Well, it's another one of those mental masturbation blogs that few people will appreciate. I've recently been trying to shoehorn my TL fan club scraper into a web app. For a long time, as someone who likes "getting close to the metal," (and had 0 experience in web development) I looked down on web-development, thinking it offered no real programming challenges. Boy, was I wrong. Not only is there an insane amount of knowledge needed just to get the ball rolling, so much of it is scattered in hard to find places. There's also just a billion ways to do whatever you want, so honing down a sensible approach (and software stack) for your needs is excessively difficult.
Enough bitching, here's what I've been trying to learn:
- Server-side code with node.js
- Client side code with jQuery
Node.js is fucking ridiculous. I started off with 0 knowledge of js, and within the first two hours I was actually somewhat convinced that the asynchronous-event-driven-callback model made reasonable sense. It's also mind-boggingly simple. You toss around some "data," and a billion callbacks and somehow you have a web server that handles requests.
jQuery is weird. Half the time I seriously question if what I'm doing makes sense. (It feels like cheating compared to the amount of detail C++ requires)
CSS is awesome. It also makes it shamefully easy to steal other people's designs (even if they are free!)
The current setup is kind of hilarious, as my node.js implementation is hack and ALSO does none of the actual scraping/parsing. In fact, it actually creates a child process that executes the original autofan binary (recall, that's written in C/C++) each time it gets an AJAX request. There could be some overhead saved if fan club member lists are saved in a database (they are), and the server uses some model where entries are updated only if they are stale (it does not), and only calls the binary if they are stale (it does not). There would likely be issues if I wanted to migrate this to some fancier hosting (e.g heroku), as some of the libraries used by autofan are a bit exotic, and by exotic I mean old (libtidy).
Anyhow, if you want to give it a spin, it's hosted on my laptop over Wi-Fi (don't expect blazing speeds LOL) (server uptime will also probably be like 1%, no guarantees)
This is just a proof-of-concept, NOTHING is ready yet. I caution that this is not ready to replace current fan club member lists (the rules for adding members are far from definitive). Also, I recommend you choose fan club threads with 15 pages or less because I don't have a fast internet connection--and 15 pages will already take over a minute (atrocious loading time, I know).
An aside: Upon testing autofan with some fan clubs, I noticed that administrators have their own class, they a slightly different class for their post headers, yet the same class for the actual post. This caused autofan to freak out and think that there was a headless zombie post on pages where an admin posted. Anyway, that was fixed.
As usual, here are the git repositories if you feel like being a masochist and reading horrible code. https://github.com/eqy/nodesandbox https://github.com/eqy/autofan (the postgres_exp branch is the most recent, and contains the administrator fix).
I hope that I can really understand some web dev stuff through this project, because I have a much, much more exciting TL-related idea in my head that's been brewing for a bit that I would really like to be able to implement. I only have about a week or so of summer vacation left, so it's mad dash to see what I can learn/get done before school kicks in.
Interesting blog! I've been hearing people rave about node.js for a while now.
As someone who also has no experience in JS, what resource did you use/do you recommend for picking it up to play around with it? Thanks.
Hey there.
There's a language out there created by Google themselves called Go. It basically replaces node.js in it's entirety and makes you wonder why node.js ever existed. See the below gist for a 3-file reproduction of your work. I'm sure there's bugs, don't use my code, disclaimer etc. etc.
The Go code itself is a bit ugly, I basically hacked this together in an hour or so and it's now 4am, tiredness = programming fail. I'm also pretty sure there's a resource leak where I'm forgetting to close a request somewhere... But I can't be bothered to figure out the semantics of which http methods require a Close() atm.
If you've got any questions feel free to PM me
On September 13 2013 21:41 c0ldfusion wrote: Interesting blog! I've been hearing people rave about node.js for a while now.
