Korea (South)1897 Posts
Hey Guys, Long time no blog, Teamliquid is always dear to my heart, but to be really frank, my lifestyle has fully caught up with me and I haven't really had enough energy to even think about writing anything.
SOME BORING EDUCATIONAL COMMENTS But one book I'd like to recommend is Sapiens, 'A brief history of humankind'. The author, Yuval Noah Harari, presents a lot of interesting view points and theories, like some really eye opening concepts, (but as aside, the author has a bad habit of throwing in one liner examples to associate that their point is confirmed by some common cultural knowledge, but many of those one liners tend to be very off - not to take away from how good the author's main points are- just annoying). Did I really get a lot out of the book, yes. Am I annoyed by some things in the book where the author seems to reaching a bit out their expertise, yes. But of course, I'm annoyed because I am quite experienced in a couple of those fields, so obviously I'm going to be a lot more critical.
But in terms of really organizing some strong themes, it's really a great book, and you can tell the author is really trying to give as much as a balanced view as possible. Of course, he does put forth his own judgement on many of the things he presents, in that way, it doesn't always read like a straight-up history/science narrative - BUT- it's worth the read.
Well he has TED talk, it's not exactly a summary of the book, but it gives a good introduction to his concepts. www.ted.com
WHO WE ARE, LIKE REALLY WHO WE ARE For me, what I got out of it, is a framework of what makes humans human. And it's nothing we ever really question/ask, because I think the most basic form that we question about our identity is our gender or culture, but for the most part, if we're lucky, we don't need to question that, but of course in questioning, what does it mean to be human, it gives a lot of perspective. The book really hits this off in saying, 'look, we think we're humans and then there are the animals, but at one point in history, there were many types of 'humans' and it's just that we as homo sapiens were the survivors.' And if you can accept that, then thinking of ourselves as one of a few other co-existing human species, then we can start to question, well then, how are we different/special/unique or not different/special/unique.
But warning. For those who are very fundamentally into one religion or another, it can be a hard read, as he really deals with a lot of religious truths head on, and personally as someone who is of a faith, I think some of his opinions were superficial,
But some points like the maximum close connections a person can have to manage things by personal relations alone is 150 persons, and the role of the cultural myth in creating (and our ability to create such myths) such as country we are from and what we collectively believe in, -and that myth is what allows humans to cooperate beyond the 150 person level, -make a lot of sense to me.
Ok boring stuff, I know, but I wanted to share.
JAN 26th, 2017 LUNAR NEW YEARS EVE More exciting things..so on the eve of lunar new years, in Korea, while I was drinking for the entire week, on the eve, I was drinking with my father-in-law and 2 of my other brothers-in-law and we drank just 4 bottles of soju, in about 30 mins or so (it's not much for old guys), but anyway, I've been flying 90 regional flights a year for the last 2 years (again), as business has picked up, but I had a massive allergic reaction and was rushed to the hospital and nearly died as I couldn't move and wasn't able to breath, nearly at all.
DAMN SOJU So we're drinking and I start to feel ichy, then i notice after 10 mins I have hive rashes along my belly and back, so I pop 2 antihistamines and take a cold shower for 10 mins, but in the shower, I start to lose my ability to swallow, so I tell my wife, lets go to the hospital - and so I take 5 mins to get ready, but then suddenly, I can't breath at all, and it feels as though I'm so tired, like I haven't slept for a week and my legs give out. Needless to say, I freak out, and tell my wife to get the car, and so instead of an ambulance, one of my brother-in-laws drive me to the emergency.
Well, it takes us 10 mins to get there and by the time we get there, I can barely breath, like, it's just like nothing is working, and they put me on the hospital bed, ask my weight and then jam an adrenaline shot in my left thigh and ...nothing happens, I still can't breath.
