It was just yesterday that I had the warning delivered informing the Son of Man (whose name shall not be disclosed) that if he pollutes my empire’s land with another of his disease-festered messengers, as he has done before, there would be hell to pay. My people are strong, intelligent, industrious, and, above all, good to one another. The volunteer who deslivered the message won the respect of his nation’s people by going to bring my solemn oaths to enforce our people’s combined heart and Mind’s decision that this empire is not aligned with the tribe of the Son of Man and furthermore, it has been made clear to the scoundrel’s leadership that we refuse to be threatened. With the forced circumstance of our volunteer messenger, our people’s combined Will to respond with eminently decisive force is written not merely in words, but in blood.
There are many preparations to be made. If we were to simply wait and believe in our own oath, we’d not erect the walls necessary for our defense, we’d not have the catapaults and bowmen armed. But this empire shall give evil no quarter. In submitting to immolation upon returning here to his homeland this morning, the volunteer messenger has earned honor not only for himself, but for his family and this empire’s people. His blood is already greasing the wheels of War that is so necessary to his people's well-being.
-Lord Byron Stanparp
Best Regards,