This blog post is mainly about the things I am planning to add to the example bot (and by extension the framework where needed).
But before that, I have a small video update showcasing two heroes that the default Dota 2 AI cannot use. It showcases the use of spells with the techies mines, and the capability of the framework to handle each meepo individually:
Anyway in regards to the bot framework, the following things are planned:
- bots available for both dire and radiant. So it is not just 5 man vs 5 bots. You can add as much bots to both sides as you want. You can even have a bot only tournament. It is even possible to have a 5 man vs 5 man and let a bot take over in case of afk with this framework.
- Works on all standard dota maps (the winter map for example)
- The bot controller can draft/pick heroes. So no more random selection like you have now for the practice bots.
- Set the reaction time of the bots
And the following extras, which might not be available for a specific bot if the bot developers doesn't want to use it. But the example bot that comes with this framework is planned to have these:
- More options to control bots. For example, they can respond to chat messages and change their role to support, jungler or carry on request.
- Customizable item builds. This including setting conditions for which items to buy. For example: only build an orchid if there is a specific Hero like Invoker on the enemy team.
- Lane options: You can tell each bot which lane it should use in the lane stage.
- Set the farming priority for each hero (1,2,3,4,5 position)
- request wards (observer and sentry) to be put at specific places.
Since I am just a 1k MMR player I don't know what other options people want to have when playing with/against these bots. So if you got something that you want the practice bots to do to help you train a specific skill/strategy, let me know by replying to this thread ( or send me a pm to my reddit account: LetaBot ).