THEY TOLD ME DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT So I know, that something should happen and then the doctors are just looking at me. Keep in mind that this is lunar new years eve, which is our main new years, and so you have these kiddie doctors in the emergency room, like 22/23 year old kids. So I'm like, 'fuck, it's not working' and I'm looking at these blank faces, and I'm omg, shit, I could really die here'. So then I yell at them, i can't breath, do something else, and then they are like, just take a deep breath, and I'm like, 'look you fuckwits, I can't take deep breaths, because nothing is working', but really I didnt' say that, because I was dying and I was using all my energy to tell them that I can't fucking breath, and I'm looking at their retarded faces and they are looking at me, like, 'obviously this man is breathing fine to yell at us', but I'm like mustering all my energy to yell I can't breath, because I feel like I'm gonna pass out and die any second now because I'm surrounded by young idiotic doctors.
I CAN'T FEEL MY FACE WHEN I'M WITH YOU So then they stick a ventalor in me, and I spit it out and I'm like, 'fuck, this ain't gonna help me breath, I don't have lung problem, I have an alergic reaction issue that is shutting down my entire body' but of course I don't say that, I'm like, still saying, 'i can't breath you motherfuckers', (nah, I didn't say the mother fucker part, but I was thinking it.
USELESS MOTHERFUCKERS Then I'm like, fuck this, and I tell my wife, I should throw up, because, it may have to do with something I ate, which I had told the doctors, then the doctors tell me that they will give me medicine so I don't throw up, so i don't choke on it, and I'm like this time 'don't fucking give me that, are you dumb, I told you it may be something I ate,' So then they get some plastic bags and I tell them to seat me up. Keeping in mind, that the first shot has allowed me not to get worse, but I still am light headed because I can basically just do a half puff of breath at this point. But I can't make myself throw up, I have an IV in my right hand and some other Iv in my left arm, so I'm like, fuck, I dont' want to put my finger in my mouth because it will be messy and I'm gonna fuck my my iv - but none of the doctors are helping me. Just staring at me.
FUCKING STICK ME ALREADY Finally the dumb fucks, stick me with another adrenaline shot about 10 mins later, this time in the right leg, and the nurse is like, 'this may hurt so just be aware' and I'm 'I'm fucking dying, just stick it in already (seriously wtf, they said that too for the first one as well)' and... no effect as well. And I'm like FUCK MY LIFE, I'm gonna fucking die surrounded by these fuckwits. I so I'm thinking, did I leave enough money for my kids, who is going to close out the few contacts I have pending, and I'm like, no, and no one, and I'm like, fuck, it's too early to die. FML, I can't die like this, I got to much shit to do still. And then feel as through my body is trying to puke, so I force myself to sit up more, and then I motion to my wife, get me the bag, and then sudden I puke out 4 times, and it comes out like as if the food in my stomach was just blended like porridge. There is no smell of bile or anything disgusting at all, and it looks like porridge, and I realize that the food wasn't being digested at all in my stomach, that everything had basically shut down, and then suddenly, I could immediately breath again, and I look in 4 deep fucking breaths, and I'm like, ok, I fine now. And I look over to my wife and my parent-in-law and I'm like, 'I'm fine, it's ok now'.
The senior resident finally comes by, I guess cause he knows he aint going to get in shit now, cause I didn't die. and says, that it's lucky I got here when I did, cause if I had gotten there 10 mins later and wasn't breathing, then it would have been likely that I would have died cause the first epi-shot didn't have any effect and I would have been unconscious by that time etc. So I'm like, thanks asshole good to know. Of course I didn't say that, but I thought it. lol, after all you can't be swearing at those trying to save your life, even if they are fuckwits and you have to figure it out yourself...
NOT GOING OUT LIKE A PUNK So they do a blood test on me, by taking out blood from both my wrists and the blood tests come back that I have no allergies/other organ failure indicators (liver, kidneys etc) and my blood test comes back perfectly healthy except that I have high cholesterol. And I ask my wife, 'did you think I was going to die?' and she says, ' no, I was quite frightened, but I knew you weren't going to die from this, it's not the kind of thing that a person like you would die from.' and we laugh, and then 14 hours later, I was on a plane to Canada to move my wife and kids there.
