I would like to thank everyone again for the positive response to lesson 1. I loved answering your questions and receiving suggestions for future posts. There were several requests to include math, so let’s do it. I’ll do my best to keep things comprehensible for you. Give me feedback and I’ll adjust things as necessary.
That being said, unless I start on page one of a QM book, there’s no way I can explain where all of these equations and ideas come from… we’d never ever get to quantum optics topics if I tried. I’ll start with a quick summary of some standard quantum mechanics principles and give a simple example that is actually highly relevant to quantum optics theory.
If you already know QM, you know everything I’m about to tell you. Feel free to read on and make sure we’re all in agreement, but keep in mind I’m watering everything down and skipping tons of details because the post is already pretty long. If certain points about traditional QM are missing, I probably left them out on purpose because they can be introduced later or aren't necessary for what we’ll cover here.
Lesson 2: A nano-intro to quantum mechanics & the quantum harmonic oscillator + Show Spoiler +The first thing you should be familiar with is Schrodinger’s equation: Here i is the sqrt(-1), ħ is Planck’s constant divided by 2π, ∂/∂t is the partial time derivative, and H is called the Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian is an “operator”. It operates on whatever is to the right of it, which is our wave function φ . The wave function contains everything we need to know about the system. As in classical mechanics, the Hamiltonian can usually be written as the sum of the kinetic and potential energies. When written for a particular system, H will contain spatial derivatives and variables. Sometimes it’ll contain time variables too, but we treat the time-dependent Hamiltonian differently than what I’m going to present here. There are lots of different operators in QM and they have special and convenient properties. We won’t concern ourselves much with all of these subtle points and definitions though- grab an intro to quantum book if you’re interested. Equation 1 is a partial differential equation. It alone is not enough to solve the problem, you also need boundary conditions that tell you the value of φ at certain times or locations. I’ll also mention that if we integrate φ* φ (where the * denotes the complex conjugate) and integrate over all space, we get 1. That’s because φ* φ is a probability density function. If we want to know the probability the particle is between x1 and x2 (in a one dimensional system), we would just calculate: And if x1 and x2 are ±∞, the probability is unity. The particle has to be somewhere. Sometimes we write in terms of things that make physical, intuitive sense, like position coordinates (x,y,z) and time (t). This is often mathematically cumbersome. Schrodinger’s approach to QM is nice because it’s easy to think in terms of location and time. However, partial differential equations are difficult to solve analytically except for a few special cases. So Heisenberg developed a matrix approach to quantum mechanics that uses linear algebra. This is better, but writing down huge matrices and vectors can be cumbersome (especially on this blog… my god I couldn't even format equations). So Dirac invented his own notation that is just the best thing ever. I’ll be using it a lot. In short, Dirac notation is just a clean way of writing down matrix equations which are an alternative to differential equations. They all say the same thing at the end of the day. Using this alternative notation, Schrodinger’s equation becomes: It’s identical except that we put these weird brackets around the wave function. Don’t be fooled, the devil is always in the details. ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif) The wave function is now called a state vector and the Hamiltonian is a matrix of dimensions that correspond to the dimensions of the state vector. In reality this equation is still filled with derivatives and position and sometimes time variables, but we rarely think of it in those terms. Usually H just has some simple effect on the state vector that allows us to write down the solution to the Schrodinger equation without thinking much. This might sound confusing now, but it’ll be clearer when we do an example. As I said earlier, in the problems we’ll encounter H rarely contains time variables or derivatives, we call these “stationary” problems. We don’t care about time as much as we care about space in these systems. If H does not depend on time, we can write the Schrodinger equation as: Now, Eq. (3) is an “eigenvalue” problem. The solution is a linear combination of many “eigenfunctions” or “eigenvectors” (if we’re talking about the Schrodinger or Heisenberg formalism, respectively) that correspond to an eigenvalue. There will be a lot of similar solutions that satisfy Eq. (3) and its boundary conditions, and each of these individual solutions is identifiable by its eigenvalue. In Eq. (3) we called the eigenvalue E, because E happens to be the energy in the case of a time independent Hamiltonian (since H=kinetic+potential energies). If we wanted to talk about a single component of φ, we could denote it φ_n or simply |n>, where n denotes the nth eigenvalue, E_n. Some systems have lots of different eigenvalues, some just have one. Continuing on… for a time independent Hamiltonian, the general solution of the Schrodinger equation is a sum of all these possible eigenvectors with some coefficients: C_n is just a constant and the exponential comes from the time derivative in Eq (1). If we don’t care about time, this is just another constant number (just