I am sorry for posting again so soon after my previous post, but I just had an idea.
If you don't about NaNoWriMo, it stand for National Novel Writing Month.
It is basically a challenge, that you impose to yourself to write a 50 000 words novel in a month.
And it got me thinking, what teamliquid should do, is pick a month and have everyone who wants to paricipate, write about one game, or one serie, or one tournament.
That could be interesting, pikc your favorite player and his most awesome tournament result!
Will it be the undefeated GSL of Nestea, would be the european reign of MVP, that one gsl lost by MC? etc...
Now that I've written it, I see the main issues here:
1) it is exactly what I did, so it's like asking for a competition molded to myself....
2) it sounds like a tournament, I am willing to "create", but not willing to manage?
Well, let's just keep the idea in mind, we have some great writer out there, either providing with some fun/interesting/well written blog's entries, or great articles directly on the homepage.
I'm gonna try to add a poll here:
Poll: Would you like that idea to come into life?
Yes (3)
No (4)
Don't care (8)
Maybe something close (1)
Did not understand the idea (1)
17 total votes
No (4)
Don't care (8)
Maybe something close (1)
Did not understand the idea (1)
17 total votes
Your vote: Would you like that idea to come into life?
(Vote): Yes
(Vote): No
(Vote): Don't care
(Vote): Maybe something close
(Vote): Did not understand the idea