REBIRTH OF THE ATOM After I was released from the hospital, I have to say, that my mind was extremely clear, as if I was much younger. And in someways almost dying on new years eve, made me feel as though this new years was a completely new year. I was unable to drink for a month or smoke because my body was quite weak, and i was scared to eat anything for a day, but nothing has really changed since that day except that I take things a lot more slower. I still get all the work done, and I still fly 2 or 3 times a week, but I don't push myself, that if I feel weak, I let myself recover more. But I decided that I'm going to work just 3 more years like the way I work now. I'm not retiring in 3 years, but rather, I may change my entire field of occupation then. Maybe I wont' make it past 3 years, the way I'm working, but I am living much healthier, but the work load, well, it hasn't really eased up.
AIN'T PUSSYING OUT YET But I think I can make it for 3 more years and of course I have made work changes like getting 2 executive assistants, which I thought for the longest time was a such an unnecessary cost and frill, but now, it makes my life easier. They think I'm the biggest procrastinator in the world and I'm like, 'listen you mid-twenties know-it-alls. For you kiddies you only know the word procrastination and you think every time I delay something I'm procrastinating, but when you have wife, 2 boys, work in 4 different countries and have 12 senior staff and 6 major projects all going on at the same time, I need time to think and strategize how it all comes together and some times that takes time even if something is due, well fuck it, I'll get it done when i am sure it's done right and I have put enough time into thinking about it, until then, fuck off, and I'm not procrastinating.' And then they look at each other and say, 'You're making excuses and still procrastinating!' and I'm like, '-sigh-', so shut up already you young punks'. ^^
8 or 40+ I'm less than a decade away from 50 and I still play dota2, overwatch and civ6 (I hate civ6 btw, I feel it is sucking my soul from me cause it's so fucking slow) and I get comments like, ' you must be old cause your reaction time sucks,' and I'm like, 'fuck you I'm 12 years old and I'm a genius' and then the players are like, 'oh bullshit, either you're like over 40 or you're 8 years old cause you're so slow to react), and I'm like, ' ok I'm 10, but I'm still smarter than you' lol.
ZEN ATOM As for business. it's good. I can't share much details as always, but I'm working now mainly in China and I'm still no where near wealth or rich or respected, but I can say, that the last 7 years has been the most difficult, and the most humbling of my life and while on the health and money metric, I'm pretty fucking negative, on the understanding of business, myself and life, I think I qualify to start a cult or at least can be a recognized guru of some sorts - in terms of really having lived life without regrets and faced everything head on. And I know that I have reached some type of achievement because I absolutely, in no matter what situation, no longer feel any stress whatsoever, zero, nada.
I mean, I can feel stress exists, but it doesn't affect me at all - no anxiety or sleepless nights or racing heart beats-, even though my former self, even 3 years ago would be freaking out. Maybe it's numbness, or age or I'm now fully delusional, but I think, insofar as you can have the answers to life (or at least my life), including the flexibility/room to grow, well, I think I have reached the peak at 43. I am fully at peace with whatever, and I am ready to fully rage and be happy that I am raging and accept that too, I think I finally became 'one with the universe'. At least in my own mind. ^^
On March 06 2017 02:25 MightyAtom wrote: So they do a blood test on me, by taking out blood from both my wrists and the blood tests come back that I have no allergies/other organ failure indicators (liver, kidneys etc) and my blood test comes back perfectly healthy except that I have high cholesterol. Skin testing is more accurate than blood testing...and even then, they don't have to discover what allergy you have.
Anyway, glad that you are fine (and it's good hearing from you again). Going out like this really wouldn't have suited you...or maybe it would have, surrounded by a bunch of idiots. The greatest often die from the most banal things and in this case, there would have been a grim irony.
But switching to some more happy thoughts: Since you aren't affected by stress anymore, you will have more energy and thus will post more often in the future, right?
I just was thinking that i haven't seen a mightyatom blog in a while... and then boom. you deliver!
Good read, glad everything worked out with the doctors. It took a similar experience for me in a hospital to realize that doctors are just ppl too and to treat them like the service employees they are.
