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A handy tool to quickly check/verify different values and stats of all kinds of Brood War units, weapons, and upgrades. It is available on IRC #BWAPI.
A few months ago, I developed a small script, mostly in Prolog, to facilitate looking up different stats I needed for bot development.
Here is a quick presentation of it:
The BW IRC Bot lists the most important stats for all units used in competitive play of Brood War. It uses the original Brood War 1.16.1 as source (via BWAPI).
Listed information:
- Build order necessary to obtain a given unit
- Technology requirements for a given unit
- Type(s) of a given unit (organic, robotic, detector, burrowable, mechanical,spellcaster, etc.)
- Unit of a given type
- Mineral/Gas cost, build time, supply cost of units and upgrades
- Top speed, hit points, armor, energy, sight range, air weapon, ground weapon
- Basic damage, bonus damage, cooldown, damage factor, damage type, explosion type, minimum range, maximum range of weapons
!buildorder <unit>: retrieves the complete build order required to train given unit
!techreq <unit>: retrieves the direct technology requirement for given unit
!type <unit>: retrieves all types of given unit
!type <type>: retrieves all units with given type
!stats <unit>: retrieves mineral/gas cost, build time, and supply cost of given unit
!stats <upgrade>: retrieves mineral/gas cost, research time for all levels of the upgrade
!details <unit>: retrieves top speed, hit points, armor, energy, sight range, air weapon, ground weapon for a given unit
!details <weapon>: retrieves basic damage, bonus damage, cooldown, damage factor, damage type, explosion type, minimum range, maximum range for a given weapon
!help: shows all valid commands
!help <command>: shows how a specific command is used
Naming convention for units, upgrades, weapons, types is the BWAPI name without the race prefix. This usually means the Brood War name with underscores instead of spaces.
Examples of valid names are:
siege_tank_siege_mode (an exception, because the siege tank is modelled as two different units internally)
Usage Examples
!details command_center
[TopSpeed,Hitpoints,Armor,Energy,SightRange,SeekRange,AirWeapon,GroundWeapon]: [1.0,1500,1,0,320,0,none,none]
!stats marine
stats for marine are [minerals,gas,buildtime,(supply|level)] = [50,0,360,1]
!buildorder mutalisk
BO = [larva,drone,hatchery,spawning_pool,lair,spire,mutalisk]
!techreq ghost
techreq for ghost are [barracks,covert_ops,academy]
!type robotic
type of robotic is probe,shuttle,reaver,observer
!type reaver
type of reaver is robotic,mechanical
!stats ship_plating
stats for ship_plating are [minerals,gas,buildtime,(supply|level)] = [150,150,4000,1],[225,225,4480,2],[300,300,4960,3]
!details gauss_rifle
[Damage,Bonus,Cooldown,DmgFactor,DmgType,ExplosionType,minRange,maxRange,Air?,Ground?]: [6,1,15,1,normal,normal,0,128,true,true]
The bot usually hangs out as IMP_Bot in the #BWAPI IRC channel on Drop by and say hi
PS: Artosis: next time you’re casting and you forget how much energy a queen has, just type “!details queen”
Thanks to everyone involved in developing BWAPI. The values used are extracted from the very source (the game itself) via BWAPI