This is a sequel (prequel?) to this blog: Mario's Cat Dies. So if you didn't read that blog, then go fuck yourself check it out! It's a colossal waste of time!
It all started with a simple question:
Like a madman, Paljas held a knife to my achilles' heel tendon and forced me to write this blog, so this is really his fault 100%.
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Extra commentary: + Show Spoiler +Special thanks to insomnia for helping me to finish this. I've always, throughout my whole life, started projects and never saw them through to completion. I'm getting better at finishing stuff. I had a lot of fun challenging myself to write and draw this, even though I can't draw very well, and I literally draw the whole thing with my mouse in GIMP. I like GIMP because you can do multiple "layers" and draw something on top of another thing. MS Paint is good for a lot of stuff, but I don't use it as much as I should. The line tool would really come in handy when creating stuff like rooms and stuff where there's a lot of straight lines, but I thought it would be "funnier" to draw all the lines myself.
I definitely want to make another one of these, but it takes a lot of self-motivation. That's the only big obstacle going forward, just staying focused in general. I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues, and it's good that I set these kinds of goals and push through until I succeed.
I came up with the concept for this story almost immediately as I was reading the comments to "Mario's Cat Dies", but I didn't start working on this until like December 20th, then stopped because of Christmas/Kwanzaa/New Year/etc. So yeah, this took me a relatively long time to make. The biggest amount of time was spent re-drawing stuff I messed up on. Especially circles and straight lines. I think I'm going to keep drawing with the mouse, though, because it's fun to do. I have to turn the mouse sensitivity wayyyyy down for almost everything. For the dog and AK-47, I actually had the mouse speed turned up, oddly enough. The dog looks like some kind of weird hyena with glasses. To me, that's kinda funny.
If you're wondering, the previous cartoon blog was not going to be a one-off thing. It was sort of like "practice" for a bigger idea that I had, and so was this. I had a really funny idea for a full-length type of web-comic-cartoon-thing, but I hadn't drawn anything in a long time, so yeah, I hope you enjoy the rustiness of my crude drawings. Happy new year to everyone, and I hope nothing but good things for all of you. And if you win the lottery, plz share.
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I have no words other than to say time well spent. Happy new year to you too, nina.
Wow. Just wow. This took me on a journey. Transformative. This is the kind of subtextually rich socioeconomic commentary the world needs more of. I was riveted from beginning to end. The subtheme about isolation and the pains of plunging into socioeconomic plebianship after formerly being relevant struck such a chord on my heartstrings. You can really feel the weight of Sanics oh-so-relatable struggle with being a background figure in his own story, having lost any real sense of importance after being unceremoniously discharged from the lofty heights of video game stardom. Being constantly reminded that he is now so irrelevant, people cant even remember how to say his name. Truly one of the greatest tragedies of our lifetime. He too, recognizes his victimization by the cruel will of those who's success he was responsible for. What an all too familiar story, being so analagous to the tales of other great failures, like Tonya Harding.
His struggle with his self-loathing over his homoerotic proclivities is also so poignant and so socially relevant to the prevailing zeitgeist of toxic masculine culture. The ingrained homophobia that has infected hyper-masculine vitriol for decades eats away at Sanic in such a nuanced and sorrowful way, its hard to imagine that anyone could handle hope to approach the subject in a more sensitive fashion from now on. This work truly sets a new standard for all other creatives for years to come.
The highly ironic male savior to helpless captive female hero dynamic makes for riotous self-satire. Acknowledging the trope by subverting it by delivering a crushing blow to Sanic through the death of his beloved Tails as a direct consequence to his testosterone-fueled hero complex. While a bit on the nose, the message gets through with such powerful emotional resonance, it's obvious that the author intended for this one to be loud and clear.
The ending, being another intentionally transparent message about the shortcomings of capitalist economics is a brilliant send-up of the 1%. Portraying an all too realistic executive as a uncaring overlord, who is losing no sleep over the incident. Sanic being radicalized by the loss of his lover and social/economic irrelevance leaves the piece with a sense of inevitability, which can only be achieved through strict authorial control. It feels like this was the only way that Sanic's tale could end. What a truly transcendent peice. This work will forever be held up along side giants like authors Peter Chimera and the film Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, and my experience with it will remain as one of my most cherished memories.
better than the last jedi
On January 11 2018 09:26 docholiday_tv wrote:+ Show Spoiler + Wow. Just wow. This took me on a journey. Transformative. This is the kind of subtextually rich socioeconomic commentary the world needs more of. I was riveted from beginning to end. The subtheme about isolation and the pains of plunging into socioeconomic plebianship after formerly being relevant struck such a chord on my heartstrings. You can really feel the weight of Sanics oh-so-relatable struggle with being a background figure in his own story, having lost any real sense of importance after being unceremoniously discharged from the lofty heights of video game stardom. Being constantly reminded that he is now so irrelevant, people cant even remember how to say his name. Truly one of the greatest tragedies of our lifetime. He too, recognizes his victimization by the cruel will of those who's success he was responsible for. What an all too familiar story, being so analagous to the tales of other great failures, like Tonya Harding.