Why did you decide to move you family to Canada? You kinda buried it in there.
From a previous blog MA said he grew up in Canada. Lots of Korean people in Vancouver and Toronto as well.
Should you ever be coming to Vancouver I'd buy you a beer MA.
Doctors in hospitals are pretty useless
Happy New Year! ^^ Really, it's nice to hear from you again.
Sapiens is one of my favourite works of all time. 5/5
What a read! Good to hear you made it through that experience with the junior docs, and I hope those two EAs stop berating you and actually schedule around you as they should be!
With you having moved to Canada are you flying international 2-3x a week then or are you camping there for month~ and then going to Canada off and on?
I'm curious about the book now, will check it out.
Take care man, don't let those punks tell you your reactions are slow!
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On March 06 2017 03:14 Lucumo wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2017 02:25 MightyAtom wrote: So they do a blood test on me, by taking out blood from both my wrists and the blood tests come back that I have no allergies/other organ failure indicators (liver, kidneys etc) and my blood test comes back perfectly healthy except that I have high cholesterol. Skin testing is more accurate than blood testing...and even then, they don't have to discover what allergy you have. Anyway, glad that you are fine (and it's good hearing from you again). Going out like this really wouldn't have suited you...or maybe it would have, surrounded by a bunch of idiots. The greatest often die from the most banal things and in this case, there would have been a grim irony. But switching to some more happy thoughts: Since you aren't affected by stress anymore, you will have more energy and thus will post more often in the future, right? 
Stress never affected my energy levels, nearly dying has lol. There has been a lot on my mind for the past 8 months, I guess the biggest thing is not looking at my limitations as limitations, but a chance to re-evaluate and re-engage the things I'm good at. Thing is for me, the writing on TL has always been a 'time out' for me to reflect as well and take a step out of the world I live in and get into this pocket of reality, a bit of meditation. Obviously for the last 2 years I haven't been meditating much lol. Thus the near death experience I guess. But I'll try to post a bit more often, like 2 more times a year lol. You know it comes in waves. ^^
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On March 07 2017 01:49 Cauld wrote: I just was thinking that i haven't seen a mightyatom blog in a while... and then boom. you deliver!
Good read, glad everything worked out with the doctors. It took a similar experience for me in a hospital to realize that doctors are just ppl too and to treat them like the service employees they are.
Why did you decide to move you family to Canada? You kinda buried it in there.
About the service employee part, harsh but true.
I had my family in the Philippines for 3 years, and before that Korea 1 year, and before that Melbourne for 1 year, and while living the expat lifestyle has it's perks, it can get quite expensive and you question why are you paying for all of this when really regular life is better in Korea and Canada. And since I have my own company, it was just too much cost, but also the right time for them to go.
In Korea, it's pretty natural for the Dad to stay, earn the cash and send the family abroad, we are called 'goose daddies', while I could have done it sooner, I wanted to spend more time with my boys (6 & 9) so that we could have a strong relationship before they left. So it's good. When Mommy is on the warpath, they call me and rat on Mommy, so then I tell Mommy that Canada is not like Korea and that social services will come and take the boys away, and she replies, 'let them come and try' and I'm like, 'no honey, seriously, it's a socialist country' and she's like, 'ok, I'll keep my temper in check.' lol.
But Canada, Sweden, Switzerland's public school systems are very good, I think better than a lot of international schools, so I'm like, fuck, they boys are old enough, my wife hates living with security and the restricted movement in the Philippines, so I'm like, ok, lets go.
Both the boys are Canadian citizens, so it was super easy to go back, in a week we got an apartment, internet, cell phone, car, and got them into school. And they are fine. I picked the most WASP area that was left in Toronto as I want the boys to be exposed to what I grew up with, and it's good. I mean by that is, Toronto is very multi-cultural and lots of Asians, that's good. But my boys are Korean, they have lived as well in Taiwan for a few months, visited China and Singapore a few times, and they went to an international British school. So they know about different cultures already and have a lot of international friends, but, I think they still had no idea what is being 'Canadian', or should I say, WASP Canadian. And for me, I think it's important that they learn what that means, and play hockey every day in the winter time. In fact the first thing I did was buy my eldest a full hockey set and told him, 'don't say that you know how to skate if you can't stake backwards, cause if you can't skate backwards fast, then you can't play hockey and if you can't play hockey, there isn't a point to skate' and so my wife tells me that the boy still can't stop properly, but he can skate backwards now after a month lol.
