In my opinion, this is interesting from several angles. In this blog entry specifically, ill try to adress just one angle on this; the question of what the above means for the player - it can apply to any player of a cooperative multiplayer game, but it applies in particular, to a player of hots.
So, i base this whole dicussion on the presumption that hots is deep in strategic dimensions, and that the importance of communication and coordination follows. Why do i do that, what do i really base this presumptin on?
I base it on the variety of battlegrounds, unique objectives on these bsttlegrounds, and the variety in playable heores and ways to play them. The way these parameters interact with choises and plays made or failed, on both teams. The richness of options for the players in these circumstances makes it so that it what choice to make and play to go for, is rarely clear cut. Because of this, proactive communication and coordination becomes important, to work together in deciding what plays to go for, but more importantly, to go for these together, in a coordinated fashion and follow though, rather than hesitating or trying to do three big things at once. All this is really quite intuitive and self explanatory, in theory. Im sure the reader agrees, but far from everyone interact with strangers in their teams in ways that favour communication and coordination. At the very least, everyone knows someone who struggles with it. This blog is for them!
So,on to the crux of the entry, what does this mean for the player?
It means the player has everything to win and nothing to lose on being relentlessly humble, constructive, forgiving and preaching! Look onward without placing blame. Supress the ego, be moar like jezus!
Be humble and forgiving because misstakes and missunderstandings happen to everyone and the bigger picture matters more; the game can still be won. A misstake or miss play that is quickly admitted, is less likely to aggrevate anyone. A misstake or miss play that is quickly forgiven makes room for looking onward - what is next? Can we help eachother avoid this happening again?doing this without ever insulting or calling out a misstake, gives room for the team to keep trying its best and keeping on pinging and talking, without anger, spite or fright.
Many players hold on to their ego on some level, and let it affect how they play and act in the game. They arnt bad people. They just arnt there yet. Do not let them russle you, dont lash out at them. Do not let them ruin your game. What would jeezus do? Turn the other cheek, and preach! Preach this very message. Its all the retaliation you will ever need.
Also, for the love of jezus, use your minimap pings!