Not shown in the clip: SC2John's smashed wok.
Here are my last suggestions, game per game, for you, my young padawan. Study them, and one day you might reach my level yet.
Game 1: Whirlwind
Let's start from two very important points here, which will come back throughout the series. You need to improve both your shit talking and what i call "wok spice finesse". Allow me to show you:
High res pick of the chat log:
First things first: shit talking. You're doing it wrong. You can't bring up fucking HUMBLENESS while shit talking, it makes ZERO SENSE. And do NOT pay to your opponent's strenghts! I am a TL mod, do not bring TL stuff up because that's my home field. Never fight where your opponent has an advantage. Instead, bring him down towards you and then strike as hard as you can. Much like an idiot.
Secondly, you use too many spices in your cooking. Here you have a plan, and you abandon it for the sake of woking me. While that's fine and dandy, you could have gone for some true, Aiur sparkling play in a much more elegant way. Do you think sOs would go for a half arsed 4gate? Hell no man, he'd go either proxy oracle or DT while expanding instead of Robo. That's what a true, complete warrior of Aiur will think in that spot. Here is a great example that shows just how much you still have to learn.
Oh and please, check your main for pylons while you are dicking around the map, or this is the result:
At the end, as IdrA would it "at this point he's fucked up enough times that i can probably go kill him despite his early game gayness". Also, next time please try not to move your whole army to deal with two zealots. Please.
Game 2: Frost
This is where it gets interesting. In this game, you totally go for full bullshit mode and don't bother to scout while hoping to guess the right base and build. You are lucky in both cases so you end up winning with the dumbest immortal all-in yet, which personally, to me is a great offense.
Even here, we can see signs of your immaturity. A true Zealoter will pull bullshit builds alright, but you are missing a key component here. Confidence. You must KNOW your wok build will work. Hoping to guess the right base means you are just building up an excuse in case you fail. "Well, i didn't even bother scouting, what did you expect". This is not how it works. The only valid excuse is that Zerg and Terran are broken bullshit defensively and various complaints that Toss is forced into deathball builds. Anything else is just a sign of weakness.
Game wise, shit man, if i'm going DT, please dont get your observer sniped. I almost came back despite having the sickest BO counter ever!
This is a good example of correct shit talking. Always blame your BO losses on cheating, like every true Toss would. It's always about luck, never about playing better. Oh and please, try to have over 40 apm; it might save you a bunch of probes in the future.
Chat log:
Game 3: Yeonsu
In this game, you impressed and let me down contemporarely. I was impressed because you got in my head: i was expecting and blind countering a cannon rush that never game, so i came out very behind in the early game after my 9scout+walloff failed to pay off.
I felt very let down because you didn't play with the correct mindset. I can understand however, you aren't very experienced yet and this is a tricky yet key point in Protoss gameplay philosophy. You see, a good Toss build doesn't say "hell i hope he doesn't do thing x" or "hell i hope he fucks up". It may seem like it, but the real thought is actually "i'm going to do thing x and then that will make him fuck up; this allows my gayness to work out".
The greatest example of this is, of course, my own Tasteless Build. Zergs below top master will always panic when they see 6 units between 7 and 8 minutes (depending on the variation you do). This is what opens up your DT's to do the damage, therefore making the Tasteless build bullshit and OP. Much like shit talking, you bring them down to your level and then beat them on your own familiar ground, you don't try to rise up.
In this game you showed some promise of that, but not entirely well done. The DT's are always a great touch of course, but i believe that for the Tempest switch to work you should have followed up with a DT drop, maybe even ff'ing my main ramp for the hell of it. Again, you show potential but not full understanding of the Toss race yet, and this brings your downfall:
Chat log:
I also like the "void rays op". You are showing signs of growth. You are not, however, allowed to gg out after losing to mass void ray, no matter what you build you are doing. Remember this in the future.
Game 4: Bel'Shir Vestige
Again, mixed feelings in this one. At the start, again, you miss an opportunity for a good engagement. You need to fire back man, show some fight, and do it WELL. Do not go bring out the "your builds are boring" crap after losing with mass Tempest, it really really doesn't work out. On the other hand, this was a brilliant set up, which i didn't see at the time. I admit i underestimated you. Thought you weak, the ingredients for your wok recipes easy to anticipate and to block. I was wrong, and i paid the price. Such is PvP.
Chat log:
Of course, fuck you and your build order wins. If i had gone stargate vs your robo allin and dt vs your void rays i would have won both games. You lucky fucker.
Game 5: Neo Polaris Rhapsody
This game, i believe, sums up the series very well. You try to force your wok playstyle instead of letting it come to you spontaneously. Instead, it has to be pure inspiration, a work of art, an expression of the asshole in you. I believe you clearly show your of experience, understanding, and possibly even some nervousness at doing a bullshit build during a series-deciding match (which is fine and encouraged of course) despite getting scouted.
As a result, your 40 apm kicks in again, and you lose all the shit you proxied doing no damage:
Eventually, i can wok it up any way i want, and at this point there is no way out.
You do, however, have your plusses as well. The Colossus counter attack was a brilliant move, and just by the slimmest margin it didn't pay off:
You also put more effort in your shittalking which is good. Staying in game until i killed all your buildings is a classic move that i believe can be powerful when the opponent doesn't expect it. Much like dt's. It fit the continous BM at the end, but i'm afraid at this point it's not enough. The true Master prevailed.
At the end of this, i have to admit i have no hard feelings. I am at peace. In a way, i am proud of you. You showed initiative, desire to win, talent. I hope this was a lesson for you, and that you will one day learn the virtues of patience, finesse and sublte understanding necessary to be a true warrior of Aiur. Then, and only then, will you prove to be an opponent worthy of challenging me. Until next we meet, in the glory of the battlefield or of the front page articles,
Your master
Teoita, Protector of Teamliquid, Supreme Commander of the SC2 Strategy Forum, Emperor of the Friendzone, Soulful Prophet of the Great Immortal, Master of the Wok.
ps: i hope you are aware of the fact that, if you don't top the awesomeness of this post, i'll swing the hammah