Toronto has changed a lot in the just the last 5 years, I can tell, but it's been 17 years since I've been away, so there a lot of things I have no idea about, plus leaving as a young man, there are a lot of things I didn't experience as an adult in Canada. I think when I went to the Ontario provincial office to register our driver licenses and address for the health insurance (which doesn't get issued for 3 months from landing), what struck me the most is how diverse the work force is and that they were so helpful. Obviously, I had been away a long time, and I think my mannerism have changed a lot. I can tell people react to me quite different as they know that while I am speaking fluent English, that I'm not Canadian. Which is good, because it shows to me that the society has become more open minded.
I'll be replying more to everyone sooner, but I gotta run and catch a flight to Beijing, in Shanghai now. ^^
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On March 08 2017 06:29 Thaniri wrote: From a previous blog MA said he grew up in Canada. Lots of Korean people in Vancouver and Toronto as well.
Should you ever be coming to Vancouver I'd buy you a beer MA.
Thanks ^^, I may hit Vancouver in the next 6 months, if so, lets organize an old school TL meet up! If I got some cash to burn, I'll pay for the entire night for whoever shows up from TL ^^.
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On March 08 2017 14:41 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: Doctors in hospitals are pretty useless
My younger brother is a MD, and honestly I would not trust my life in his hands lol. But I think it takes a lot of experience, and there was this book I was reading about knowing the unknown and it gave the medical profession one hell of beat down.
Recently, I was in the hospital with my boy and he had a stomach ache and then the doctor is pressing on his tummy and she must have been like 21 or something (in Korea) and she says, 'does it hurt here' to my boy, and he is like 'yes' and she turns to me and says, 'he may have appendicitus, we should do an x-ray right now' and I'm like looking at her like 'wtf kid', so I turn to my boy and press the opposite side of his tummy and said, 'son, does it hurt' and he says, 'yes' and I go, does it hurt the same as where the doctor pressed, and he says, 'yes' and I'm looking at the doctor and say, 'seriously, do you know what you are doing?' She is so embarrassed, that she says, she'll be back with another nurse, and she leaves, and another lady comes, and I ask, 'are you the nurse' and she says, 'no I'm a doctor' and gives another diagnosis and the other other doctor is no where to be seen in the entire emergency room for the rest of our visit which was like 4 hrs (he had a stomach virus where he was vomiting bile, so we kept him on IV for 4 hrs to re-hydrate). Like seriously, wtf, I know this cause I've been a parent for 9 years, but man....
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On March 08 2017 17:22 Sd13 wrote:Happy New Year! ^^ Really, it's nice to hear from you again. 
You too and cheers! ^^
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On March 08 2017 19:09 deth wrote: Sapiens is one of my favourite works of all time. 5/5
I'm reading another book, 'Tools of Titans' by Tim Ferris (I really like this guy, seriously he is cool, a bit crazy, but very cool) and this is after reading Sapiens and there were a lot of 'titans' in his book that also named this as one of their favourite books as well. So I guess you're in very good company ^^
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On March 09 2017 07:50 DarkNetHunter wrote: What a read! Good to hear you made it through that experience with the junior docs, and I hope those two EAs stop berating you and actually schedule around you as they should be!
With you having moved to Canada are you flying international 2-3x a week then or are you camping there for month~ and then going to Canada off and on?
I'm curious about the book now, will check it out.
Take care man, don't let those punks tell you your reactions are slow!