say t=0 and its 1). This looks like a simple answer, but finding the expressions for |n> in terms of physically useful variables, like position, is nontrivial. That’s why we’re just using Dirac notation so we can just call it |n> . ~~~~~~ Let’s go ahead and do a simple example that illustrates the power of operators and Dirac notation. The Quantum Harmonic Oscillator+ Show Spoiler +We’ll consider a one dimensional oscillator, like a mass on a spring, but we’ll treat it quantum mechanically. We’re ignoring time dependence for now. As shown in Eq (4), we can just throw an exponential on the end of the equations later and bam! Time dependence! The Schrodinger equation, in differential equation form, looks like this: Where m is the mass of, well, the mass on the spring… and it’s oscillating in the x direction, with a natural angular frequency of ω. But we don’t want to solve differential equations, not even the easy(ish) ones. We can actually factor Eq. (5) (see Griffiths QM book for details) and then define two new operators: (6) is referred to as “a-dagger” ( the + should be more dagger-y; it denotes the adjoint of a) and (7) is simply “a”. Then, if we do some cute little algebra, we can write the Schrodinger equation like this: And this is so pretty! And it gets better! Let’s switch to Dirac notation, where we just go from φ to |n>. For all intents and purposes they’re the same thing. If n=0 we are in the ground state of the harmonic oscillator. It’s easy to show that a† a |0>=0 from the differential equation. This means that E_0= (1/2) ħω, the familiar QM result! Now here’s where the beauty of operators comes in. If we replace |n> with a†|n> in Eq. (8) we could simplify it to get: Or if we used a|n> instead, we get: Or even more transparent: And the energy for any n is given by: We call a† and a “ladder” operators. They raise (a†) and lower (a) us up and down the energy level ladder one step at a time, where each step has an energy value of ħω. We start with |n>, act on it with a, and arrive at |n-1>, and the opposite for a†. + Show Spoiler +In field theory and quantum optics, we like to call them creation and annihilation operators. If you quantize the EM field you run into these guys again, and their function is to create (a†) and destroy (a) photons. (This makes sense, right? Because photons carry energy=ħω!) (Also in Eqs 11-12 don’t worry about where the square root factors come from, that’s derivable but they’re just constants that keep total probabilities=1). Another convenient thing about ladder operators is that if we start with n=0 and plug in the expressions for a† and a, we can find the physical expression for |0> rather easily. It ends up being: Where α=√(mω/ħ). Then we can apply the raising operator (in differential equation form) to Eq. (14) to find the expression for |1>: We could do this lots and lots of times and we’d eventually realize that for any |n> the solution is: H_n are the Hermite polynomials, a set of special polynomials that you can look up on a table for any particular n. If you've taken a somewhat advanced differential equations class, you could have written that answer down after looking at Eq. (5) with the help of a few substitution tricks. If you don’t know anything about the Hermite equation, the ladder operators allow you to generate solutions without knowing that special functions like Hermite polynomials exist. + Show Spoiler +This is a very beautiful problem, and you encounter it several times in QM. I hardly did it justice here, so if you want to look at the problem in all of its glory, (like how to solve the differential equation and cool properties of ladder operators) I recommend you visit google or a textbook if you have one around. Hopefully that gives you a feeling for what quantum looks like. Everything comes from complicated differential equations, but some very smart people have found clever ways to translate them into matrix equations which are easier to solve. They also did us the favor of defining a few cool operators that magically give us really simple answers when they act on the eigenfunctions of the system, like using a† and a to move our system up and down in energy levels. ~~~~~ I get the feeling that this was maybe a boring read, and if so I apologize for that. We just needed to establish some sort of foundation so when I start using math to describe interesting things you guys are familiar with my notation. Is this level of math and explanation okay? Keep in mind many optics lessons will be less equation heavy and more concept-focused. The idea of this blog post was just to get a feel for what level math I can use here and introduce some basic ideas that are necessary to speak quantum.
I want to keep things on a level that everyone who wants to read this can keep up with, so please let me know what you think. Next week we’ll dive back into quantum optics with either Raman scattering or lasing without inversion, both of which are pretty awesome. Even if you didn't follow this post, you should be okay for the optics posts to follow.
Thanks for reading! <3
*edited for formatting
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United States24554 Posts
This is great reading for someone taking a course on this, right now. I'm trying to imagine myself reading this before I took Quantum Mechanics and... I don't think there's any way in hell I would be able to make it fully through this blog.
Who is your intended readership? I feel like you are trying to reach a very broad spectrum of people, ranging from mathematically/scientifically "illiterate" to grad students who have taken quantum 1/2/etc, and it's almost impossible to write something that appeals to everyone in that range on a topic like this.
