Thanks for the music. Thanks for giving me a tune that my existential angst can sing. Thanks for showing me a world that has no purpose and a life that shares the same fate.
You told me to just live. Most people thought that you told them that it was all for naught, but that's not the real message that you carried in your music. You just pointed out the realities of life, and gave me an insight on how to handle them.
You sang about absolutely nothing. Your lyrics barely made sense when I first listened to them. I didn't understand emotions you were appealing to, but I still felt them.
It was weird at first. I grew up in a world filled with mannerisms. Small talk and conversational tricks were the ways to be known as a "sociable person". Pleasantries and compliments were the norm, until you came along and wrecked me from the inside out through the speakers of my headphones.
I grew up differently because of you. For better or worse, I have a new outlook on life that isn't filtered through rose-colored glasses. I've become more genuine. I find it much more difficult to tell white lies to gain favor. It's a strange gift you've given me. It's something an older uncle would give to a much younger nephew without any explanation: it's significant, but I don't know why yet.
So, here I come. As I am. As I were. Like you want me to be.