I've been dabbling in creating a Starcraft 2 AI, one that could be incorporated into SALT and follow a build order you give it or pick a build order by itself to use against you. So the main project of SALT has fallen to the wayside a little.
There were bunch of willing participants to create an AI together but I think they were looking for leadership/direction while I was looking for a collaborative work. So everyone was kind of lost and confused as to what they were supposed to be doing. You live and learn, next time I'll just have to bite the bullet and take up some kind of role as benevolent dictator / leader if I expect things to get organized and get the ball rolling on any large scale project.
But I noticed that people were getting confused by old versions and videos of SALT which were no longer relevant. So I erased all the old versions and created a quick walk through of using SALT in it's current form as an extension mod.
A more detailed version of the build order I demonstrated in the vid can be imported with the string:
!Polt's Tvz~& /( !( ,+ " + !(, /. !(0 #2 )2 % . 0 !, !% !% !# !# !# !# !J !J 'M !& # ,
A Protoss build with timestamps for each step (warning: hard)
!Kracen Oracle harass~% M ;)!H 8+", 3+ 3,"M ;,"M 4.#D !K0#D !82#F ;3$- >3$= !86$G ;8%- !L;%G 9;&# !L>&& 8>&E =>&U !LA'$ 3A 3E'K !LL(9 7L 7Y*/ <
and a ZvP macro build into hydras/vipers
!Hyun's 3hatch opener~% !?+ I+ D+ !? !@ !C D !@ %/ !@ C C H "# B #J C #@ D C (M #D F E C C "$ D K !O !O !O #a ,R #A
I'm not yet maintaining a database of builds but it would be great if I could include them on teamliquid build order pages or other sites like imbabuilds.com and sc2builds.com but I would have to have a discussion with administrators of those sites first.
Untill then feel free to post here with a few build import strings if you make any. (If you want to ignore the supply/timestamp for a step then just set the fields to zero). To post without the formatting screwing everything up use "code" and "/code" tags. See the wikipedia page for info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBCode
Until next time,