His struggle with his self-loathing over his homoerotic proclivities is also so poignant and so socially relevant to the prevailing zeitgeist of toxic masculine culture. The ingrained homophobia that has infected hyper-masculine vitriol for decades eats away at Sanic in such a nuanced and sorrowful way, its hard to imagine that anyone could handle hope to approach the subject in a more sensitive fashion from now on. This work truly sets a new standard for all other creatives for years to come.
The highly ironic male savior to helpless captive female hero dynamic makes for riotous self-satire. Acknowledging the trope by subverting it by delivering a crushing blow to Sanic through the death of his beloved Tails as a direct consequence to his testosterone-fueled hero complex. While a bit on the nose, the message gets through with such powerful emotional resonance, it's obvious that the author intended for this one to be loud and clear.
The ending, being another intentionally transparent message about the shortcomings of capitalist economics is a brilliant send-up of the 1%. Portraying an all too realistic executive as a uncaring overlord, who is losing no sleep over the incident. Sanic being radicalized by the loss of his lover and social/economic irrelevance leaves the piece with a sense of inevitability, which can only be achieved through strict authorial control. It feels like this was the only way that Sanic's tale could end. What a truly transcendent peice. This work will forever be held up along side giants like authors Peter Chimera and the film Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, and my experience with it will remain as one of my most cherished memories.
Some of this isn't far off at all. I'll explain in spoilers.
+ Show Spoiler +This is gonna be completely serious. I'm not a pretentious snob when it comes to my work, and I say this because the meta-joke here is that the whole comic pokes fun at myself for not being very good at drawing. But I did kind of want to give my characters somewhat clear personalities.
Sonic sort of hates himself for being a failure in the video game world, and doesn't like that he's become a meme/joke on the internet. He also -- which I kind of alluded to, but felt it wasn't that relevant -- is that Sonic hates the fact that he's gay. He genuinely loves Tails (the lovable little derp) but is constantly angry at the world. Dwelling on being a failure and working at office, he actually kind of enjoys that Scott has become a villain for him to defeat. So he's a hero, but he only did it to make himself feel better. There was no real sense of duty there, and he only grabbed the bullet out of the air to show how "fast" he was.
After kneeing the shit out of Scott's face, the only thing Sonic cares about is basking in the glory of being a hero again, but totally neglects Tails. I think you may have been joking about it being a bit on-the-nose, but I wanted to make two things clear: Catbert is sadistic and enjoys hurting other people, and Sonic is selfish, and both of those things combine to cause Tails to die. In the panel where it says "I'm just going to skip the next scene" (where Scott is crying under the spotlight), I actually planned to have a sequence in Catbert's office where Catbert is scolding some co-worker for some minor thing and then goes "If it happens again, I'll murder you and everyone you love, now get out of my office." then Scott comes in and tells Catbert about Sonic yelling at him. I didn't include this sequence because I was like "Holy shit, this is going to make this way longer", because I estimated it would add about 10-12 panels depending on how I did it. And it'd ALL be dialogue. It was intended to show that Catbert would literally kill his co-workers, and that Scott was deeply hurt by being told off by Sonic. That's why Catbert blames Sonic for Scott going off the deep end. But then I was like... we already saw Catbert threaten to kill Carl during a meeting, Catbert explains his reason for killing Tails to Sonic during his monologue, and showing that Scott was upset by Sonic could be done in one panel. I think putting that in would've made the story not as good, because the main focus of the story is to be silly, and all the character motivation kind of comes second.
