So I decided today to take on the task of setting up advanced features such as a solid stream layout and alerts only to find that these features are easier to implement do to amazing third party contributors.
Huge shout out to Bad Manner who have a wash of layouts for numerous games both for free and for purchase. It is people who do these little projects and price things out at reasonable costs that help make eSports easier to perpetuate. This community is truly too cool.
Here are a couple images of the layout I found there and will be using. This overlay is currently free although I would have happily paid for it. Simply download, extract and enjoy.
Purity of Form
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![[image loading]](
There is no information on the artist that I could find but I am grateful to them none the less.
Alerts involved quite a bit more work on my own part but only because the service offered by Twitch Alerts are incredibly customization. The instructions are rather self explanatory with every little area having a help symbol you simply mouse over for any information you might not instantly find.
With the combination of YouTube, Google and Clip Converter I was able to create custom alerts for follows, donations and subscribers (if I ever get to that point).
I used snips from the following videos to make my notifications:
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I also used the font: Bowlby One SC
You can browse Google Fonts for all the options you are able to use with Twitch Alerts.
Another giant shout out to this guy who offers a service that would be so much more difficult to make happen if he wasn't willing to work the magic for us all.
Deciding what information to include and how to organised it I simply looked to others and modeled my page after what has already been done. Looking at Day9's, Destiny's, Winter's and so on's pages, it was fairly simple to see what to put on the page. Key information in relation to the stream's content, your setup and equipment, donation or how to support all organised in an attractive and accessible manner.
You can see my Twitch profile here.
As always I am happy to hear feedback and input on all of this.