Hi guys, in this post
I was so exicted for my new pc, thanks to Grubby and you.
Can someone explain to me how Post works? My package from NL is late of 1 MONTH. Can we vote PostNL as worst 2013 shipper in the world? Grubby, best guy in world, may the fortune shines on him everyday, sent the package like 7-8 Nov i think but PostNL managed to write the wrong address (Grubby had the right address, that's not our fault). They left the package for 3 WEEKS in their stores, 'cause they said that they don't have the right address (their customer support is useless and stupid, when i saw the problem on my tracking code, we called them 18 Nov, and, yet, no changes, no big info, only that my tracker code doesn't work anymore (they said to Grubby that it's normal) and the package should arrive in days, sent to the right address. The problem is that:
Now, i don't know what to do really. I should work with that pc, i'm renting a PC in those days, i'm losing money damn it. Is there someone that can explain to me how Post works?! I know that you may think that it's a stupid question, but really i'm curious, because i cannot think in my mind a legit and reasonable answer to my situation. The store chief wanted a new PC and stole my package? Really, i think they lost my package weeks ago and now they are trying to hide the problem under the carpet, my paranoic mind can only comes to this.
Sorry for the rant AngryJoe-like post, but i don't know what to do.
Love you guys