What might help in a blog post like the one above is to start with all of the concepts, AND THEN back it up with math, rather than starting with math (this also allows those craving math to read further whereas the laymen can stop reading after the concepts, or push through the math only as far as they need). You pretty much lose everyone who isn't already somewhat competent trying to condense several day's worth of QM into one blog post.
I feel like I know nothing in math after reading this blog, lol. At least I tried x_x
This kind of feedback is exactly what I wanted, thank you. The hard part about this is that I don't know who my audience is here. I was asked for math, which is cool and we can do that, but I needed to get a feel for what level of math is acceptable. It seems like this might be a little much... but the only way to find out was to try.
I'll read all of the comments on this and use them to shape future posts. Hang with me! Surely by next week I can hit a comfortable middle ground.
On May 05 2014 04:21 Ideal26 wrote: This kind of feedback is exactly what I wanted, thank you. The hard part about this is that I don't know who my audience is here. I was asked for math, which is cool and we can do that, but I needed to get a feel for what level of math is acceptable. It seems like this might be a little much... but the only way to find out was to try.
I'll read all of the comments on this and use them to shape future posts. Hang with me! Surely by next week I can hit a comfortable middle ground. I think that you have to take into account some stuff. Most people will be familiar with anywhere from advanced algebra to medium level Calculus in terms of math. I understand integrals, derivatives, and a lot of the concepts for the stuff that you explain but I don't really understand how you jump to each thing and it's a bit wordy/confusing for me. It's not really your fault since that's the nature of quantum mechanics, but I feel like if you could try to make it more accessible to people who aren't pursuing degrees in physics or math your blog would be awesome.
If that's not what you're intending though, it's perfectly cool to just keep it the way you have it. It's mostly dependent on the intended audience.
I appreciate this!
Personally I'm trying to learn a bit more about the math and details of quantum physics. I'm doing a little bit of free time studies when I feel like it, and I'm going to keep it at that. So far I've become familiar with many of the formulas that you bring up, and am continuously trying to educate myself on various mathematical concepts that are required. However I still haven't grasped the larger picture and I'm still trying to puzzle together how these various concepts fit together. Even if I don't get very far today (I kinda lose it somewhere around 3-6) I will still be able to go back at it later and check if I've made any progress. And I have already learned some things I hadn't understood before from what you wrote!
After Eq(3), you write that "The solution is a linear combination of many “eigenfunctions” or “eigenvectors” ". These eigenvectors are just from the Hamiltonian right? Do they/can they have different probabilities (if there are many solutions)? Or is too early for probabilities?
On May 05 2014 02:42 micronesia wrote: This is great reading for someone taking a course on this, right now. I'm trying to imagine myself reading this before I took Quantum Mechanics and... I don't think there's any way in hell I would be able to make it fully through this blog.
Who is your intended readership? I feel like you are trying to reach a very broad spectrum of people, ranging from mathematically/scientifically "illiterate" to grad students who have taken quantum 1/2/etc, and it's almost impossible to write something that appeals to everyone in that range on a topic like this.
What might help in a blog post like the one above is to start with all of the concepts, AND THEN back it up with math, rather than starting with math (this also allows those craving math to read further whereas the laymen can stop reading after the concepts, or push through the math only as far as they need). You pretty much lose everyone who isn't already somewhat competent trying to condense several day's worth of QM into one blog post.
I have to agree here, when explaining physics to the uninitiated I always start with explaining the concept or idea before delving in to the guts of it. Mathematics up front is fine for those who already know the material, but even a physics professor will explain what the equation is for, before explaining how it works.
perhaps try having the equation itself at the very top, followed by an explanation of what it is, why it is important and how it helps us know more about the universe. Then delve in to the maths. This is pretty much how every science textbook in the universe is formatted, how every lecture is formatted. There is a reason why!
I once went to see Brian Cox talk to a bunch of post grads and even tho everyone in the room was more than familiar with the material, he still took the time to "re-brief" us on what things were for, why they were important etc, before going in to depth.
On May 05 2014 04:21 Ideal26 wrote: This kind of feedback is exactly what I wanted, thank you. The hard part about this is that I don't know who my audience is here. I was asked for math, which is cool and we can do that, but I needed to get a feel for what level of math is acceptable. It seems like this might be a little much... but the only way to find out was to try.
I'll read all of the comments on this and use them to shape future posts. Hang with me! Surely by next week I can hit a comfortable middle ground.
It's really hard, since you're trying to explain what takes most professors weeks in one blog post!
