I just wanna ask you guys if I should get rid of these things or not: 1) Hundreds of manga I bought around five years ago that I still haven't read. I sold some of them but still many left. They cost a lot so just throwing them away is too painful for me, but I read really slow now and my interest for manga is gradually decreasing (I'm 21, last year of college). 2) Lots of bookmarks that I save on Chrome. There are many I haven't even used once. Should I go through all of them once to see what links still work?. 3) Data on my hard drive. I don't have a big enough external drive to store them, and my upload speed is too slow to upload to the Cloud. But they all seem like they'll be useful someday. 4) Text books from classes I have passed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
1) read the manga, sell the ones you dislike. 2) yes 3) buy a new external drive maybe. or just delete this shit, i doubt you will miss it. 4) name of the books?
1) EBAY maybe.. or find some flea market or pawn shop type deal. 2) there isnt anything you cant re-find on the internet if you need to. id probably just go and delete a bunch in a sitting and you'll already feel better about it 3) data.. on your harddrive.. your hard drive could die. so id find a way to save it elsewhere. you're not seeing the big picture if you think your data will forever be saved 4) find somewhere to store them like a parents home, closet, or just get rid of them.
1) Give them to a nephew or something that would appreciate them. If none are available put them in boxes and store them in a closet or something if you have the space in the (according to your words) slim hope you'll read them eventually. Anyway I get the feeling you're not yet ready to separate with them in any case. 2) Put them in a bookmarksfolder called miscellaneous. You saved them for a reason and this way they will be handy when you need them without getting in your way. 3) Buy another external HD. 4) If you are still interested in the subjects keep them in a box for future reference. If not throw them out asap.