Player of the week: Zest
After a slow first two weeks, Zest finally put on the performance that many were expecting from him, as he took an extremely well-played and patient game from behind against Billowy and put on a fine display of soul against Dark in the ace match against SKT. This gave him 8 points, which was something that made everyone who had traded Bbyong away for Zest the previous week extremely thankful. As a player that cost $8 at the beginning of the round, he hasn't completely pulled his weight yet, but the fact he has already been in two ace matches suggests that he will have plenty of chances to earn his share of points.
Of course, ToToRoKappa, the only person to trade away Zest from the main team, is probably not happy about this.
Runner-up: sKyHigh
152, yes over one hundred and fifty, people traded for sKyHigh this week. I don't know why so many people had so much faith in him beating MyuNgSiK when he had been 3-0'd by sOs, a protoss of a similar qualities, so recently, but I guess everyone else knew something I didn't, as he won pretty convincingly. Trading pretty much anyone near his value for sKyHigh was worth it.
Anti-player of the week: Nobody
Nobody was evil enough this week to become a minion of Choya or an apprentice of Shine. There was no RorO this week. Most matches went as expected this week, with a few outcomes going more favorably for the typical team than anticipated. MyuNgSiK not only got crushed by sKyHigh, but he lost pitifully in the ace match to ByuL. ByuL got an extra point by losing to TerrOr so that he could win the ace match. Choya didn't get the opportunity to field YongHwa in the ace match again as his team lost 3-0.
Therefore, nobody gets the award, as everyone behaved well. In fact, too well. I had difficulty picking the best two players of the week as a result. -_-
Runner-up: Creator
Not counting the legendary combination of Seed/Stork/TaeJa (which SetGuitarsToKill allegedly came up with), or one of the two prime aces (I don't know why you would anti them...), who both lost, Creator has the most appearances on anti-teams by nearly 100. Therefore, most people were probably surprised to see him beat Bbyong, who is on 348 main teams, with an immortal bust. Switch a few players of the same race around, and he could have defeated sKyHigh instead and taken the actual spot.
Best team of the week: calh (+29)
I wanted to give this to myself because of my brilliant week 2 trading, but alas there were several superior teams to mine. Calh's team earned a ridiculous number of points this week. 29? I don't usually see numbers this high unless I'm looking at anti-teams. All five players that were fielded this week won at least four points, and two won ace matches. His captain, Ssemi, did as well as any 1-pointer did this week, since TerrOr cost two FPL dollars for some reason. The only way he could have done better this week was to not trade away MyuNgSiK, who earned -1 points.
Worst team of the week: hostilekid
With all of his players losing or not playing and his anti-players doing as well as possible, hostilekid got a -14 score for the week. Most of this came from the SKT vs KT match, where Zest and INnoVation in particular performed to take more than half of the maps of the day. Meanwhile, MVP is sitting at 0 points, Flash lost to Dark, and Classic didn't even play. This disorganized team is clearly the worst of the week, and I hope hostilekid doesn't get mad about this.
Best anti-team: Sa1n7_Ge0rGe, Cheren, Brownie2292, teflonwizard, Cyroch
Nobody found the Creator/Solar/TANGTANG anti-team and switched Creator to MyuNgSiK this week, a series of actions that would have netted -0 including the trade tax. However, these people all managed to hold their losses to just one point. Every single one of them had Stork and Solar except for teflonwizard, who bravely tried HerO and Solar to similar success. Additionally, they had a 1 or 2 cost Prime player to round out their team (a perfectly normal pick).
Special mention to Seed/Stork/TaeJa which pretty much everyone ended up using to get -3. I was hoping Choya would field Seed or TaeJa in an ace match just to mess everyone up, but that unfortunately did not happen.
Worst anti-team: NR
NR managed to get the maximum number of points from an anti-team that costs $13, even though his team cost $15 (change Bbyong to San for the desired result). His entire anti-team is filled with surprise aces, except for Cure who is on a team that can rely on sOs, Maru, and a super deep lineup constantly featuring him to earn enough points anyway. It's like putting someone from the top five of STX onto your anti-team, expecting INnoVation to somehow be the only player on his team to win.
NR's anti-team after just three weeks is so bad that he should request a name change to NR30.
Best possible team (no trade):
$6 ByuL 13
$5 Dark 11
$4 San 10
$4 Cure 9
$4 Leenock 8
$3 Hush 6
$4 CJ Entus 8
$4 Stork 1
$8 Solar 0
Total: 64
Best possible team, I think (trade):
Note: Let me know if any of this can be improved or is impossible.
Week 1:
Bbyong 5
San 5
ByuL 4 (Captain)
Dark 4
Hush 4
Shine 0
CJ Entus 2
Solar -1
Creator 0
Total: 23
Week 1 trades:
Hush --> YongHwa
(Note: Hush --> Cure would be nice as well, but Cure's trade value was 0.01 more.)
Week 2:
Bbyong 9
Dark 9
ByuL 8 (Captain)
San 6
YongHwa 5
Shine 4
CJ Entus 6
Solar 0
Creator 0
Total: 50
Yes, the best possible team after two weeks would be 6th on the week three leaderboard.
Week 2 trades:
Bbyong --> Zest
YongHwa --> Cure
Creator --> MyuNgSiK
Week 3:
ByuL 13 (Captain)
Dark 11
San 10
Zest 8
Shine 4
Cure 4
CJ Entus 8
Solar 0
MyuNgSiK 1
Total: 73
Trade gain: +14 over 4 trades.
In conclusion, I would like a time machine.