Nah, the EA's take great pleasure in bothering me, but when I get all my work done, they always have the same reaction, 'wow, you actually did it in one go like you said you would,' and I'm yes, you peons, now fuck off! And then the next day, they hammer me for another deadline, but it's their job, I guess to annoy the fuck out of me. lol. Nah, they are great, it's cause they are doing all the prep work and communication and are really good that I am the bottleneck, except that it takes me about 5 times the brain power to do my work, but they are great. Helping me live longer! lol.
I'm actually flying to Canada, just once every 2 months, and spending 10 days there and then coming back. That is the plan, but the original plan was every month for 8 days, but it's simply not possible for me to do that, but we do a lot of wechat facetime, like 4 days a week. The boys are so excited to be in Canada that they don't miss me yet and my wife is now starting to miss me a bit because the area we live in Toronto is super boring as hell lol. What my wife gets a kick out of, is that she feels the area is like the 'housewives of Dallas' as the mothers are all in cliches and when she volunteered to help at the PTA, she got rejected and put on the wait list. And my wife is like 'wtf lol', but she thinks it is cute that these Canadian housemoms think they are cool and beautiful, she says, 'country people need to have such fantazies to make their lives happy' lol, my wife is one cold bitch haha.
And thanks, I've limited myself to just playing 3 characters in dota2 and 3 characters in Overwatch, so I just practice and play with them so those young punks don't give me shit. but there is no point trash talking with them, sometimes, they are like, 'give me your address and I'll come over and beat your ass' and I'm like, seriously? Ok, when I fly into Singapore I'll meet you at the Singapore Cricket club and you can fuck me up there, then silence....'man, how old are you really?...' I don't reply at that point, but usually the chat goes quiet at that time, respect punk, I could beat you and your dad up at the same time. lol. But honestly, I think I always sucked, but back then everyone sucked equally, damn millenniums beating on the gen x. ^^
On March 09 2017 13:43 MightyAtom wrote:Show nested quote +On March 07 2017 01:49 Cauld wrote: I just was thinking that i haven't seen a mightyatom blog in a while... and then boom. you deliver!
Good read, glad everything worked out with the doctors. It took a similar experience for me in a hospital to realize that doctors are just ppl too and to treat them like the service employees they are.
Why did you decide to move you family to Canada? You kinda buried it in there. About the service employee part, harsh but true. I had my family in the Philippines for 3 years, and before that Korea 1 year, and before that Melbourne for 1 year, and while living the expat lifestyle has it's perks, it can get quite expensive and you question why are you paying for all of this when really regular life is better in Korea and Canada. And since I have my own company, it was just too much cost, but also the right time for them to go. In Korea, it's pretty natural for the Dad to stay, earn the cash and send the family abroad, we are called 'goose daddies', while I could have done it sooner, I wanted to spend more time with my boys (6 & 9) so that we could have a strong relationship before they left. So it's good. When Mommy is on the warpath, they call me and rat on Mommy, so then I tell Mommy that Canada is not like Korea and that social services will come and take the boys away, and she replies, 'let them come and try' and I'm like, 'no honey, seriously, it's a socialist country' and she's like, 'ok, I'll keep my temper in check.' lol. But Canada, Sweden, Switzerland's public school systems are very good, I think better than a lot of international schools, so I'm like, fuck, they boys are old enough, my wife hates living with security and the restricted movement in the Philippines, so I'm like, ok, lets go. Both the boys are Canadian citizens, so it was super easy to go back, in a week we got an apartment, internet, cell phone, car, and got them into school. And they are fine. I picked the most WASP area that was left in Toronto as I want the boys to be exposed to what I grew up with, and it's good. I mean by that is, Toronto is very multi-cultural and lots of Asians, that's good. But my boys are Korean, they have lived as well in Taiwan for a few months, visited China and Singapore a few times, and they went to an international British school. So they know about different cultures already and have a lot of international friends, but, I think they still had no idea what is being 'Canadian', or should I say, WASP Canadian. And for me, I think it's important that they learn what that means, and play hockey every day in the winter time. In fact the first thing I did was buy my eldest a full hockey set and told him, 'don't say that you know