I ended up being pretty lean on SC2, got some LOL and Planetside2 in, then stopped playing PS2 for some Warframe, currently on the fence which I like better.
Coming back to SC2 and putting some games down, I'm finding the matchmakers fairly annoying and the meta is moving along faster than I am. It's always annoying to be matched vs Plat/Diamond, ose 3-4 games and the matchmaker responds by...matching you vs a Masters leaguer...what the hell? It's frustrating enough to be on a losing streak, but to follow up a few loses with a game you have almost no chance of winning is just adding insult to injury.
Enough of that whine though. A lot of the builds I was originally having a lot of success with have been meeting some pretty tough opposition. Particularly in ZvP void ray-heavy builds are giving me a lot of trouble. For ZvT it seems like my opponents are just making better, more tactial use of drops, mines and their other tools, so I'm not able to abuse them like I previously was, however, swarm hosts' power in ZvT is still amazing me. They're so much more effective there than I expect most of the time.
Had a good talk with a player of the name SlidingTalentz, master league protoss, and he gave me some good advice and we'll probably end up doing some games together when he gets back from a trip IRL. Seems like a pretty good guy and good at explaining concepts and picking out key errors in thinking, rather than just execution. So, that's always a plus.
Right now my key issues losing me games are supply blocks and my inability to parse aggression in the early/mid game. I've spent too long in WOL just defending and stalling till broods/late game and only getting aggressive at 200 food/max tech, or after winning a decisive defense.
My supply blocking issue is still getting better, and the fact that it's easily viewable on the score screen now is helping me a lot. As for aggression, I guess I'm just going to have to start practicing being aggro, putting pressure on, counter attacks, etc...maybe I need to start trying some earlier-game focused builds? Dunno...we'll see.