The damsel-in-distress trope is kind of cliche, I know. However, there's some backstory here for the TRUE FANS. The youtuber cboyardee released a three-part Dilbert cartoon, although the second one and third one are the ones worth watching. They were so fucking weird and funny, though. It became even funnier when I read that he made the cartoons as part of a class project where he would show them to fellow students. In Dilbert 3, Dilbert and Wally go a shooting rampage during casual friday, and Dilbert comes across his co-worker, Alice, who is canon in the Dilbert series. He says he'll let her live if she can answer if ranch or cool ranch came first, and then she goes "ranch?" and Dilbert immediately shoots her. It's a lot funnier in the video than when I actually describe it. Apparently, cboyardee made his videos private, so the only way to watch the cartoons is through re-uploads. Technically, he could have the re-uploads taken down, which made me kind of sad, because I felt like a really funny part of internet history could be lost. So I wanted to pay homage to Dilbert 3 in particular, but changed it so that instead of Dilbert just shooting everyone and committing suicide, Dilbert gets stopped by Sonic. Sonic "going fast" was just a joke I wanted to throw in there somewhere. I went through this whole thing without making a single chili dog joke, though. At least I remembered to add "nothing personnel kid" in there somewhere. If you don't know that meme, just type it into your google machine. It's a parody of bad Sonic fan-fiction... I think.
I guess I'll also throw this out there while I'm at it: Sonic turns to Communism because he blames the corporate work culture for taking Tails from him. He also turns into a villain because he kills Catbert's wife, who happens to also be Mario's cat. Because the previous story and this one both involve gun violence, I guess I should say that this is not some kind of commentary on gun control. In the first story, Sonic holds what I drew to kind of look like an AK-47, and then narrated it as "an AR-15" because of how many people can't identify which gun is which and then just call everything an "assault rifle" or call for bans on AR-15s. I'm not into guns, so I also cannot tell an AR-15 from an M-16. I literally can't. They look the same to me. Guns have become really political, and I don't really want to go down that round if I'm talking out of my ass, but I'll still poke fun at other people who talk out of their ass. In this story, Scott's guns go from being some kind of rifles to being uzis to being pistols. I also was going to add one panel where CNN and FOX are reporting on the situation as it happens, and the CNN person is claim it's a white supremacist, and the FOX person is saying it's probably a Muslim. But I literally forgot until now to put that in.
Another thing I was going to do was make the youtube video Sonic watches at the beginning a parody of Vsauce, but I had the idea, went to the restroom, came back to my computer and was like "What the fuck was the video going to be about?" and just decided to go with Neil DeGrasse Tyson doing an "Actually". NDT's face is actually more square than what I drew, but it was too late to fix it by the time I thought of that. I was like "This doesn't look quite right." and then I looked at a picture of NDT and was like "Oh well, fuck it. I'll just put some moons and stars on his tie, and he can also say who he is." I actually make fun of a lot of stuff I like. I like Vsauce, Dilbert, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Rick and Morty, and so on. I'm not a fan of Steven Universe, though. I never watched it so I have no opinion on it except that Steven is pretty easy to draw. Dilbert is ridiculously easy to draw.
Edit: I almost forgot to say this but when NDT busts through the wall, I was laughing because I thought the bricks looked like sticks of butter, and that's where I came up with Butterman.
Goodness gracious. I've only rared been so aroused.
LMAO i didnt think you actually put that much consideration into these. I was just doing my best impression of an overly analytical film critic. But sweet.
On January 11 2018 14:01 docholiday_tv wrote: LMAO i didnt think you actually put that much consideration into these. I was just doing my best impression of an overly analytical film critic. But sweet.
This took a long time to make! Of course I was thinking about it and kicking around ideas of what to put in.
When will you learn that your actions have consequences?
Netherlands4661 Posts
Regular blogs forever better than Featured Blogs.
This is even better than the typical Nina blog, which is definitely saying something. 15 minutes very well spent!
Why would a giant stick of sentient butter work at a company that sells peanut butter. Isn't that the equivalent of working as a cannibalistic human slave trader? That being said, I very much enjoyed this story and wish you best of luck for all the copyright strikes.
ez 5/5
But like actually, good.
On January 12 2018 01:38 Paljas wrote: Why would a giant stick of sentient butter work at a company that sells peanut butter. Isn't that the equivalent of working as a cannibalistic human slave trader? That being said, I very much enjoyed this story and wish you best of luck for all the copyright strikes.
Butter isn't the same as peanut butter. There isn't really any ethical or moral dilemma for him.
Also if this goes to court, I'll stand right up in the courtroom and tell the Judge to go fuck himself, and the jury to go fuck themselves, the prosecutor to go fuck themselves, and then look at the courtroom recorder and tell him or her to go fuck themselves.
But Nina....
Do yew kno de wai?
Now we know why Sanic did what he did. Had a great time reading this little story.
Dilbert and Catbert are dicks.
yeah but what about sonic mania
Have you got the sheet music for the acoustic guitar song? Id like to be able to whistle it.