Context: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/28vt2d/1900cest_i_am_casting_go4sc2_75_mon_cup_come/cif6gez
So, it isn't often I respond to online hate in various community outlets, but after a 4 hour cast with an awesome new caster who contacted me - this one got to me.
It isn't the usual twitch chat level of "omg you suck" - "worst caster ever" style, that it just mindless (even if they believe it) spam. It is a targeted dig at something that I have expended a large amount of time, effort and money on doing for mainly my own enjoyment.
Also, the fact that I just got in touch with a new co-caster via reddit - an awesome guy who has LOADS of potential and then I read this makes me sad. I am used to this kind of comment, but what if someone new to the scene reads this and decided to quit, that would be pretty shitty
Obviously, the first response is to just ignore them, but ultimately I aim to TRY and get some kind constructive critique out of negative comments so that I can say that I have done everything I can to be the best I can be - that is all I can ever do.
So why am I writing this blog? Just because I want to vent, people like that can and do demotivate people in the community - be it players, casters, content creators whatever. It is categorically why a fucking ton of those people don't interact on TL, reddit whatever, they don't want to deal with abusive messages like that. Also, to remind people - it may seem stupid / pointless to many, but if you enjoy someones content / play, let them know. Just a simple "fun stream" or something like that can really help people with their motivation and enjoyment of something we all love.
Sorry for ranting, hope to see you all in the HuK v Snute $400 Bo9 tomorrow night
Haters gonna hate. No one wants to admit it, but it's who you know, not what/how good you are at it. (Speaking from real life, not eSports, but I imagine it's the same).
You will catch a break one of these days, and say fuck the old boys club and do your own thing. Don't let hate get you down, do your thing and continue to work hard! It can always be worse, ALWAYS.
Will definitely be checking out the B09
welcome to the fandom area of the internet:D
anyway good luck in your futher endevours^^
United Kingdom10443 Posts
Some people are dickheads, all you can do is ignore them and hope the karma gods smite them. Like the guy who harassed incontrol for 2 years and got dunked on recently.
I enjoy watching your stuff but I don't have time to catch all of it, glad you are still motivated to make your content
I feel you man, and I think it's great that you try and get something out of the criticism. Good feedback is hard to come by.
But at the end of the day, I've realized that you have to be your biggest critic. I still think that even the commentators sitting at the top should be rewatching their casts at least sometimes and picking them apart for things to improve on. After that, developing friends and close contacts you can trust for feedback, even if it's just one or two, is important to get an outside perspective.
At the end of the day, trying to be the commentator that appeals to everyone is a nigh impossible goal. Be who you want to be.
Best of luck man!
eh, i understand why you are pissed, but this blog probably made that dude pop a chubby. Ignoring is the best move
HuK is gonna get pwned, it's not even gonna be close.
Personally, I would've just told him to go die by drowning in a kiddie pool and let that be the end of it.
If you have haters, that's good. Look at TotalBiscuit. Fame can be measured with how much hater you have !
You'll be glad when you reach TB's huge "hater fanbase".
If you have haters, it means your known. And that's not really a bad thing. But yeah, it's hard to ignore. Sometime you'll slip like that.
Keep your chin up, I used to run a lot of smaller tournaments and post stuff in /r/starcraft a fair bit. I know you can't unsub completely given the traffic, but if it is really getting to you, you can make it so you don't get notice of new comments on the thread.
I say if it bothers you, put some blinders on the comment section because reddit is going to reddit. Keep up the content though, you've made leaps and bounds from when I first saw you casting.
oh my god...I went to the reddit page and looked at the whole thing. This one guy at the top has this hilarious comment.. "1900cest looks like a sex line for hill billies."
I love reddit
United States32997 Posts
guy seems like a troll from his post history D: