Ok so lately I've been working on my "macro" and unfortunately can't figure out the best way to transfer drones after making a new hatch.
I'm not sure if I should set a control point from the first two hatches to the mineral line of the new second hatch, or take half of the drones and move them to the new hatch. However then how do I select correctly so that on first try all of them move over?
My next shaky point is off of what base I should normally use drones from. I normally go off of the first, however that means I end up with less drones at the first base than I should have (16). This leads to me having too few drones at the first hatch as I have more and more things to do, and for this reason have considered always building buildings at the latest hatchery.
My last question would be once you have the first two hatches filled, do you set the drone control points from the first two hatches to the mineral line of the third?
If anyone could grace a lowly peasant of a player such as myself, fortunate, fate, and God shall smile upon thee and grant your heart's desire.
Don't beat yourself up, Zerg is probably the most awkward race to play in terms of production simply because the numbers are so weird in terms of where things come out.
I'd say play around with it until you find something you like or watch some fpvods/streams
I usually transfer 2-5 drones from the closest older base to the new one and try to manage my larvae count so I can quickly saturate the new base and replenish the drone count at the old one with newly born drones asap after the new hatch finishes. Or if I'm going for a later gas I oversaturate the main send the surplus down to the expansion after it finishes and keep doing that with later expansions depending on when I want to take more gases at the new bases.
It can be hard to know when/what to do to optimize saturation / production especially with the third base at least in my experience. Scouting is the answer, know what the other guy is doing and you'll know what you need to do yourself.