Personally, I think Dirac notation is really easy and intuitive to understand -- if and only if you have a working knowledge of linear algebra.
If I were writing something like this about Dirac notation, I would probably give a more detailed explanation of the operator-observable connection (in fact, I don't think you actually defined observables in the post) and really hone in the point that wavefunctions are vectors. I remember getting my mind blown when I first realized that the orthonormality of the eigenstates of the QHO or the particle-in-a-box allows them to act as basis vectors for the system as a whole in an unmeasured state! ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
I think it may be a LITTLE ambitious to try to fit Dirac notation AND the QHO in one post. I think I'd choose one or the other (and if I chose the QHO, I'd focus more on the analogy to classical mechanics (which your readership is more likely to understand). The QHO is probably a better topic for a more general audience since I think more people have taken AP physics C or the corresponding physics 101 course than have taken linear algebra. I know, the beauty of the ladder operators is amazing, but I'm not sure it's something you can really explain so quickly.
I actually just finished taking an intro to QM course, our textbook was written by David J. Griffiths and it was very clearly written.
As a lowly undergraduate I'm not sure, but we never really talked about the Hamiltonian as being time-independent or time-dependent. It was just considered as a static operator like you said...what we did is we first talked about separable solutions to the general, time-dependent schrodinger equation [i.e. Psi(x,t) = phi(x)*theta(t) ], and then after some algebra we rewrote that general equation into two forms: A time-independent part and a time-dependent part, the former being the form h(Psi) = E(Psi) as you wrote (except we used psi). Then from this point everything follows as you described, where the general solution is a linear combination of these separable solutions, except instead of the 'n' ket we just had an eigenfunction (with its corresponding eigenenergy in the time-dependent component as usual). It was only in later chapters that I saw state vectors being introduced (but not before describing hilbert space, which I have yet to learn).
Its definitely pretty dense to take in all at once. This took us a few weeks to cover! And they certainly didn't even prove the completeness of separable solutions; apparently in many cases physicists simply assume completeness).
Relevant XKCD
Echoing a little what others have mentioned, it was suddenly a lot more clear when you mentioned "photons carry energy=ħω!". That kind of stuff makes it more concrete. Oh, and the enegry jump level concept also makes sense. More than the math itself so far ^_^. I will see what Wikipedia can do for me on the basics like eigenvectors and why Dirac things are written as |n> and not just a single symbol.
On May 05 2014 09:54 radscorpion9 wrote: I actually just finished taking an intro to QM course, our textbook was written by David J. Griffiths and it was very clearly written.
As a lowly undergraduate I'm not sure, but we never really talked about the Hamiltonian as being time-independent or time-dependent. It was just considered as a static operator like you said...what we did is we first talked about separable solutions to the general, time-dependent schrodinger equation [i.e. Psi(x,t) = phi(x)*theta(t) ], and then after some algebra we rewrote that general equation into two forms: A time-independent part and a time-dependent part, the former being the form h(Psi) = E(Psi) as you wrote (except we used psi). Then from this point everything follows as you described, where the general solution is a linear combination of these separable solutions, except instead of the 'n' ket we just had an eigenfunction (with its corresponding eigenenergy in the time-dependent component as usual). It was only in later chapters that I saw state vectors being introduced (but not before describing hilbert space, which I have yet to learn).
Its definitely pretty dense to take in all at once. This took us a few weeks to cover! And they certainly didn't even prove the completeness of separable solutions; apparently in many cases physicists simply assume completeness).
Taking the Hamiltonian as a static (time-independent) operator is the best way to introduce operator(s) and how they function on basis states. If you continue onward from entry-level Quantum Mechanics classes, you will see that when systems start evolving in time there are a few approaches to solving them, called pictures, each with advantages and disadvantages depending on the problem you need to solve. The one you describe is the Schrodinger picture, and is best used for when the operators do not evolve in time. One that we use quite frequently in quantum field theory is the Heisenburg picture.
A very good thing to have when learning quantum mechanics is a solid background and understanding of classical mechanics. A lot of what is formulated in QM has a basis derived from classical mechanics. The commutation relations being a good example, the classical analog being the Poisson Brackets!
Truly an amazing subject to study. Very difficult, very rewarding, always surprising. Also for those interested, you should pick up Feynman's Lectures on Physics Volume III. It is a very good introduction to understanding quantum mechanics!
Edit: Also in regards to the bras, kets, and operators, it is useful to think of them as just column vectors (kets), row vectors (bras), and symmetric NxN matrices (operators). The use of the notation becomes very apparent when you start writing them out in their respective forms. Also, the generalization allows you to expand beyond just three spatial dimensions.
