and queens move at a greater speed, about like a normal warrior speed even off creep.
The queen has an ability in this mode to "Consume Egg" and when consumes the eggs of the zerglings, the life pool of the zerglings are converted in to ammunition for the queen, meaning that the life of the zergling was sacrificed for a purely offensive means.
This is really the sort of micro function against enemy gas units that zerg has always needed.
*And now finally makes sense out of the fact that zerglings are the prerequisite to the baneling
Maybe the queens have to root their position though to be able to shoot the zergling life pool value at the enemy but can do so in a very quick warrior like fashion similar to a lurker.
But that this would ultimately represent the "defensive mode" of being in Evolution mode represented by the evolution chamber.... the building which in virtually every race of classical strategy game design, unlocks defense structures.
However, it would be more like a tactical positionary mode
I put my final points all together in one writing that spanned 3 posts on the blizzard forums
Farewell yall...
My previous recent posts had kind of shot off in a different direction with starcraft 2 but I was hoping that I could sum up the zerg problem entirely between both starcraft 1 and starcraft 2 to see both of the failed directions that were not taken with each.
Starcraft 1 Zerg: The fact that zerg are the different race of the 3 races requiring a different design foundation to represent their different philosophy.
Terran and Protoss could have started out in the direction of supply structures, therefore representing Units and Zerg could have started out in the direction of base structures therefor representing Macro.
Currently, each race starts out with 600 minerals worth of structures and workers to show a start of equal footing. Technically Zerg start with 650 minerals worth of structures if you want to count the drone that made the initial hatchery. We won't count drones for hatcheries since that is apparently not suppose to be accounted for in Blizzard's eyes.
If hatcheries would have yielded 3 supply and overlords 7 supply, then each race could have started out with exactly 800 minerals worth of structures and workers. Zerg would have had 2 hatcheries and 4 drones to start and 6 total supply as there would be no starting overlord. Terran and Protoss could have started out with *6 workers each and a pylon/depot in the hole to be immediately deployed by one of their workers.... *That's 800 minerals worth of structures and workers for all 3 races as a start of equal footing and does not compromise the 4 pool build order (zerg's earliest rush) as an overlord can be made after pool contruction and not impede on the 6 zergling rush, although now starting with 2 hatcheries opens up more options.
Since Zerg would now be leaning slightly in the Macro direction with 7/3 lord to hatchery supply ratio, it would then shed light on two more significant issues and those are as follows:
-Why overlords occupy larvae -Zerg's missing Thematic Utility Tool through Overlord and Creep Colony representing (Reactive Quantity)
This initial and founding macro direction to the zerg race would make us question again why overlords occupy larva but do not play a role as significant as a warrior or a worker therefor hurting, for no lack of better way of putting it... the lack of aggression of zerg's missing "reactive quantity" philosophy. This is why the overlord would need the ability to mutate in to say, 3 different options of extreme role Utility Tools expressed as follows:
-The Glass Harasser: perhaps going negative on armor but gaining a light ranged attack -The Meat Shield Exclusive: Landing on the ground, gaining warrior quality movement speed and Armor, but maybe going blind -The Utility Spell caster with ensnare and parasite solving the issue of divided classification within zerg's spellcasting arsenal (hey maybe it would not have been mobile at all? a stationary caster?)
And finally, as for the creep colony, the spawning pool (Compared to Barrack unlocking Bunker) would have unlocked the ability of the creep colony to mutate in to the proper Utility Tool which I have previously labeled as a "Swarm Wreather" while the evolution chamber would have unlocked the ability for the creep colony to mutate in to both the spore colony AND THE SUNKEN COLONY.
The swarm wreather would be a final product of a creep colony mutation that has full warrior quality mobility and burrow capability that when loses life, a corresponding amount of broodlings are released from it, although it would have no attack ability of its own. Being able to burrow and then be detonated by say, the glass harasser utility tool of the overlord would show how the overlord and the creep colony were suppose to ultimately represent the Thematic Utility Tool of the zerg race as "Reactive Quantity"
We note that both Protoss and Zerg have been unfairly left out in the "Thematic Utility Tool" department going in to starcraft 2 as the shield battery was taken away from protoss which should have originally represented aggressively quality. It is cool to imagine how unit warp in could have been used in tandem with the shield battery to represent the Aggressive Quality concept but I don't even need to analyze that considering the fine analysis of zerg already described.
Starcraft 2 Zerg: The issue could be a bit simpler to understand because as soon as they had zerg making a unit linearly through a structure(Queen) like the other races (Opposed to the "more different" races promised to us when we went to purchase starcraft 2), it became clear to me what could be the ultimate resolve considering that the lurker was also taken away from Zerg going in to Sc2. A zerg that could switch between basically a night and day mode with its zerglings and queens where in one mode everything functions as it currently does, but in the other mode the zergling loses its ability to attack and the queen gains warrior quality movement speed and the ability to root. While the queen is rooted, it also loses its attack but can consume zerglings converting their lifepool value in to damage output value creating a fast mobile siege concept to replace the lurker. Perhaps the attack damage would have been like streamlined acid familiar to a void ray attack to be just as cool. But didn't this make perfect sense since the zergling is the pre-requisite to the sacrificial baneling?
I have some good opinions of diablo and have also since moved on to try and help valve with the problems of their intelligence class...