how to skate if you can't stake backwards, cause if you can't skate backwards fast, then you can't play hockey and if you can't play hockey, there isn't a point to skate' and so my wife tells me that the boy still can't stop properly, but he can skate backwards now after a month lol. Toronto has changed a lot in the just the last 5 years, I can tell, but it's been 17 years since I've been away, so there a lot of things I have no idea about, plus leaving as a young man, there are a lot of things I didn't experience as an adult in Canada. I think when I went to the Ontario provincial office to register our driver licenses and address for the health insurance (which doesn't get issued for 3 months from landing), what struck me the most is how diverse the work force is and that they were so helpful. Obviously, I had been away a long time, and I think my mannerism have changed a lot. I can tell people react to me quite different as they know that while I am speaking fluent English, that I'm not Canadian. Which is good, because it shows to me that the society has become more open minded. I'll be replying more to everyone sooner, but I gotta run and catch a flight to Beijing, in Shanghai now. ^^
All that makes sense... and its good to hear your family is adapting to Canada so well. If you're ever in NYC and wanna get a beer let me know, I'd love to meet the man behind the blog 
On March 09 2017 18:42 MightyAtom wrote:Show nested quote +On March 08 2017 14:41 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: Doctors in hospitals are pretty useless My younger brother is a MD, and honestly I would not trust my life in his hands lol. But I think it takes a lot of experience, and there was this book I was reading about knowing the unknown and it gave the medical profession one hell of beat down. Recently, I was in the hospital with my boy and he had a stomach ache and then the doctor is pressing on his tummy and she must have been like 21 or something (in Korea) and she says, 'does it hurt here' to my boy, and he is like 'yes' and she turns to me and says, 'he may have appendicitus, we should do an x-ray right now' and I'm like looking at her like 'wtf kid', so I turn to my boy and press the opposite side of his tummy and said, 'son, does it hurt' and he says, 'yes' and I go, does it hurt the same as where the doctor pressed, and he says, 'yes' and I'm looking at the doctor and say, 'seriously, do you know what you are doing?' She is so embarrassed, that she says, she'll be back with another nurse, and she leaves, and another lady comes, and I ask, 'are you the nurse' and she says, 'no I'm a doctor' and gives another diagnosis and the other other doctor is no where to be seen in the entire emergency room for the rest of our visit which was like 4 hrs (he had a stomach virus where he was vomiting bile, so we kept him on IV for 4 hrs to re-hydrate). Like seriously, wtf, I know this cause I've been a parent for 9 years, but man....
Exactly this kind of crap that makes me wary. Not saying ALL doctors are useless but in general you have to realize that people that become Doctors can do so with "C" grade averages. Not everyone is an "A" grade doctor.
I try to do everything with my family doctor as much as possible. He knows me, he knows my kids. He can understand what is going on with us as he compiles data over years than some random ER doctor. If it's life or death of course I have better chances with an ER doctor than no doctor but I've had too many personal experiences with the ER docs and it's scary as fuck how much they try to "guess/evaluate" what the problem is.
You guys are giving healthcare way too much shade, the human body is an incredibly complex system, more complex than a modern computer. No engineer can understand everything that a computer is doing at the machine code level up to the UI, similarly you can't expect a single doctor to know everything going on with a person's body from the genetic code up to the general symptoms.
One of my relatives recently died from cancer and they have 6 doctors in the family that couldn't do anything, but I know that cancer is a very hard problem to solve and currently beyond their capabilities in many cases. That's just how it is. Without medicine the average life expectancy would be 30-40 years, because we have doctors and healthcare it's 70+ currently (depending on country and other factors). Don't generalize local inexperience or youth as a systemic characteristic.
Thank you very much for blogging.
You give me motivation to work harder and a window for me to peek into other people's lives, see things I'd never experienced or would probably never experience.
Even so, I enjoy reading it very much as if they were experiences of my own.
Japan11285 Posts
thanks for the bump ^
How did I miss this... will read more comprehensively tomorrow. PS I don't know if it was mean for me to smirk a bit while skimming over "fuck I'm dying/retarded faces/just stick it in" intra-personal rants at the medical staff.