In my accounting internship placements and my former full time job, I have had varying experiences, some of them quite negative (and probably jaded my perception of what the accounting work world is like). Those experiences continue to affect me in the form of history on my resume and I can't seem to shake in interviews.
I am close to getting my Chartered Accountant* designation but it's gotten so hard to even apply to places because many accounting firms where I live have seen my resume before. Even the places outside of Ontario (Canada) are hard because they would be worried that I would fly the coop after getting my letters, and I would be worried that I would move out there and for it not to work out.
I am in a position that I don't want to be in right now. I want my life to be moving forward but it's not happening at the moment. I am trying to keep positive but some days it's really hard. It doesn't help that I'm really indecisive about making decisions, especially big ones.
Truth to be told, I've been hemming and hawing about switching out of accounting for roughly the past year. But, what would I otherwise be doing? I really don't know because I've only ever known accounting and a few business courses. Other industry jobs that I look at require a professional accounting designation, so if I were to look for something else, I would just have a university degree in accounting (which is not much).
But really, I have not seen much of what actual accounting is like, only the grunt work of public accounting which is not for everyone.
In the end, it's either whether or not I believe the sunk costs are worth it or not. On one hand, I've invested almost 7 years of my life working to this accounting designation and if I don't get it I'll have nothing to show for it. On the other hand, if it's not meant to be then I should cut the losses and start something else.
I'm sorry to ramble like this, I just need to get it out of my system.
Any thoughts/criticisms will be welcome.
*CA designation is the same as CPA in the US.