As someone who also has no experience in JS, what resource did you use/do you recommend for picking it up to play around with it? Thanks. Check out this SO topic: (which I used) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2353818/how-do-i-get-started-with-node-js
On September 14 2013 04:16 Ao wrote:Hey there. There's a language out there created by Google themselves called Go. It basically replaces node.js in it's entirety and makes you wonder why node.js ever existed. See the below gist for a 3-file reproduction of your work. I'm sure there's bugs, don't use my code, disclaimer etc. etc. The Go code itself is a bit ugly, I basically hacked this together in an hour or so and it's now 4am, tiredness = programming fail. I'm also pretty sure there's a resource leak where I'm forgetting to close a request somewhere... But I can't be bothered to figure out the semantics of which http methods require a Close() atm. https://gist.github.com/aarondl/6554786If you've got any questions feel free to PM me Interesting work! I've heard of Go, but haven't done anything with it. It's probably one the most hipstery/bleeding-edge languages out there, if not the most hipstery/bleeding edge language. It did cross my mind as a possible implementation choice, but I'm not sure if the postgres drivers in Go are are mature enough to use.
Also, interesting choice of reading the "data-user" attribute, it definitely simplifies the process of grabbing usernames. But moving the implementation language of the scraper/parser to Go from C++ defeats the purpose of mental masturbation a bit , you're skipping the entire download->tidy up->xml->navigate xml flow :0.
Let me assure you that Go is not a hipster language. It's made by neckbeards for neckbeards. Node.js is much more hipster by comparison (js on the server... really?)
Here's a high quality stable postgres driver for Go: https://github.com/bmizerany/pq
As for my particular no-C++ regex-laden implementation it's a byproduct of laziness. I had no intent on porting that mess, though it's not hard to do if you really wanted a "walk the nodes" implementation over regex. My intention was merely to show that node.js is one-upped by Go and to recommend it highly over node.
C++ is my first language and my first great love in programming languages, however as I've matured as a programmer I've decided it's a horrific language and no one should use it unless there's an absolute necessity or requirement. So these days I'm glad I can use Go as an almost complete replacement.
Anyways, happy coding!
Even as a language to learn basic web development? I don't feel that Go is inherently any more readable or more efficient for my use case, and in many ways the callbacks to handle events asynchronously model is seen in Go:
http.HandleFunc("/", handleIndex) http.Handle("/standard.css", http.FileServer(http.Dir(".")))
There are a few things that surprise me though, such as seeing pages (index) having their content defined globally and not within the request handler. I guess there's a trade off: separating callbacks into modules keeps your data organized, but too many modules and tracing through the callback chains becomes a nightmare.
I still prefer my POST request handler
var buf bytes.Buffer for _, page := range pages { for _, signup := range page.Signups { _, err = buf.WriteString(signup) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } _, err = buf.WriteString("<br />") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } }
seems a bit more involved with a <br /> with each line instead of
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); response.write("<pre>"); response.write(stdout); response.write("</pre>"); response.end();
Overall though, I'm pretty impressed. Maybe I'll take Ken Thompson's word for it.
EDIT: defer is a pretty awesome language feature. Even in such a simple program as autofan, that would have saved me a lot of headaches where some pointer wasn't freed because the function exited early due to an error or some other condition.
On September 14 2013 15:06 Loser777 wrote: Even as a language to learn basic web development? I don't feel that Go is inherently any more readable or more efficient for my use case, and in many ways the callbacks to handle events asynchronously model is seen in Go:
You've developed with node.js for what I'd take to be a few hours of time. There's a natural callback spaghetti that node's awful concurrency model perpetuates but of course you won't run into it in the small time that you've worked in it. Go does not have this, it has Go routines and channels which are based on the CSP style of concurrency by Hoare and is leagues above callback spaghetti one-thread style concurrency. So when it comes to what they're both best at doing (writing small sites, one-page application sites, or API endpoints)... Go is a great deal better at it. From performance, memory usage, and code readability. Not to mention you get all the benefits of statically compiled languages, easy deployment, static code analysis and typing errors, etc etc.
http.HandleFunc("/", handleIndex) http.Handle("/standard.css", http.FileServer(http.Dir(".")))
This is as far as callbacks go in the web development world of Go. I could have defined the handler inline but for the sake of cleanliness I didn't.
On September 14 2013 15:06 Loser777 wrote: There are a few things that surprise me though, such as seeing pages (index) having their content defined globally and not within the request handler. I guess there's a trade off: separating callbacks into modules keeps your data organized, but too many modules and tracing through the callback chains becomes a nightmare. Globally defined content is a horrible idea if you're gonna make this a bigger project. The reason I did it in this example is because it really makes sense especially in such a simple scenario. I have two files, why would I read those files over and over again every time a request for it came in? This in essence is caching the entire file in memory and hence makes request responses much faster since I never hit the disk (keep in mind the kernel's file caching might also come into play here to make a read-always solution almost as fast). And on the note about callback seperation, this is exactly the type of callback spaghetti I'm talking about that you'll run into later with node.