Thanks Ssin for answering the time dependence question. I met Poisson brackets in classical mechanics after already knowing commutators from quantum, and it was coolest thing ever. I hated classical until we did Hamiltonian mechanics, and I was just like "this is quantum! I could do this stuff all day!" haha. I might not be the most traditional learner in the world.
After Eq(3), you write that "The solution is a linear combination of many “eigenfunctions” or “eigenvectors” ". These eigenvectors are just from the Hamiltonian right? Do they/can they have different probabilities (if there are many solutions)? Or is too early for probabilities?
The eigenvectors/functions are solutions to the Schrodinger equation for a particular Hamiltonian. The total wave function is made up of many of these eigenfunctions, and the probability that the atom is described by one single wave function, say n=1, would depend on the value of C_1. So yeah, the probability of each individual wave function being the one that correctly describes the system is usually different. I hope that answers your question.
Thanks again for all of the feedback. It's definitely not easy or possible to put all of quantum into one post, and it isn't necessary for most of laser physics. Things like Dirac notation, it would be kind of nice if you had at least heard of it so when we talk about something like lasing without inversion and I need to write down a few state vectors, you at least understand the form.
I'll read through the responses again after work today and try to address any more questions. Thanks again!
Thank you for your answer, combined with random reading on the internet it makes more sense now. ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
I'm looking at the ladder operators now, but I had to get Griffith's book because of the oh so yummy details.
Very interesting read. I am studying Maths and Physics for my A levels and I was wondering how old you are? How long you have been studying Maths and Physics? And where did you start and how often did you study?
I dunno, I barely have any formal education or self-teaching in quantum and most of this made basic sense to me, so I enjoyed the math progression interspersed with commentary because it was new information for me presented in a concise fashion. Very useful to see concepts I've heard of/used a little in isolation all pulled together in a way that makes their function and usefulness much more apparent. I find that the best way to read things like this is to save your "I don't get it!" response until the end when there's supposed to be a conceptual payoff, and that usually clears things up and you can go back and look at what the hangup was earlier. I will enjoy these blogs regardless, please keep doing them! but I wouldn't mind retaining the mathiness at all. My personal take on it.
I'm looking at the ladder operators now, but I had to get Griffith's book because of the oh so yummy details. Griffiths is the best ever. His E&M and nuclear physics books are excellent too. I wish the quantum book covered more, but what he does discuss is really easy to follow.
Very interesting read. I am studying Maths and Physics for my A levels and I was wondering how old you are? How long you have been studying Maths and Physics? And where did you start and how often did you study?
I'm 23, I double-degreed in physics and nuclear engineering for my Bachelor's degrees, which took 4 and a half years. I didn't study math itself, just picked up what was necessary through physics. So all my physics was learned through classes which progressed pretty naturally: classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, optics, thermodynamics, quantum, statistical mechanics, etc. I studied always, haha. I am the type that is absolutely obsessed with grades and wouldn't accept anything less than an A on any assignment. I never slept in college. I'm only here now because I don't have classes for a few months before grad school I'm American-educated so I don't know what A level exams would cover, but my advice is work lots of practice problems! You can read a physics book all day and never learn how to do physics... you have to actually *do* it to truly understand. You'd have a hard time picking up a textbook in my apartment and picking a problem I haven't solved at some point in the past 5 years. I strongly believe that's why I was successful, as do the kids I tutored throughout my college years. Good luck! If you run into any problems or have any physics questions you can always message me!
Sjust swondering, sare syou sinterested sin ssupersymmetry? Sdefinitely sone sof smy sfavorite stheories saround!
On May 06 2014 12:06 Entirety wrote: Sjust swondering, sare syou sinterested sin ssupersymmetry? Sdefinitely sone sof smy sfavorite stheories saround!
I agreed to proofread a dissertation about SUSY and F-theory and all sorts of things those theorists come up with, and after that... Meh. haha. If I understood it better mathematically, I'm sure I would appreciate it more. I guess it works both ways, because this guy doesn't see why I love optics so much either. ![](/mirror/smilies/puh2.gif)
Griffiths is good as a start, but then you gotta move on to a bit more concrete and harder books. I also found the Shaum's Outlines for Quantum Mechanics a great place to start too. (even though my edition had a mistake every 1-2 pages)
As for optics... I don't like it. :D I have a class that basically revolves around solving differential equations for multiple multi-leveled lasers firing on stuff. Once you get past the math/programming, it's just text and experimental stuff. I don't like text and experimental stuff. xD To each his/her own.
Please keep doing this, it's fun reading other people's reactions, it reminds me of me when I just started learning QM.