But whos to blame for all of this mess? The players? The game?
I blame myself since I could be the biggest fan of the origins of this franchise deep down, but could never really express why.... until now I guess...
But when the nay Sayers said that The game lacked soul, and there was soul searching to do... they weren't kidding....
Einstein once said "Our biggest problem is a perfection of means and confusion of aims"
Why does this guy always seem to be right but also be right?
One last point to get out of the way while the thread is up....
So I corrected the starting structure/worker value total to 800 as you can see two posts previously. This means that terran and protoss start with 6 workers and a pylon/depot in the hole, ready to be deployed anywhere, and zerg start with 2 hatcheries, 4 drones, and no overlord.
Given this set up and the implementation of a 7/3 food lord to hatchery ratio, I'm sure that people are going to say that this hurts, even the earliest of zerg rushes.... the 4 pool, and even hurts the follow through with overlords that only yield 7 food.
Another shedding of light that this proper set up reveals to us is in regard to the Zerg movement speed problem. It could have been easily argued that Zerg had too many speed enhancement abilities to research with too many individual units. In starcraft 2, the issue only became amplified with bonus movement speed on creep which almost seemed to be applied strictly out of gut feelings from the devs. But another movement speed element? really?
In the proper 800 mineral structure/worker start for all 3 races and the 7/3 lord to hatchery food ratio, it reveals to us that zerg should have naturally had enhanced movement speed for its warrior units. At least and especially with zerglings to offset the starting lean in the macro direction.
Smaller bursts of offense.... speed jabs of aggression to offset the missing "Reactive Quantity" thematic.
But wasn't this obvious all along since having a bland army amassed of single unit types is suppose to find its specialization through micro?
Hmm... you've triggered me to continue my thought progression and bury your irrelevancy
I guess there is some more I'd like to say about the matter....
So why the 7/3 lord to hatchery food yield ratio and not 7/2?
First of all, imagine comparing the current Zerg start to the start of Terran and Protoss except take away the overlord.
If you take away the overlord but want to compare equally, you basically have to imagine that there exists and invisible pylon in the nexus and depot in the command center that you take out of each.
Take the pylon out of the Nexus and you have a 300 mineral cost structure that yields 1 supply. Take the depot out of the Command Center and you have a 300 mineral structure that yields 2 supply, and terran are starting to lean more toward macro with partial sacrifice of workers for building their structures (over a period of time)
Now correct me if I'm wrong but following this pattern, wouldn't the hatchery then yield 3 supply because it not only distinguishes them from the other races but also because they lean the most in the macro direction with permanent worker sacrifice?
Wouldn't the holy trinity within mathematics alone simply be 1, 2 and 3?
Yet... when you classify 1, 2 and 3.... it is the number 2 and the number 3 that fall under the same classification as being primary while 1 is the odd 3rd out as being undefined.
If you apply this same consideration to the races in terms of supply and macro tendency aforementioned then Protoss is actually the odd race out while Zerg and Terran are more similar. But didn't this make sense all along since protoss can use 1 worker to accomplish everything while Terran and Zerg have to use multiple workers?
Doesn't this mean that zerg should have a 7/3 lord to hatchery food ratio to total the 10 supply also yielded by the command center?
If Terran and Zerg align on unit and food costs
and Terran and Protoss align on building costs
And this is a starting pattern for distinguishing out the races....
Then what is it that Zerg and Protoss align on that is different then structures and units/supply?
After units and structures you only have functions...
Zerg produce their units in a parallel fashion and while there is a strong intuition that protoss produce their units linearly like terran, it is actually built on a deception. A zealot is practically identical in value and power to 4 zerglings and 2 pairs of zerglings are fully capable of being made through parallel function.
There is also the function of unit behaviors like.... you guessed it... movement speed. So of course zerglings and zealots are going to share a movement speed enhancement. However, the enhancement itself shouldn't be just an identical type of enhancement to the other. For zerg, it should be a nature, for protoss, a research, as both should be, as how it should have stayed overall...
Now, if you try and make the argument that I'm talking about a different game and not starcraft....
Look at what happens when trying to talk about THIS game in its design regard to achieving 3 unique races....
You want the unique zerglings as a zerg player that you should have always had? The ones that don't have a movement speed upgrade the same way zealots do?
Then you got to take out the speed upgrade and put it more in alignment with marine stim pack.
When you do that you have a zergling "leap sacrifice" ability that would be similar to the zealot charge of sc2, except upon collision, say all of the zergling's life pool would be sacrificed down to 1 hp as an offensive attack value output.
But at the end of the day... with the game revolving around the element of skill which created the professional scene that makes this game remain a competitive spirit spectacle.... I'm willing to bet that everyone is going to go with the first proposition.
It's just hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea that naturally faster zerg warrior units, even with the changes aforementioned... would not be imbalanced, even if it was say.... half the amount of speed of the speed ability upgrades and maybe a universal creep speed research coming later for a hefty cost
I'll add this point, just in case....
-Zerg warrior units slowly lose life off creep....
-Zerg warrior units can burrow (without burrow research) to regenerate life BUT CAN STILL BE SEEN WHILE BURROWED
-Burrow research changed to "Invisible burrow"
[A[H]A] there was the breath of fresh air all along ay?
Do you play the actual game?