On September 14 2013 15:06 Loser777 wrote:I still prefer my POST request handler var buf bytes.Buffer for _, page := range pages { for _, signup := range page.Signups { _, err = buf.WriteString(signup) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } _, err = buf.WriteString("<br />") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } }
seems a bit more involved with a <br /> with each line instead of response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); response.write("<pre>"); response.write(stdout); response.write("</pre>"); response.end();
Overall though, I'm pretty impressed. Maybe I'll take Ken Thompson's word for it. There's a number of ways I could do this stuff. If I was using pre I'd have to append \n anyways. And also on the ugliness note: I wanted to pedantically handle every error to show you that you should. Lots of people ignore errors for example code and I think that's wrong. But reasonably I can probably remove the error handling from this code since the only error likely to come back from a buffer write is out of memory on re-allocation and then it becomes much simpler:
var buf bytes.Buffer for _, page := range pages { for _, signup := range page.Signups { buf.WriteString(signup) buf.WriteString("<br />") } } I could have avoided all the concatenation into a seperate memory buffer and just spammed it directly to the response stream (now that I think of this, why didn't I do it that way??)
for _, page := range pages { for _, signup := range page.Signups { io.WriteString(w, signup) io.WriteString(w, "<br />") } } Or I could move it into a function that would be less noisy (which is probably what should be done since I'm doing this concatenation in two places anyways...) Lots of ways to skin a cat. My only hope is that I've casted some doubt on node.js as a reasonable solution to anything over Go haha.
Good luck!
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Go vs. Node.js still leads to heated debates on sites like HN and SO, so it's good to hear some strong opinions.
On the other hand, my blog is now thoroughly (hopelessly?) derailed. If any actual fan club maintainers see this, please give me some feedback on whether such a tool would be useful, and in what ways you would most likely want to use it.
Once again, it's here (until I can't host the site on my laptop anymore).
Nice work Loser777. I think it's simply awesome not only that you're trying this stuff out but also that you're posting it for us to see! That takes some courage. I've never posted my first project in a brand new language
Happy to see you took my suggestion about using XPath. I hope it saved a few lines?
Scraping the topic pages individually seems time consuming. Did you consider grabbing the single page version to save a few requests?
One other suggestion... add the email address you're using for commits to your GitHub account, so your work gets attributed properly! Then the contributions calendar on your profile will get filled up
OK no more derailing... happy coding! I hope you get some fanclub maintainers using this soon
On September 15 2013 03:14 tarpman wrote:Nice work Loser777. I think it's simply awesome not only that you're trying this stuff out but also that you're posting it for us to see! That takes some courage. I've never posted my first project in a brand new language Happy to see you took my suggestion about using XPath. I hope it saved a few lines? Scraping the topic pages individually seems time consuming. Did you consider grabbing the single page version to save a few requests? One other suggestion... add the email address you're using for commits to your GitHub account, so your work gets attributed properly! Then the contributions calendar on your profile will get filled up OK no more derailing... happy coding! I hope you get some fanclub maintainers using this soon XPath is definitely more maintainable and saved many lines. The issue with &view=all is that it's restricted to threads of a certain size. For huge fan clubs, that won't work unless I have TL+--and even then the web server would have to be "logged in" at all times.
Hmm, that's interesting what you said about contributions. I've re-tied my email to git on my work machine, but it seemed weird in that it selectively defined some activity as "contributions." Maybe that was just when I created the repository.
On September 15 2013 05:46 Loser777 wrote: Hmm, that's interesting what you said about contributions. I've re-tied my email to git on my work machine, but it seemed weird in that it selectively defined some activity as "contributions." Maybe that was just when I created the repository. That worked. Your commits are linked to your GitHub account now. Unfortunately it turns out that you have to contact support to complete the process (when you've linked your account after already pushing the commits). Up to you whether that's worth the effort...
I thought I'd derail it some more. I keep seeing you post that it's hosted on your laptop but there's really no good reason for that.
Google has a free version of Google App Engine and gives quite a lot of resources until they ask you to pay for it.
Amazon also has a free tier of their ec2 services.
Maybe that'll help you get it off your laptop haha.