When I watched Group B RO32 of WCS KR, I really though that the protoss player Trap had an interesting style. He showcased in one of the games vs Reality and Keen a templar based macro style designed to excel into the late game, getting a 4th base and colsi tech up successfully. I ended up taking notes on both of those games to find out what his game plan was and how this macro style works. Since I do not play protoss, i do not mind sharing what I have found so that other protoss's can see what I've come up with
Trap vs Keen @ Belshir Vestige G2
1 gas MC FE opening
8 pylon
13 gateway
15 gas
16 pylon
18 cyber core
19 zealot (cancel if no eng bay block)
21 nexus & mothership core
23 pylon & 2nd gas
24 stalker
28 stalker
31 forge & warpgate
34 stalker
36 robo facility
38 +1 armor --> @100% +2 armor
42 3rd and 4th gas
44 obs
48 cannon
50 cannon
51 obs
53 sentry
55 twilight council
58 x3 gateways
61 sentry
63 templar archives & warp prism
65 x2 gateways & charge
68 obs
70 x2 zealots
{10:00} 77 archon
78 x2 gateways
{10:30} 81 archon
{10:50} 3rd nexus & +3 armor & storm
{11:45} cannon + high templar + zealot in main
{14:30} x3 gateways
{16:45} 4th nexus
Game Plan
1 – Survive against early aggression such as 1-1-1 while getting +1 armor started & econ up
- build 3 stalkers
- build cannons at main and natural
- majority of chronoboosts go into probes so you can saturate 3rd and 4th gas and 2 mineral lines as fast as possible
- Send the observer to find out what the terran is doing (mass bio pressure or fast 3rd cc)
- Check for proxy factory location before making natural nexus with probe
2 – Safely set up a 3rd base and finish aoe (storm)
- Use chargelot/archon force with several sentries defensively to protect 3rd base going up
- Harass Terran with warp prism harass to keep some units at home and possibly force vikings. Keep warp prism alive!!!!! so it can hold 2 high templar with the army in main engagements (gaurantees storm from templar in warp prism)
- Add defense for drop play by building cannon + high templar + chargelots defense in main base and observers for spotters.
- Make one immortal to be in the main army
- Start researching double upgrades
3 – Secure a 4th base and safely switch into colsi tech
- Constantly keep a squad of zealots at the Terran's 4th base (position observer at 3rd to see when the Terran takes 4th and try to delay it as much as possible
- Double robo facility when switching over to colsi
Trap vs Reality @ Whirlwind
1 gas MC FE opening
9 pylon
13 gateway
15 gas
16 pylon
18 cybernetics core --> @100% warpgate
19 zealot
{3:40} 21 nexus ( [1] probe scout)
21 mothership core (scout close air position)
23 pylon & gas
24 stalker
28 stalker (chrono)
32 robo facility
32 stalker
38 obs
40 x2 gateway
42 sentry
44 obs
48 forge
{7:30} [2] Obs scout (transition against siege tanks)
52 warp in sentry
54 x2 gas
60 twilight council & warp in sentry
62 +1 armor
64 immortal
70 sentry + zealot warp in
76 templar archives
78 immortal
{9:45} 84 3rd nexus
{11:00} +2 armor/warp prism/charge
{11:30} x3 gateways
{12:00} storm
{14:00} x6 gateways
{16:45} start 4th base
{20:30} start 5th base
[1] Probe scouts late and sees nothing
build robo facility and gateways before forge so you have an obs out against early widow mine drops
get observer scout into terran base as soon as possible to see how terran is opening/transitioning into the mid game
[2] Obs scout sees siege tanks
get +1 weapons in favor of +2 armor
Delay warp prism to make the first immortal faster and to add an additional immortal into the main army
Make two additional sentries
Delay charge and adding additional warp gates in favor of taking a faster 3rd base
Game Plan
1 – Prevent economic damage against early game aggression
- Make 3 stalkers
- majority of chronoboosts go into probes so you can saturate 3rd and 4th gas and 2 mineral lines as fast as possible
2 – Safely set up 3rd base and tech to a form of aoe (storm)
- Start warp prism harassment to force turrets and/or vikings. Keep warpr prism alive so that it can hold 2 templar during main army engagements (gaurantees storm from templar in warp prism)
- Add defenses in main base such as cannon + high templar to deal with medvac drops
- Control the watch tower to be able to stall the bio/tank force as long as possible, don't have to be worried of early drop pressure because of the investment in siege tanks
3 – Secure a 4th and 5th base to ensure a strong economy to transition into a mass colsi switch
- 2nd robo with 4th base, 3rd robo with 5th base
- Continue multi prong aggression with chargelots + dark templar in order to keep Terran in defensive positioning
- Get warp prism speed to pass through turret defense for greater harassment opportunities to force or catch the Terran out of position